She knows they're wrong, but she doesn't care . .

by indireneed 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • indireneed

    I posted some questions a while ago about my wife, and now I'm lost. I put together a 200 page exposition on how the Governing Body are false witnesses using only Watchtower literature (scans and the CD) and showing how they claim to be the salvation and that people shouldn't think for themselves, showed it to my wife, and she simply told me that she knew all those things and that if she could she would divorce me. It's all in the Bible.
    The weird thing is though, the next morning, she pretended like things are fine. Now, I don't know what she's thinking. But she didn't stop going to the Hall, so I assume she just doesn't care that they are lying pieces of crap. They're the best liers on the planet, and the chosen liers of God!
    Now, I don't know what to do. I told her that I will not 'associate' with the JWs and that I refuse to read their literature, but now I feel helpless. I have no idea what she could be thinking and how to proceed. I didn't read this in any anti-cult book!

  • Fredhall


    If you give her crap, then most likely you will get crap back.

  • zev

    if we can find a way to communicate....i have a story for you my friend.

    i cannot post my email there one i can send you information too?

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED

  • COMF

    I suggest you begin battening down your personal hatches. Secure your most precious belongings, speak to legal counsel about child custody, etc. I don't like to be discouraging, man, but this behavior sounds ominous.


  • Francois

    I'm afraid COMF is right alright. You did the best you could do, attempt to show her the JWs for what they are using their own words, to no avail. This proves once again that religion isn't a function of the intellect, but of emotion, especially as it relates to the attractions and blandishments of a cult.

    COMF gave you very good advice. Get yourself bundled up and prepare for seige. I fear the possibility that the person you once knew may disappear. Protect yourself. Guard your heart.


  • chappy

    You can also be sure she's being coached my friend. Remember, the brainwashed person only makes sense to themselves, other brainwashees, and the brainwasher(s). Good Luck!


  • larc

    On the home front, I would keep it low keyed. If you bring up anything in the near future she is likely to over react. I would not say anything contraversial at all for awhile.

    I have a friend whose wife turned him in when he voted for the local school levy. She knew of his doubts, but she got him on an overt action. He was disfellowshipped and they were divorced a year later.

  • Pathofthorns

    I really don't think this sort of thing is very rare. People like your wife are what the WT is eventually going to become.

    At some point there will be so much information floating around and people will be sooo scared to look at it because they know what happens when they do- their fantasy world crumbles.

    Your wife really hasn't looked at the information you showed her, and she really hasn't considered what it means. She refuses to and from what i've seen, there is absolutely nothing you can do until she chooses to be reasonable and look at things logically. Unfortunately right now she can't detach herself enough from her delusions to see the importance of doing this.

    I'm not sure what hope there is. Some people I know develope this funny tolerance toward people like us. It's like an understanding that you might know "something" but you also "might" be wrong and if you let them keep going, they will tolerate you as well.

    I worry if people like that eventually just crack up because they just want to hold to a belief system they know is wrong because it just seems so nice and the thought of there being "nowhere to go" is too scary for them.


  • Vienna

    indireneed: Sounds like what I used to do to my husband. He would show me some fact and in my head I would go "Oh man! That can't be true!", only in my head, all the while I would say to him "I knew that. It's not a big deal, why even bother showing me?" And be mad at him for the rest of the day.

    I never wanted him to know what I was thinking, and the shock of it caused me to be on the defensive. Be patient. If she's anything like me, she DOES care but she is not going to let you know, especially if you're hounding her in the "I'm right, you're wrong" way my husband used to. It wasn't until he approached me in a more humble nature (after many, many months later), showing me from the Bible (I couldn't argue with scripture when it was telling me the opposite of what the WT was teaching) that I broke down my wall and said I was having doubts, could they really be wrong? We talked, studied topics together, and well, the rest is history.

    How are you approaching her? Are you talking about it often during the day (also cause for defense)?

  • Princess

    Is there some reason why you don't just ask her?


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