Help - elder just called!

by JW83 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW83

    Hi guys, an elder who just moved into my local (slack) cong just called to find out how I was going spiritually! I haven't been to meetings for a year and no one else has ever cared, even though I was aux pio'ing at the time I stopped. He is coming over with his wife one day, he said. I really want to disassociate cos I think it's all crap and the borg has hurt me a lot but my parents are witnesses and I don't want to make our relationship difficult cos we're really close. They know I'd disassociate if it wasn't for them. What should I say to this elder and his wife when they call - how do I manage my temper so that they just go away??!!

    Hope you can help, Jayne

  • Frenchy

    If he's bringing his wife he's probably not there except to 'encourage' you to come to the meetings. Play it cool and thank him for coming. You don't have to say that you will try to go or make any other remarks like that. Just thank him for his concern and be cordial to them both.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • TMS


    Although, it may not be come up, you may want to be mentally prepared for the question: "Do you believe Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth?" Since you feel it not in your best interests at the this time to DA yourself, you may want to have a ready answer that you could say with a straight face, such as: "Well, I don't see many other groups going from door to door."

    In other words, a little "Theocratic strategy." LOL


  • metatron

    Tell 'em you're depressed. Avoid all doctrinal controversies.
    Better yet, don't be home


  • nelly136

    I agree with met, avoid any confrontation
    on doctrine and just be nice and evasive.
    No point going for the throat if youre
    in contact with your family and have managed to drift
    without too much agro

  • ozziepost

    G'day JW83,

    A common problem with the likelihood of the tried and true terrorist question that TMS has mentioned: "Do you believe Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth?" or something like that.

    Rather than play into their hands by DA yourself, better to stall. Like TMS I think now is the time for some 'theocratic strategy'. Suggest you e-mail Prisca or myself soonest.

    BTW sorry we've missed you lately. We'll catch up at the next one, right?


    "Evil is the absence of empathy"
    Movie (2000), Nuremberg

  • Disengaged

    Dear JW83;
    Take Metatrons advice, and also tell them you'll let them know if there is a "spiritual emergency" otherwise they can butt out. And if this guy is new to the area and does not know you, who is he to think he can come over and "grease your head with oil" and make things all better when he doesn't even know you. If that's the case how pompous!!

    "They couldn't quite explain it, they'd always just gone there.....mmmm.mmm.mmm. CTDummies

  • ArgCampeon


    First of all, hello. I think if this elder is new to the area and he is taking time to call you and then a make friendly visit, then this is good. Maybe you haven't been able to speak openly to other elders, but maybe a fresh new opportunity is here. There's no reason to argue or get mad. I really believe that Jehovah wants us to be encouraged and he uses many people that we would not think of to do this. Maybe this is his way of encouraging you. Take advantage and have a nice, healthy conversation with this couple. It certainly won't hurt.

  • ozziepost


    If only!

    Have you seen in the movies where the secret police use smooth words to entice their victim to attend a meeting with them?

    That's what it's like, old son.


    "Evil is the absence of empathy"
    Movie (2000), Nuremberg

  • blondie

    Hi JW83...just a thought, I am positive the other elders have shared their viewpoints of you and any past problems you have had in the congregation and things you have said already to I don't think he will be coming without some preconceived ideas. Just as Ozziepost says, it wouldn't hurt to be prepared for any "innocent" questions. And as was said, his wife will be there so it is not supposed to get too pointed...just friendly. Just remember even if you are right about your points, you will be considered wrong to point them out, especially to a brother and an elder at
    that...running ahead of Jehovah's org.

    I find answering a question with a question works great, i.e., "Why are you asking that?" "Why do you think that?" "Why do you feel that way?"

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