Got The 2006 Yearbook - Treasures Inside!

by Stephanus 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus


    Okay, so it's the Australian Gold Gem And Treasure Yearbook... Still, you're more likely to find treasure prospecting Australia's gold and gem fields than in anything the Watchtower Society publishes.

    Any prospectors/fossickers/treasure detector types here?

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    It's nice to see they do human interest stories too :

    I take it the 'Golddiggers' article is about protecting yourself from partners who are only after your money and the one on 'Choosing the right coil' is about contraception.

  • Stephanus
    I take it the 'Golddiggers' article is about protecting yourself from partners who are only after your money

    Pretty much so - it's about prostitution and male/female relationships in general on the goldfields during the 1850s. Life was much tougher then - talk about a place and a time where "the need is greater"!

  • willyloman

    Could you look on the inside cover and tell me what the date is for that WT study on "Gold Diggers and Good Time Girls?" Oh, wait, it's the yearbook. Never mind!

  • jeanniebeanz

    LOL Bait and swicheroo, huh? Why I oughtta'...

  • Stephanus
    Could you look on the inside cover and tell me what the date is for that WT study on "Gold Diggers and Good Time Girls?"

    Don't you think meeting attendances would rise if such topics were really touched upon?

    LOL Bait and swicheroo, huh? Why I oughtta'...

    As soon as I saw the magazine on the newsstand, I knew exactly what I was going to do with it - had to download a new scanner driver and install photoshop in order to do it all. As my brother always says "If only he used his powers for niceness, instead of evil!"

  • jeanniebeanz

    My brother, Kevin used to go on gold panning trips with his buddies from Redwood Valley. They went to the sierras somewhere. He usually came back with a couple hundred dollars worth of gold, about enough to pay for the trip.

    It was interesting.


  • daniel-p

    I just got my WT Library CD ROM, 2005 version. And there is a new feature: Now, upon loading up the program, you are greeted with the daily text for the apropriate day along with links to the references used. My, how Jah's chariot moves right along, making minor computer program adjustments here, major flip-flops in doctrine there....

  • ozziepost


    How's things, mate? Orright? Missed ya heaps but good to see you're keeping abreast of current light!

    We luvs ya.


  • Stephanus

    Hey Ozzie - how's it hangin'?

    Living in the Southern Tablelands, as you do, you'd know a thing or two about fossicking, wouldn't you? Many's the day I spent stumping around the Oallen/Nerriga areas, panning for bits of colour.

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