The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories - new - It Brings Bad Things to Life

by RunningMan 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder

    great chapter thankyou

  • greven

    I really enjoyed so far each and every chapter, including this one.


    Many of the wars on our planet were solely and exclusively religious wars. The Crusades are a perfect example.

    I think this claim and esp. the latter part of it shows poor research. The Crusades were absolutlely not 'solely and exclusively' religious in nature. True, religion played a major role in it, but you cannot deny or ignore the fact that those military campaigns had their roots in political circumstances in Europe. Religon was used as an important and easy tool to accomplish rahter political goals. Religion was the tool to gain control over and support of the masses (both moral and monetary), which was needed to fund such extraordinary endeavours.

    Claiming the Crusades were purely religious wars distorts and simplifies a very complex (and not to mention bloody) part of history.

    The fact that organised religion has an inherent tendency to work to control the thinking and acting of it's adherants is one of it's core evils. This is what makes it such an attractive ally or tool for political powers. Once you control the ruling religion you control the majority of the people. Do people eagerly die for money? to expand borders? Few are willing to do that. Do they die for 'god'? Without a second thought. Now, when you control 'gods' will, you have an instant army of fanatical warriors at your disposal willing and even eager to die.


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