Christian discussion

by seek2find 6 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • seek2find

    Would it be possible to have a section of this board for discussion from a Christian prospective? Many people who leave JWs or are thinking about leaving, would like to maintain the title and way of life as a Christian, and it would be nice if there was a place here for them to discuss topics of interest and doctrinal issues with others who also want to be Christians, without annoying those who no longer beleive in God or have taken an agnostic stand. I think it might serve to atract more lurkers if they knew that they could post thoughts and concerns, to others who could offer encouragement from a Christian prospective. This is not a complaint, and I hope it isn't taken that way, just a sugestion. seek2find

  • AuldSoul

    I like the suggestion and would happily suport such a group, however I can easily imagine that we'd be getting requests for various other beliefs that people have left to go to. Then, instead of one forum that more closely typifies the mix of folks a Witness will run into in the real world, we would have little microcosmic communities of like-minded people.

    I think the better choice for lurkers who want support is to watch for posts from those who strike them as Christian and PM them for counsel from a Christian perspective. I have had people PM questions to me even though they never posted, and I am sure others have had the same experience.

    I could see some benefit to an area that is a "wading pool" of sorts, where newbie posters won't feel quite as much that they are jumping straight into the deep end without knowing how to swim.

    Oh, and here's an overdue



  • JamesThomas

    Because of the selective thinking many Christians embrace I imagine there must be many Christian-forums one can join that successfully remove anyone who is critical of their beliefs and scriptures.

    Such a closed and protected community probably wouldn't fit in here though. Especially after what most of us have been through.

    Good luck to you.


  • jgnat

    I've learned from hard experience if you make the crowd too exclusive, you stifle the energy. This board is so effective because of the energy of our various points of view. I'm a Christian and I've managed to wade my through fairly effectively. As a side-benefit, I've improved my hearing.

    If you want a more protected environment, check these out:

  • greendawn

    The idea is not bad but there are already other forums that cater for precisely what you have described, ex JWs that want to carry on following a christian lifestyle.

  • seek2find

    Thanks to all for their imput. I'll welcome PMs from all who have left or are thinking of leaving who want to stay (or become) Christian. Peace to all, seek2find

  • acadian

    Hello all,

    And Welcome seek2find.

    seek2find said,

    would like to maintain the title and way of life as a Christian

    It's funny, I'm 50 years old, and I still haven't met a follower of the "Way" that Jesus taught. I've met plenty of Christians though.

    They come in all beliefs.

    If you want real discussions, this is the place, just start a topic, let's see what ya got, defend your faith.


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