Showtunes:1 Thumpers:0

by Nathan Natas 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This isn't really FRESH, but I thought you might enjoy it.


    This morning I had the most bizarre subway ride. I board the Number 3 train at Grand Army Plaza after 9 a.m. Find a seat, then settle into reading Henry James for class. I hear a woman’s voice gradually rising in volume. She is preaching the “Lord’s” word to the train car’s sleepy riders. Of course, I had forgotten the headphones for my subway evil sounds blocking device. The train stops and starts.
    The words denigrating “gay devils” reach my ears. I stand up.

    Me: “Excuse me, but do you mind keeping your voice down, I am trying to read.”

    Preacher Lady: (screams) “I got to testify.”

    Preacher lady hitches up her skirts and tells me that I am going to hell for interrupting you-know-who’s word. Two or three OTHER Christian ladies on the train start shouting at me and discussing my prospects as the Devil’s prison bitch. The last straw was a 50 something red faced man in a suit slamming his Bible towards my face.
    There was only one thing I could do.

    Me: “If you all don’t lower your voices and cease calling me Satan, I will have to sing show tunes.”

    The other straphangers look at me with stony faces.
    I begin to sing.
    “Its very clear, our love is here to stay. Not for a year, but forever and a day…”

    Preacher lady and the Jesus police start mumbling and beseeching G_d to strike me down and boil me in molten tar. (I look better in silver.)
    The train reaches Wall Street. Confused subway riders check out the scene. I begin swaying and feeling the music.

    The slamming Bible man looks like he is going to pop a blood vessel. “I cast ye out, Satan.”

    I go into jazz dance crouch and then spring up to belt out, “THAAAAAAT OLD BLACK MAGIC, HAS ME IN A SPELL…”

    Bible man has to get off the train as I wriggle and shimmy. “That same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine!”

    Bible man exits. SHOW TUNES 1, FUNDAMENTALISTS 0.

    “So when you walk alone and forlorn, and hear that Cadillac horn remember, love isn’t born, its made…and that’s why every window has a window shade…bad a biddle be bop…”

    I try to discuss freedom of religion with the ladies, but all attempts at reasonable discourse fail.

    By 34th street, the last of the Christian word warriors has left the train. 3 subway riders shake my hand and say, “I have always wanted to tell those idiots to shut up! Bless you.”

    I am shaking. I don’t know what comes over me at times like this. I only know that I cannot stay silent. I wish that I had my ukulele with me.

    At 42nd street, a woman strides into the car and starts PREACHING. The entire car bursts into laughter. I interrupt this new preacher lady and note that she is wearing a flowered straw bonnet.

    Me: “Excuse me, Ma’am…but I must warn you that there has been a 12 subway stop donnybrook regarding the unwanted intrusion of religious beliefs into our morning commutes.”

    Preacher Lady 2: “I got freedom of speech! And GOD TELLS ME THAT THE GAY DEVILS ARE CONTROLLING NEW YORK.”

    Me: (standing up) “If you do not cease and desist fouling the air with homophobia, I must sing…SHOW TUNES.”

    There are now 3 or 4 gay men on the train. They start laughing.

    Preacher Lady 2: “The Lawd says you are going to …” (litany of punishments that would be fun with the right person).

    Me: (sings) “The Girl that I marry will have to be, as soft and as sweet as a nursery… the girl I call my own, will wear diamonds and laces and smell of cologne…”

    One of the boys on the train starts to harmonize.

    Preacher Lady 2 makes her way down the car, pointing and exclaiming, “I have met the devil right here!”

    Me: (sings) “Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets…”

    Dancing around the subway poles and doing my best Gwen Verdon kicks, I feel the spirit in me.

    I close with “Pennies from Heaven” and make sure to get the Jazz Hands in for good measure.

    As Preacher Lady 2 runs to the next car at 72nd Street, the doors open, a perfect end of song button for my gay pointing gesture.

    The subway riders break into applause and I bow. Rock on.

    Several straphangers whisper, Happy New Year to me in Hebrew.

    An Orthodox lady hands me an orange.

    I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

    This was written by Koaloha
    Copyright 2004

  • Gretchen956

    Thanks, Nathan, that was funny!


  • Scully


    If someone who wants to exercise their freedom of speech does so in the forest, do the trees cry?

  • willyloman

    Warm funny, wonderful story. Even better now that we are free to react to our human emotions rather than being judgmental and falling back on the party line, the way we would have just a few years ago.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Very funny Nate. I posted it on another db I "attend". Not JW, but they will appreciate it just the same.

  • Rooster

    Yes I read your post on JWO and got a good laugh. thank,you

  • tweety

    That was so funny! That brought memories for me.

    When I use to ride the subway into Washington D.C, every moring there was an Asian man who would get on the redline and orange line trains and start to sing (very, very loud) all of them Christian songs. (I do have to say, that he had a beautiful voice)

    One morning he started with his singing and someone yelled out....'NOT THIS MORNING!' He stopped singing, smiled and bowed towards the people on the train. Next stopped, he jumped off and ran up to sing for another group. haa

  • theinfamousone

    that was awesome..... i had a seventh day adventist in a wheel chair talking to me today.... he treied to get me to sign some book to say that jesus has my heart or something... and when i said no, that i would take the book but i aint signing shit, he started yelling at me and telling me i was going to hell... well i said stop yelling at me... i asked him if he was sure he was gonna still be a seventh day adventist in his next life.... HE FLIPPED, called me the son of the devil and that i was doomed for eternal damnation.... and he said that the devil put me in this earthly paradise to tempt him to be vengeful or something like that, i dont remember clearly.... when he started spitting at me that god gave him everything he had and he was eternally grateful to god for that, i said "did he forget to give you working legs???" and i pranced around him and ran away!!!

    hee hee, yes i know im evil, and cruel and mean, but im damned either way, so i might as well have some fun!!

    the infamous one

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