Ever look in the mirror and not recognize yourself?

by AlmostAtheist 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rabbit

    I've had that happen, too. Sometimes when I've cut off my beard or goatee -- weird. Once I cut off my mustache that I've had since I was 18 "Who is this child in the mirror?"

    I had it happen most often when I was leaving the Truth ™ & going thru a horrendous divorce, it did seem I "didn't recognize myself". I suppose I was really morphing into another man, my values were changing so much.

    And I have epilepsy, so it also feels surreal at times after seizures...looking in mirrors. Other people here with epilepsy will understand that.

    And besides that, I am certifiably crazy. And so are you Dave.

    So there !


  • IP_SEC

    Ya, and sometime life is like Im watching TV at the same time I have this kind of dissociation.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    All the time.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Have you ever had the experience of looking in the mirror and seeing what appeared to be a stranger looking back at you? I don't mean this metaphorically, nor do I mean that you look so disheveled that others wouldn't know you either. I mean you look in the mirror and see what you always see, but today it seems as if you've never seen it before

    Every time I look in the mirror I wonder who that old lady is.

    Someone painted my portrait a few years ago. I always wonder who that old granny is.

  • Finally-Free

    I am a very hot man, and women drool when they see me. The idiot in the mirror is an impostor.


  • Elsewhere

    I've always had a hard time with glass walls and wall mirrors. I have a hard time telling if they are there or not so I sometimes walk right into them.

    I've noticed department stores tend to place large mirrors around the support columns all over the store. Those are the ones that get me the most. Nearly every time I go into a department store I end up having to stop and examine a "space" before I attempt to walk into it because many times I've found it to be a solid mirror wall.

  • Sunnygal41
    And I have epilepsy, so it also feels surreal at times after seizures...looking in mirrors. Other people here with epilepsy will understand that.

    Thank you, Rabbit........I knew there was a condition that causes this disassociative disorder, just couldn't remember which one.........my ex bro-in-law had epilepsy, and I remember hearing or reading about this......somewhere...........ah, my mind isn't what it used to be.........

  • wednesday

    Almost, I know you are under some stess recently. I have had this happen to me, I think it is a form of depersonalization. The defination I have for that is " feelings of unreality or a loss of personal idenity: often experienced as ones' being someone else or as watching oneself in a movie"' It is stress related.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Yes, stress is almost surely it.

    It wasn't making sense. I haven't smoked in awhile, but my body's getting all the nicotine it asks for. I got quite a bit of sleep last night. I'm eating right, drinking the requisite gallon of coffee -- all systems nominal. Yet this?

    But you're right, it's stress.

    Thanks for tying up all the little bits for me! (Now I'm expecting 15 bills for "counseling")


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