Cruel Pre-1975 Teaching Point - Persecution

by Amazing 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    Hi Amazing,
    I can remember fearing the persecution that was coming. The Malawi thing seemed to confirm this and I can remember discussing how we would cope with beatings and torture with other young sisters.
    Then there seemed to be a change of emphasis. There was talk of other countries receiving this 'hands-on' persecution but we in the western world had a different test facing us - MATERIALISM.
    So then came endless talks on materialism all delivered by brothers with posh houses and fancy cars. Apparantly love of money was to be our problem. Wished I'd had some to love. Well at least they knew what they were talking about.

    Free(still waiting for the money test)

  • VM44

    Hi r51785,

    I remember Vincent Mancuso from the time he and his wife lived in San Diego, I believe
    they both live somewhere in Arizona now. My family had them over for dinner many

    I remember one story Vincent told about the convention he attended in 1950, Vincent
    said that the attendees knew some sort of announcement was going to be made about
    "the Princes." There was much excitement, and they were looking carefully at the older
    men in attendance, especially if they were wearing beards, they thought they might
    be some of the ancient worthies resurrected!

    But the announcement was that the "Princes" are the elders who lead the congregations!


  • r51785

    VM44, I also knew Mancuso in San Diego. We probably know each other. Please email me.

  • Bendrr

    You sure make me remember the "creative" Service Meeting parts! Creative elders coming up with their own dramas, one we had used to take a roving microphone into the audience like Donahue.
    It was stunts like the one above that made The Empire clamp down on meeting format. To stifle independent thought, you must also stifle creativity.

  • Ranchette

    Although I don't remember any thing quite as extreem as that horrifying demonstration,what I do remember was bad enough.Talks constantly stressed how close we were to the end,I'm not talking about the way they o today.They had you beliving any day now!!They also told tons of scary stories about persecution.They were very detailed,telling us that there would be no ecaping this persecution if we were Jehovahs people.There was no way out and still live in paradise.As others have mentioned these talks were very tramatizing especially to the children.I was between 7 and 10 during that time.I remember imagining all kinds of situations that might befall me and my family.Things like facing a firing squad,being interogated,seperated from family,concentration camps,rape.I could go on and on.The grown ups were probably dealing with this in a different way but this was a very improper way of dealing with children.Add on top of that,some of had nuttier parents than most.My mother used to use this information we heard at the meetings to scare me into obedience and submission.Well come to think of it she was trained well!She would tell me that if I didn't learn to obey that I could be the cause of us being killed or captured in the Tribulation.

    I noticed a big change in the meetings in the late 70's and early 80's.I never connected that one reason they lightened up was because the end didn't come when they expected it to.

    During the early to mid 70's I sure didn't have much trouble staying awake at the meetings!I'm just glad I don't have to go any more.

  • waiting

    In those pre-Armageddon Days, all our actions were put into perspective to The End.

    One sister had lost about 20 pounds, and I commented that she looked good - but that extra weight might have come in handy during the likely food shortage coming shortly.

    She countered with the statement that another brother had commended her for getting lean and fit for the Tribulation coming.

    Another sister lectured me on hoarding food as I had two jars of peanut butter in my house (with 3 kids - that's nothing.) - but I took heed as that could be construed as a secret sin.

    It was a fearful time, we lived in anticipation of suffering for ourselves and our children.


  • BoozeRunner


    Yes, fear is the name of the game! I remember elders using fear to boost meeting attendance.

    For example, I remember hearing it suggested that we may need to hear special instructions from the WTS at the onset of the Great Tribulation, and the likely place would be at the KH. Those who were not in attendance may end up losing their lives.

    FEAR!!! A powerful tool of the WTS.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Amazing,

    thanks for the post.

    Here, in this part of Europe...the main topic used
    was: persecution/ materialism and as BoozeRunner wrote:

    "that we may need to hear special instructions from the WTS at the onset of the Great Tribulation, and the likely place would be at the KH. Those who were not in attendance may end up losing their lives."

    Same stuff, depends on which side of the world you're living.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • waiting

    In Indiana at my congregation, there were no "may need to hear." It was preached to us When the End comes soon, our normal means of information naturally will be interrupted - the Service Meeting and the Book Studies will be the means for which information can be received for every brother and sister. If we're not faithful in attendence, we could miss information that could save our lives. (paraphrsed) This, and still is, usually followed up with the experience of some brother somewhere who didn't get to the meetings, and died in some war or civil uprising.

    The reason given? These two meetings specifically dealt with the individual needs of members. The book study was the most intimate where we knew each other, where the elder really knew his flock.

    Interestingly, NOW the reason we're given to be especially faithful to our bookstudy is in case of a natural disaster - so that the elder will be able to know who to keep in touch with - find, look out after.
    Nothing about the End anymore. Duh, missed that change.

    Interestingly, life/death information was always to come from the meetings with the typical least attendance. Way to boost attendance?


  • blondie

    "Positively know the appearance of the flock" but can't find their phone number or their address even when it is in the phone book....that's most of the elders I have known. "I'm sorry, we would have called instead of dropping in, but we couldn't find your phone number." If there ever was a disaster, only their little social circle would get a call.

    Proverbs 26:15 (paraphrased)
    15 The lazy one has hidden his hand in the “phone book”; he has become too weary to “open it up to see.”

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