When did having children become the right thing to do?

by james_woods 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    Possibly someone else who was around in the 1975-1980 time frame will remember this:

    It seemed to be that prior to 1975, the message on children was "wait until the new system". However, it seemed to me at the time that after 1975 there was a popularization of child bearing. The Awake always had some fluff article on "natural childbirth", "parenting", etc.

    With the combination of no fulfillment whatsoever in 1975, and with the drop in pioneering (maybe partly due to the end of selective service about this same time), a distinct downturn in growth followed this year.

    I have always thought that with the decline in growth after 1975, the society realized that haviing children meant more members, and kind of dropped the advice to "wait until the new system". Does anyone else suspect the same? Or, have they now gone back to the wait & pioneer viewpoint?


  • Mary
    I have always thought that with the decline in growth after 1975, the society realized that haviing children meant more members, and kind of dropped the advice to "wait until the new system". Does anyone else suspect the same? Or, have they now gone back to the wait & pioneer viewpoint?

    If memory serves, they were once again droning on in the early 1980s about how it would be better to wait until the New System before having children and how Noah and his family never had children before the Flood because they were busy preaching, yada, yada, yada..... I specifically remember one friend of mine (a fanatic Dub) who didn't have children and who openly lambasted anyone who did. This wasn't the first time the Borg pulled this, but this was the first time where most Witnesses simply ignored it and had children anyway. With the fallout of the 1995 'generation' issue, I think the GB has quickly realized that it's not too smart to tell people not to have children after all. With zero percent growth in places like Canada and the USA, if people don't have children, then the numbers are going to continue to fall.

    While there hasn't been anything official read saying "yes, we think it's fine for you to have children now", they're not nearly as dogmatic as what they once were about it.

  • Gregor

    I remember when we heard that Bro. Knorr got married. It was kind of unsettling because, at that time, the Society's stance on young people getting married was like "yeah, you can marry, but it would be better if you spent your time and attention solely on the preaching work. People who get married are those who can't control their sexual urges" Better to marry than masterbate!

  • bitemeWT

    Yeah, I remember this announcement in the late 80's. I remember it was a yr or two after I graduated HS.

    My friend had just had twins because they were denied entrance to bethel. I made the statement that she probably wouldn't have anymore kids after this because of what was said at the assembly. She had a hesitation in her voice and then reluctantly agreed with me.

    She went on to have another baby... got df'd... remarried... had 2 or three more... got reinstated... got divorced... got married again... had another baby (total count 6 or 7. I lost count)... and this is the short version of her life!

    Hopefully, one of these days she'll be out. I think she already is mentally since she still speaks to me.

  • IMustBreakAway

    I know that now they look down on anyone that might consider vasectomy or other forms of permanant birth control, and there is much talk about, "Gods" original purpose for marriage and sex. (iE having kids and families.)

  • slugga

    I remember at the 89 assembly the idea of having children was poo pooed, I particularly remember because I was seeing a sister that didn't want any and this announcement more or less justified her views .She was even worse a few weeks later when there was a watchtower study about it, "Woe to the pregnant women and those suckling a baby in those days!" and all that

    Cheers WBTS for f**king up my life!

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i have no idea about the witnoids and kids from around that time.

    but i did have a bill hicks quote about children i wanted to share with you all. but then in a moment of banal lucidity, i realized it wasn't appropriate.


  • sass_my_frass

    I remember that there was a 'don't have children' talk at a convention in the early nineties, Lovers of Freedom is ringing a bell, 1992, 1994? I think 1992.

  • montana96

    The late 80s and early 90s we were still discouraged subtly to not have children. Then nothing more has been discussed for quite some time.

    Then my mum recently started talking about how wise it is to wait now and she would think twice about having kids as end is so near and the world is a terrible place.

    Quite often these comments come from those who have already had their children so it seemed very selfish for them to say this as having kids has been by far the greatest joy in life! I am so lucky we changed our minds as we were pioneering and thought we had better wait for the NS. Lucky for us, but I see some who have put it off and all of a sudden youre getting older and panic sets in. I have seen many have kids later in life usually close together to try and catch up.

  • greendawn

    There must be a lot of childless couples that feel gutted now that the new system has not appeared and they will have to die without any children.

    That appeal to people's spiritual side, work for jehovah don't have families, don't go to university, has duped many R&F.

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