Kingdom Halls?

by Rooster 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rooster

    When Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman by the well did he imply that buildings (like the temple) would have to be built & dedicated to God for a person to be able to worship God?

    Can modern day kingdom halls really be considered a place of true worship?

  • blondie

    Actually, the WTS castigates "Christendom" for calling their buildings a church when the church (or worshippers) is really the people. A place is a place of worship wherever a worshiper is, a building has nothing to do with it, IMO.


  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    The early christians met in houses in small groups and had their own agendas, not ordered to do all doing the same things, believing all the same things, from a governing body. The apostles and older men in Jerusalem solved one problem after a long period of time of disputes, that of circumcism. We have no record that they controlled every move they made right down to having a beard or not, what songs to sing, etc.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    It was not a matter of where a person worshipped.

    It was a matter of the heart. And didn't Jesus say something where 2 or more are gathered in my name, there I am?


  • Rooster

    1st Thessalonians 4th chapter


    However, with reference to brotherly love, YOU do not need us to be writing YOU, for YOU yourselves are taught by God to love one another; 10 and, in fact, YOU are doing it to all the brothers in all of Mac·e·do´ni·a. But we exhort YOU, brothers, to go on doing it in fuller measure, 11 and to make it YOUR aim to live quietly and to mind YOUR own business and work with YOUR hands, just as we ordered YOU; 12 so that YOU may be walking decently as regards people outside and not be needing anything.

    Paul did not say that they had better get out and share their beliefs with their neighbors!

  • Sunspot

    Here we find yet another example of scripture-twisting by the unchristian empire of the WTS.....where the word "church" is removed from their skewed NWT and replaced with "congregation". Of course.....NO agenda it? They are SO evil and corrupt.

    I am surprised that the WTS didn't just come out and put the term "Kingdom Hall" into their twisted translation and then say the bible writers were mistaken!

    The WTS and its writing department have a steel pole firmly implanted up their collective backsides when it comes to the word "church" as we realize when reading from their "we'll tell it like WE WANT TO" version of the bible.



    Only in their own cult minds.

  • IMustBreakAway

    Is having a beard ever been an offical no no? I know that when i have visited congregations in eroupe i saw a lot of brothers even elders with beards and such. I figured it was a social hold-over from the 60's or something akin to washing the hands to elbow.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I think the Kingdom Hall is an added bounus to the entire "concept". It adds flare to say how many are being built per year. I've heard many say that they are the most importanat building in any community. Many forget that it's what's inside that counts, not the simple fact that a building or place exisists.

    About beards. I have some expierance on that one. It is encouraged that you don't have a beard. The current belief is that a brother can have a beard, thats his choice. Because it could cause somebody to "stumble", they would not qualify for any positions in the hall.

  • blondie
    Actually, the WTS castigates "Christendom" for calling their buildings a church when the church (or worshippers) is really the people. A place is a place of worship wherever a worshiper is, a building has nothing to do with it, IMO

    I guess this is confusing some.

    A place (location of the person) is a place of worship wherever a worshiper is

    So you could be in a field, in a bus, in a grocery store, and having a worshipful moment. You don't need to be in a special building or location. In the Bible, the word translated "church" is talking about people not a building. There is no holiness connected with any KH..

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