New year, new place, new life - ITIS and Freedomlover

by freedomlover 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41
    and at least one tattoo....

    FL, YOU GO GIRL!!! LOL! I have a tatty on my ankle.........I love it......but, be forwarned, they are extremely addictive~everytime I see artwork I like, I find myself thinking what a nice tattoo that would make! Maybe it's a good thing they are expensive........

  • misanthropic

    Ouch, the bellybutton takes awhile to heal. I don't know if you have had it done before or not but when I had mine it was before the low hanging jeans were "in" and I was always getting mine caught up on my jeans (very painful). Eventually I just took it out and left it out......But I have my nose pierced and I love it. I also have a tattoo but it's somewhere no one can see it unless I want them to. I was really worried about it seeming like the "cool" thing to do now, but knowing one day I will be an old woman with a tattoo......

  • freedomlover

    OUCH! thanks for the heads up on the belly-button thing Mis. - I always wear those low jeans anyway, so no worries there. I'm more worried about being able to hide during my visit home for my little brothers wedding. I can't wait to get my nose done!!

    yeah - a tattooed old lady....weird mental picture there!! oh well, I plan on living it up right until the last day, so hopefully my tatts will still be cool, at least to me, when I'm old! HA!

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