Calling all apologists/sympathizers...

by Sentient 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentient

    Okay, I'd like to invite some comments about this, particulary from those of you who don't believe or follow what the WTBTS teaches, yet on the other hand have made comments regarding the Witnesses such as:

    1. "but if it makes you happy..."

    2. "...more power to you..."

    3. "'s your choice..."

    4. "...I have no right to tell someone else what is right for them..."

    5. "...maybe some people can't survive without it..."


    Some of these are very good words to live by for life in general. But I would like to stimulate some rational thought on these cliches regarding the body of beliefs and way of life represented by Jehovah's Witnesses. If you read my posts here so far you know the feeling that I have for individual members still trapped inside, and my refusal to hate the GB as they hate me. But in reply to the above statements that I keep hearing, I would like to respond:

    1. NO ONE who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses is able to know what it means to be free or happy until they leave. Only then do they have a chance to live a life of their own choosing. Only those of us most involved who had convinced ourselves we were happy inside truly understand how that is so.

    2. Why do you wish more power to someone who devotes their life to promoting a teaching that strips people of one of their most basic rights, freedom of thought? Do you not realize that the more people support the Org, the more unsuspecting, ignorant people will become victims of their system?

    3. Believing something because you were subjected to a sustained, calculated system of indocrination without your knowledge of what was happening...does this count as a choice? What about the children who will fall victim to it, either members' own children or those receiving home bible studies? When their suggestible minds are subjected to this treatment, is it a freely chosen belief? Do you realize this is anethema to the most basic principles of human freedom by any interpretation?

    4. If you are familiar with the beliefs or indocrination process, do you at least feel confident that it is very harmful to any person who allows themselves to come under that control? If not how could you rationalize it as being "not as wrong for some people"?

    5. Are you aware of how many hardcore, unquestioning members have left and found more freedom and peace in their lives than they ever knew was possible? What leads you to conclude that any person does not have the inner strength necessary to escape from such an self-hating lifestyle and find peace? I think we need to give these individuals a little more credit.

  • ontarget

    People need to know that if they leave the witnesses they will have support from others that have gone through the same or similar difficulties. However, timing is everything. If someone is not ready emotionally, physically or financially to leave their family (parents, children, mates, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins), friends, home and many times their job or career then you could be leading them down a road of despair and suicide by advising them to leave before they are ready.

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