The FINAL Answer to Evolutionist Fools !

by Reluctant Buddha 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Reluctant Buddha
    Reluctant Buddha

    All righty, so what if the Bible (Genesis 1) says the earth is older than the stars?

    GODIDIT! God is MAGICAL! He can do ANYTHING! God can even make a giant turnip that plays the harmonica while it spews stars and planets out its ass.

    So WHAT if the Bible says the earth is only six thousand years old, but light from distant galaxies took BILLIONS of years to reach the earth?

    GODDIDIT! God simply sped the light up and then slowed it back down once it reached the earth!

    So WHAT if 98% of all species are now DEAD and the species now living are a paltry few in comparison?

    GODDIDIT! He drowned them in the Big Flood!

    So WHAT if the Ark was way too small for all the hundreds of millions of species and their food, water, and feces?

    GODIDIT! God simply made a space-time warp or something so that the Ark was way the HELL bigger on the inside than the outside! Plus, he gave superhuman speed and endurance to Noah and his family as they feverishly sped about caring for the animals!

    So WHAT if there are clear transition species, such as archaeoptyrix? Or the various furred reptiles?

    GODIDIT! He made these chimeras expressly to fool the unwary who would put faith in science rather than Book-Chapter-Verse!

    So WHAT if the Bible says disease is caused by evil spirits and sin, but science says it's caused by pathogens?

    GODIDIT! The demons USE pathogens to do their devilish work! No contradiction!


    So WHAT if there is no scientific evidence that God sped up the light and then slowed it down? You gotta BELIEVE!

    Hypocrisy you say? Demanding evidence for theories from deluded scientists, but not supplying any proof for our theories such as the sped-up light? BLASPHEMER! HERETIC! HELLFIRE FODDER!

    So WHAT if there arent any cow-toothed T-Rex or cow-toothed lions and tiger and bears (oh my!) in the fossil record, but we still castigate evolution for the relative paucity of transitional forms?



    "The Bible SAYS it, I BELIEVE it, that SETTLES it!" Blort.

    Man, if there is evidence LACKING for creationism MAKE IT UP! It's all for a good cause, The Truth, and we all know the Bible is right, so it's okay to lie for the Truth. We will be vindicated anyway, and shown to not have been lying! So MAKE SHIT UP for the GLOWRY OF JEEEEE-ZUS!

  • jeanniebeanz

    Can't....stop....laughing!!.... hahahahahahahahahahaha




    *breathes in* *snif* *snuffle* *wipes tears away*

    *thinks about it again*








    All this time, I didn't know you had a sense of humor there, buddhadude!

  • Reluctant Buddha
    Reluctant Buddha

    HI Jeanniebeanz

    This is Nate!

    The owner of the board blocked me because I wasn't being subserviant (story of my life, not being subserviant or obsequious), so I had to make a new identity. So far I haven't been blocked on this screen name.

    I'm glad you enjoyed my little diss n rant.

    "Raising Hell Not Consciousness"

  • Forscher

    Thanks for proving that you evolutionists are exactly the same kind of folks you say we creationists are! Touche!


  • Reluctant Buddha
    Reluctant Buddha

    Whatever keeps you from having to answer hard questions, right Forscher?

  • skyman

    Finally you see the light GODDIDIT.

    Please keep posting threads like this I love to see there is some one else that can think.


  • jeanniebeanz

    LMAO... Howdy good buddy.

    Hopefully you will behave yourself this time, eh?


  • Forscher

    Not at all RB. It just amazes me that people who loudly proclaim the facts are behind them can so easily produce insulting garbage like that post, think it amusing, and deny that they are acting in the very same way they claim their opponents are! And yet, I see it all the time in your discussions with creationists. You folks never take the high road. You folks always include insulting comments about our intelligence, etc. in your answers to us. You are almost always condescending toward us as your comment to me demonstrates. In short, evolutionists on this board act even worse than the creationists you potraid. And yet, you don't see it! If that isn't at least as blind and fanatical as you claim we are, then I must be in Wonderland!

    I've always tried to be respectful to the evolutionists on this board. But almost every time I've tried to have a civilised discussion, I've had my education and intelligence questioned, my motives impuned, and been called names. I have never posted the kind of tripe about you folks that I see so gleefully posted by you high-minded and tolerant evolutionists about creationists! And, although I don't doubt a few fanatics among my fellow creationists might've tried a few times, I've never seen a another creationist do it either. The post that this thread was started with is a prime example of narrow mindedness, intolerance, and worse. If that is a prime example of how the materialist world view benefits you, then I want no part of it! Where I might have been a bit more open to that kind of thinking when I started on this forum, you materialists have sure closed my mind to that avenue with that kind of bigotry!

    THAT, is my final answer to the evolutionists here!


  • jeanniebeanz
    The post that this thread was started with is a prime example of narrow mindedness, intolerance, and worse. If that is a prime example of how the materialist world view benefits you, then I want no part of it! Where I might have been a bit more open to that kind of thinking when I started on this forum, you materialists have sure closed my mind to that avenue with that kind of bigotry!

    Yikes, Forscher! It was just a joke... My goodness, you are grumpy this evening...


  • Forscher

    Sure am JeanniebeanZ. He deserved it though!


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