Loyalty to Org and jah WT 9/1/01

by Tina 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Tina,

    I've read the article and I do agree with
    your comments 100%! The real message is :

    " Be loyal to the WTBS "!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • julien
    "For instance, if Jehovah's name is reproached, does your concern for its reputation motivate you to speak up in his defense? That is what happened to one relatively new Christian and his wife when they attened the funeral of a relative who had been killed in a motorcycle accident. It was a non religious service, and those in attendance were allowed to say something about the deceased. One speaker proceeded to blame God for this young man's untimely death by saying, 'God wanted him in heaven, so he took him.' Our Chrisitan brother found it impossible to to remain silent. He stepped up to the podium, even though he had neither Bible nor notes. 'Do you hink a merciful, compassionate, almighty God approves of situations like this?' he asked. He then proceeded with a ten-minute impromptu discourse with Scripture quotations explaining why we die, what God has done to rescue mankind from death, and the marvelous prospect of a resurrection to everlasting life on a parqadise earth. The more than 100 people broke out into extended applause" - Pg. 20

    Just like a dub to start spouting JW bullshit false teachings. But to do it (without being asked to) at someone's funeral -- I would be outraged. Funerals are for the victim and the survivors.. They are not for attracting new members to a book selling cult of GB worship. This really annoys me.

  • Tina

    Hi All,
    Thanks for the insights! I found the article to be the usual propaganda except for the stress on loyalty to 'believing family and friends'. That I found to be different than from past articles pete.
    Thanks again,Tina

  • Norm

    Hi Tina,

    Thanks for the reminder. Loyalty to the WT organization is the singlemost important element in the whole array of tools for the totalitarian leaders in Brooklyn.

    There is at least one article about this annually in the WT magazine.

    Here is a "little" sampling:

    Loyalty, obedience and independent thinking

    *** w99 1/15 15-16 Lift Up Loyal Hands in Prayer ***
    2 Especially should congregation elders ‘lift up loyal hands in prayer.’ Their heartfelt prayers through Jesus Christ display loyalty to God and help them to avoid debates and outbursts of wrath. Actually, any man privileged to represent the Christian congregation in public prayer should be free from wrath, ill will, and disloyalty to Jehovah and his organization.

    *** w97 8/1 8 Serving Loyally With Jehovah's Organization ***
    Yes, in all aspects of life, we see God’s people determined to serve loyally with Jehovah’s organization.
    3 When Jehovah looks down upon this corrupt world, he sees very little loyalty. (Micah 7:2) How his heart must respond with joy when he observes the loyalty of his people! Yes, your own loyalty delights him. However, it enrages Satan, the original rebel, and proves him a liar. (Proverbs 27:11; John 8:44) Expect that Satan will try to undermine your loyalty to Jehovah and to His earthly organization. Let us consider some ways in which Satan does this. Thus we may see better how we can stay loyal to the end.—2 Corinthians 2:11.

    *** w97 8/1 10-11 Serving Loyally With Jehovah's Organization ***
    Shortly thereafter, Jehovah permanently cast off that temple. But until then, Jesus was loyal to it. (Mark 12:41-44; Matthew 23:38) God’s earthly organization today is far superior to the Jewish system with its temple. Granted, it is not perfect; that is why adjustments are made at times. But neither is it riddled with corruption, nor is Jehovah God about to replace it. Never should we allow any imperfections we perceive within it to embitter us or move us to adopt a critical, negative spirit. Let us, rather, imitate the loyalty of Jesus Christ.—1 Peter 2:21.

    *** w97 8/1 13 Serving Loyally With Jehovah's Organization ***
    17 The matter of misplaced loyalties may hit closer to home, though. When a dear friend or even a family member chooses a course that violates Bible principles, we may feel that we are torn between loyalties. Naturally, we feel loyal to family members. But never should we put our allegiance to them ahead of our loyalty to Jehovah! (Compare 1 Samuel 23:16-18.) We would neither help wrongdoers to conceal a serious sin nor side with them against elders who are trying to ‘readjust them in a spirit of mildness.’ (Galatians 6:1) Doing so would be disloyalty to Jehovah, his organization, and a loved one.

    *** w97 8/1 13-14 Serving Loyally With Jehovah's Organization ***
    21 True, relatively few of us today suffer such direct attacks on our loyalty. But God’s people may well face more persecution before the end comes. How can we be sure to maintain our loyalty? By keeping our loyalty now. Jehovah has given us a great commission —preaching and teaching about his Kingdom. Let us loyally keep at this vital work. (1 Corinthians 15:58) If we refuse to let human imperfections erode our loyalty to Jehovah’s organization and if we guard against such subtle forms of disloyalty as misplaced loyalties, then we will be better prepared should our loyalty be tested more severely. In any case, we may always rest assured that Jehovah is unfailingly loyal to his loyal servants. (2 Samuel 22:26) Yes, he will guard his loyal ones!—Psalm 97:10.

    *** w97 9/15 31 Aristarchus-A Loyal Companion ***
    We may not find ourselves in circumstances quite as dramatic as those experienced by Aristarchus. Nevertheless, similar loyalty to Christ’s spiritual brothers and to Jehovah’s organization is necessary for all those in the Christian congregation today.

    *** w96 1/15 6 They Assembled as Joyful Praisers ***
    “Serving Loyally With Jehovah’s Organization” was a talk that showed that loyalty is vital for God’s servants. To be loyal to Jehovah means to stick to him with devotion so strong that it acts like a powerful adhesive. Loyalty requires that we avoid deliberately violating Bible commands, whether others see us or not. It also requires that we loyally uphold the Bible teachings found in the Watchtower and Awake! magazines as well as all other spiritual food provided by the Watch Tower Society. This talk was followed by the baptism discourse. What joy there was when baptismal candidates gave evidence of their dedication to Jehovah!

    *** w96 3/15 16-18 Meeting the Challenge of Loyalty ***
    Loyalty to Jehovah’s Organization
    9 We now come to the matter of being loyal to Jehovah’s visible organization. Certainly, we owe loyalty to it, including “the faithful and discreet slave,” through which the Christian congregation is fed spiritually. (Matthew 24:45-47) Suppose that something appears in Watch Tower publications that we do not understand or agree with at the moment. What will we do? Take offense and leave the organization? That is what some did when The Watch Tower, many years ago, applied the new covenant to the Millennium. Others took offense at what The Watchtower once said on the issue of neutrality. If those who stumbled over these matters had been loyal to the organization and to their brothers, they would have waited on Jehovah to clarify these matters, which he did in his due time. Thus, loyalty includes waiting patiently until further understanding is published by the faithful and discreet slave.
    10 Loyalty to Jehovah’s visible organization also means having nothing to do with apostates. Loyal Christians will not be curious about what such people have to say. True, those being used by Jehovah God to direct his work on earth are not perfect. But what does God’s Word tell us to do? Leave God’s organization? No. Brotherly affection should keep us loyal to it, and we should continue to “love one another intensely from the heart.”—1 Peter 1:22.
    Loyalty to Loyal Elders
    11 When something is said or done in the congregation that we have difficulty understanding, loyalty will keep us from judging motives and will help us to take the position that perhaps it is a matter of judgment. Is it not far better to dwell on the good qualities of the appointed elders and other fellow believers rather than on their shortcomings? Yes, we want to guard against all such negative thinking, for it is related to being disloyal! Loyalty will also help us to obey Paul’s directive “to speak injuriously of no one.”—Titus 3:1, 2.

    *** w96 3/15 18-19 Meeting the Challenge of Loyalty ***
    13 Elders also have other tests of loyalty to meet. Will they be men pleasers, or will they courageously and mildly assist those who need correction, even if they are blood relatives or close friends? Loyalty to Jehovah’s organization will cause those of us who are elders to try to help any who need spiritual assistance.

    *** w96 3/15 19 Meeting the Challenge of Loyalty ***
    On the other hand, overseers want to be careful, lest by acting unwisely or showing partiality or in some other way abusing their authority, they make it difficult for those in their charge to be loyal to God’s organization.

    *** w96 3/15 19-20 Meeting the Challenge of Loyalty ***
    Aids to Keeping Loyal
    18 What will help us to meet the challenge of loyalty in these four areas: loyalty to Jehovah, to his organization, to the congregation, and to our marriage mate? One aid is appreciating that meeting the challenge of loyalty is bound up with the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty. Yes, by remaining loyal we show that we view Jehovah as Universal Sovereign. Thus we can also have self-respect and the hope of everlasting life in Jehovah’s new world. We can help ourselves to stay loyal by considering fine examples of loyalty, from Jehovah on down to those mentioned in the Bible and in our Watch Tower publications, including Yearbook accounts.

    *** w96 3/15 20 Meeting the Challenge of Loyalty ***
    21 To sum up: Loyalty is the sterling quality manifested by Jehovah God, by Jesus Christ, and by all of Jehovah’s true servants. To have a good relationship with Jehovah God, we must meet the challenge of loyalty to him by living up to his righteous requirements, by having nothing to do with his enemies, and by coming to Jehovah’s defense in witnessing formally and informally. We must also meet the challenge of being loyal to Jehovah’s visible organization.

    *** w92 11/15 21 Serve Jehovah Loyally ***
    15 Our hearts should impel us to cooperate with Jehovah’s organization because we know that it alone is directed by his spirit and is making known his name and purposes.

    *** w90 9/1 12 Trusting in Jehovah Brings Happiness ***
    At nearby Beamsville, faithful brothers and I struggled for many months with elective elders and apostates. What a privilege it was to see how Jehovah’s spirit operated to clear up the situation! Trust in Jehovah and loyalty to his organization resulted in many blessings for the congregations during those early years.

    *** w90 9/1 14 Trusting in Jehovah Brings Happiness ***
    My hope is to maintain my integrity and loyalty to Jehovah and his organization to the finish, trusting in the promise that in due time I will be united with my dear Lord, Jesus Christ, and with many of my faithful brothers and sisters in heavenly glory.

    *** w89 9/15 24 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***
    Surely, loyalty to God and his organization should move us to respect the judicial decisions of the overseers.

    *** w89 11/1 22 Do Not Yoke Yourselves With Unbelievers ***
    20 Meanwhile, be determined not to yoke yourself to an unbeliever. A 36-year-old single sister expressed her determination this way: “I pray to Jehovah every day for a marriage mate. I have no desire to look outside Jehovah’s organization, but the temptations are still there. In the meantime, I plan to work on qualities that will improve me as a person so that I will be the kind of spiritual woman that a spiritual man is looking for.” Are you similarly determined? If so, you can have the satisfaction that comes from proving your loyalty to the God of divine justice.

    *** w88 3/15 18 Serving as Jehovah's Trusting Fellow Workers ***
    Tests of Loyalty
    12 Loyalty to Jehovah God requires that we also be loyal to his servants on earth, our fellow Christians. The apostle John makes this clear when he reminds us: “He who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20) The imperfections of others may test our loyalty in this regard. For instance, when they have been offended, some have manifested a weakness in their loyalty to Jehovah’s organization by staying away from Christian meetings. Another test of our loyalty to our brothers arises when those whom Jehovah is using to take the lead err in judgment. Now and then, such mistakes have been used by some as an excuse to take umbrage and disassociate themselves from Jehovah’s visible organization. But is their course of action justified? By no means!

    *** w86 1/1 13 Days Like "the Days of Noah" ***
    12 Shocking as it is, even some who have been prominent in Jehovah’s organization have succumbed to immoral practices, including homosexuality, wife swapping, and child molesting. It is to be noted, also, that during the past year, 36,638 individuals had to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation, the greater number of them for practicing immorality. Jehovah’s organization must be kept clean! (1 Corinthians 5:9-13) This is a time for congregation elders, ministerial servants, and indeed all our brothers and sisters to avoid any circumstances that could lead to immorality. Loyalty to Jehovah’s standards will be rewarded, as Psalm 97:10 states: “O you lovers of Jehovah, hate what is bad. He is guarding the souls of his loyal ones; out of the hand of the wicked ones he delivers them.”

    *** w86 3/15 18 Allow No Place for the Devil! ***
    12 Some who have a critical attitude claim that Jehovah’s organization is too strict about cutting off social contacts with disfellowshipped persons. (2 John 10, 11) But why do such critics feel that way? Do they have a close family tie or mistaken loyalty to a friend that they are putting ahead of loyalty to Jehovah and his standards and requirements?

    *** w85 3/1 30 'Preaching in Favourable Season and in Troublesome Season' ***
    And remain loyal. Maintain loyalty not only to Jehovah and Jesus Christ but also to God’s earthly organization that nurtures and cherishes us. To be sure, our loyalty does get put to the test through adjustments within the organization, through trouble brought upon us, or through that which comes from our own foolishness. But the precious qualities of loyalty and trust will see us through—through ‘favourable season and troublesome season’ too.

    *** w83 2/1 14 Titus Tackles a Tough Assignment ***
    As, for example, Paul wrote: “An overseer must be . . . loyal.” Such loyalty is demonstrated by “holding firmly to the faithful word” as expounded in the publications of Jehovah’s modern Christian organization.

    *** w81 5/15 31 Attend the 1981 "Kingdom Loyalty" District Conventions ***
    By our attending the “Kingdom Loyalty” Conventions, we will receive instruction, admonition, encouragement and exhortation on all the various ways we can and must show loyalty—to Jehovah, to his organization, to our brothers, to our families. Let us show loyalty by our very attendance at this convention, being present right from the opening song, if at all possible, to the concluding prayer each day.

    *** w81 12/1 31 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***
    19 Of course, such development of understanding, involving “tacking” as it were, has often served as a test of loyalty for those associated with the “faithful and discreet slave.” However, progress is being made continually toward fuller appreciation of the “good news” and all that it means. It has been the experience of those who stay close to God’s organization that questions and things hard to understand are always cleared up with the passing of time.

    *** w80 12/1 10 Coping with the "Realities of Life"-A Worldwide Educational Program Shows How ***
    A similar test of loyalty occurred during the time of King David. Despite his mistakes, over which he humbly repented, he remained God’s anointed one. Those who dealt loyally with David were rewarded; disloyal ones lost God’s favor. How vital that we never forget which organization God is using today and the need for heartfelt loyalty!

    *** w78 8/1 18 Are You Self-Indulgent-or Self-Sacrificing? ***
    No course of life you could now choose in this world, no amount of hard work at any trade or profession, no acts of loyalty to any human or organization of this world could ever produce a future such as Jehovah promises those who serve him. Surely, then, it is well worth whatever sacrifices may be involved.

    *** w71 11/1 669 Missionaries Told to Be Loyal, Merciful ***
    After showing the importance of remaining loyal to God, the Society’s president emphasized the need for loyalty to God’s organization. He told the students that sometimes things interfere with one’s showing loyalty. For example, problems can come up because of living in close association with others in a missionary home.

    *** w70 4/1 213 Building Disciples Having the Quality of Endurance ***
    17 The student must also come to appreciate the theocratic organization of Jehovah’s people. Loyalty to the theocratic organization will prevent the student from stumbling over an explanation of God’s Word that may be difficult to understand.

    *** w70 4/1 213 Building Disciples Having the Quality of Endurance ***
    True loyalty, like that possessed by Peter, is what we want to build in those with whom we study God’s Word, so that they will stick close to God’s organization at all times, with blessings to themselves.

    *** w65 7/1 412 Faithful and Loyal to God's Organization ***
    Loyalty also is required. Loyalty may be said to go beyond faithfulness. It emphasizes tenacity and continuance of heartfelt devotion. Loyalty to God is shown by us when we lovingly stick to him and his organization both when it is easy and when it is difficult, “through thick and thin.” Loyalty is a loving devotion that acts as a powerful adhesive.
    Jehovah God being The loyal One, it is but fitting that he should require loyalty of us. (Rev. 15:4) However, we cannot be loyal to God without being loyal to his visible earthly organization, the “faithful and discreet slave,” and the local Christian congregation which represents that “slave.”
    For us to be loyal to God’s organization we must be jealous about its interests, always quick to come to its defense should any speak ill of it and ever ready to protect it against any who would seek to harm it by stealing or damaging its property. More than that, loyalty to God’s organization means backing up the local congregation committee representing it, as when that committee takes action against any who would sow division or practice uncleanness. Rather than feeling so sorry for those wrongdoers we should have feeling for the ones who have the difficult burden of weighing matters and then needing to take action. Loyalty to God’s organization also means giving the local servants whole-souled support, being always submissive, never making the mistake of taking ourselves too seriously, as Aaron and Miriam once did.—Num. 12:1-15.
    Loyalty to God’s organization also means being loyal to our individual Christian brothers. Do not indulge in unfavorable talk about them nor give a listening ear to others that do. Rather, come to the defense of the one thoughtlessly or willfully maligned and steer the conversation into more upbuilding channels.—1 Pet. 4:8.
    In all such ways we can be faithful and loyal to God’s organization, thereby contributing to the advancement of God’s work in the earth and assuring ourselves of his approval.

    *** w65 7/15 435 Do Not Resist Jehovah's Counsel ***
    25 At times action must be taken by a judicial committee of a congregation against a person in the congregation. Although that person may be a close friend or a relative, do not resist Jehovah’s arrangement by taking sides with that one against the organization. The action is necessary, and it is taken for the good of all the congregation. Such unpleasant happenings test your love for Jehovah and his organization. You fail to show love and loyalty to Jehovah’s organization when you side with persons against whom it is obliged to act.

    *** w64 8/1 464 Loyalty to Jehovah's Organization ***
    LOYALTY means to be faithful, to stick close in unswerving obedience, with devotion so strong that it will act as a powerful adhesive, holding one tight and secure in all kinds of divisive troubles. Loyalty to God is shown by his people when they lovingly stick to him and his organization both when it is easy and when it is difficult, yes, as the old expression puts it, “through thick and thin.”

    *** w64 8/1 468 Loyalty to Jehovah's Organization ***
    16 Loyalty to Jehovah and, of course, to his organization is demonstrated by action. One having reasons to be loyal to God’s organization would find it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to keep his mouth shut or to be simply an onlooker toward those preaching the good news of God’s kingdom.

    *** w64 8/1 469 Loyalty to Jehovah's Organization ***
    18 Faithful meeting attendance is a mark of loyalty, coming together with others of God’s organization to examine faith-building information from the Bible. The meetings held in each congregation are a very definite part of God’s organization in action.

    *** w64 10/15 639 Questions from Readers ***
    Parents were required to bring their stubborn, incorrigible son to the judges, not shielding him from the death sentence. If one became a false prophet or apostate, love of Jehovah God and loyalty to him and his organization came ahead of even the closest natural ties, such as that of a son or a daughter.

    *** w62 3/1 157 Prophesying with God's Loyal Organization ***
    Surely all dedicated Christians want to be minded even as David was, loyal to Jehovah. However, we may not forget that loyalty to God also means being loyal to his organization.

    *** w62 4/1 221 Love and Loyalty ***
    One point continually emphasized by him, and which has ever been valuable to me, was the importance of loyalty to Jehovah’s organization. So at a very early age love for the truth and loyalty to Jehovah’s organization became, as it were, the mainsprings of my life.

    *** w62 10/1 605 Courageous Ministers District Assemblies ***
    They learned too that courage is maintained by remaining loyal to Jehovah’s organization, that loyalty is demonstrated by supporting the organization and its many programs.

    *** w61 10/1 591 Prophesying with the Loyal Organization ***
    LOYALTY to God who created and organized heaven and earth calls for loyalty to his organization.

    *** w61 10/1 597 Prophesying with the Loyal Organization ***
    In ancient theocratic Israel such false prophets were to be tried before witnesses, exposed and stoned to death. (Deut. 13:1-11) Today the true Christian congregation may not enforce such a death penalty for prophets of deception who try to induce disloyalty to God and his kingdom. But the congregation can give them a spiritual smiting or striking with the truth of God’s Word, even wounding them sorely at heart and in spirit.
    26 The very ones who have intensely loved them must strike and wound them in order to demonstrate their own principled loyalty to God and to his organization and to safeguard his loyal visible organization.

    *** w57 8/1 476 Part 3: Rounding the World with the Vice-President ***
    Sensing the dangerousness of the times he focused his parting words on the need to stick close to the organization of Jehovah’s people that we might be kept in the lifesaving truth. No sooner was this talk finished than branch servant Charles stepped forward and read a resolution voicing recognition of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society as the instrument used by Jehovah to direct his people now on earth before Armageddon and pledging continued loyalty and support to it.

    *** w53 10/15 640 Announcements ***
    Jehovah is the Great Sovereign of the universe and, more strictly than any human government, requires loyalty to his organization on the part of his servants. This means loyalty to God’s Word as his statement of operating principles. Those to whom Jehovah entrusts his kingdom interests today are servants who have demonstrated their loyalty to him under test, having the same strict conformity to his law as was demonstrated by Christ. Loyalty to God is a continuing, steady course—past, present and future. Said Joshua, “Be loyal to the Eternal your God as you have been up till now.” This means working in harmony with the organization of God, serving at unity under it, recognizing that Jehovah’s blessing is realized with the organization.

    *** w53 11/1 669 Loyalty to Theocratic Organization ***
    Loyalty to Theocratic Organization
    LIFE is a gift of God. All sane persons desire life. However, to gain it everlastingly we must want it so much as to be willing to meet God’s requirements for it. Among those requirements is loyalty to his theocratic organization.

    *** w53 11/1 669 Loyalty to Theocratic Organization ***
    Then again our loyalty may be tested because of unjust treatment, within the organization or from our families. At such times we must bear in mind that Jesus promised such things would come and that if God permits it we can, with his help, endure it and thus make manifest our loyalty.

    *** w53 11/1 672 Announcements ***
    Jehovah, the Almighty Sovereign, does not tolerate disloyalty in his great organization. He requires full allegiance to the righteous principles his organization represents at all times. (Josh. 23:8, Mo) Love for God impels his faithful servants to intense loyalty. This they demonstrate not by words only, but also by consistent and continuous activity in behalf of what is just, true and righteous. Their loyalty moves them to clean and right living, and to widespread preaching of the good news of Jehovah’s kingdom, so that all persons may see the benefits that come from loyalty to God’s organization.

    *** w52 9/15 566 Loyalty the Test ***
    6 In the Lord’s organization itself, loyalty or disloyalty can be demonstrated in so many ways. One may conclude his assigned place is subordinate to some other person’s assignment, and, by reason of the fact that he has more education and human ability, he feels superior to the one whom the Lord has placed in the superior position. In entertaining such thoughts, he is dropping the shield of faith and permitting poisonous arrows to enter his mind, and very quickly he may become disloyal.

    *** g90 3/22 30 From Our Readers ***
    My sister was disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation two years ago, and many of the thoughts brought out in that article described my own feelings. At the time it seemed as if our family would not survive this sad experience, but we did. And we were able to display our loyalty to Jehovah and his organization.

    *** km 6/95 1 Jehovah Imparts Power ***
    Cooperation with the organization that the “slave” uses is vital if we are to obtain Jehovah’s blessing. (Compare Hebrews 13:17.) Jehovah will reward our loyalty to him and our willingness to obey his laws by supplying the power we need at the appropriate time.—Heb. 4:16.

    *** km 5/92 2 Service Meetings for May ***
    By our rejecting apostate thinking and material, we display our loyalty to Jehovah and to his visible organization.

    *** km 1/84 2 Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples ***
    Reason with the brothers as to why it is appropriate that Witness youths keep free from school politics. Loyalty to God’s organization is shown by such conformity. Highlight such matters in the discussion. The material, after the opening talk, could be handled principally by questions and answers.

    *** km 8/82 1 Youths-Serve Jehovah With Loyalty ***
    1 Loyalty and godly devotion are essentials of true worship. (2 Tim. 2:19) Jehovah God rightly expects each of us to maintain a devoted attachment to him and his visible earthly organization. (Ps. 30:4; 31:23) To do this in such troublous times we must keep a clear view of our purpose in life and not allow our loyal love for Jehovah to suffer erosion. Christian youths in particular are undergoing a relentless assault on their love of God.—2 Tim. 2:22.
    2 Loyalty to Jehovah and his organization is necessary if we are to gain everlasting life.

    *** w58 3/15 189 Shepherding the Flock of God ***
    30 The flock of God keep together. They do not stray from the New World society. In the old-world organization there are snares and pitfalls. The dangers are everywhere. Men and organizations will take advantage of you, and you will have no protection. Keep inside God’s organization.

    *** w56 4/15 243 Activity and Life versus Inactivity and Death ***
    So be obedient. Do Jehovah’s work in Jehovah’s way. It is the way Jehovah has marked out through his organization. That alone counts!

    *** sm 47 Mankind's Beginning ***
    3 However, there was a condition attached to that good relationship: obedience. God expected man to obey him and thus show his submission to the will of his Creator. As God said at a later time, “To obey is better than a sacrifice.” (1 Samuel 15:22) This is reasonable, is it not? In any organization, rules are necessary as is obedience by the members to those rules. Hence, God wanted man to be obedient to the rules he set down.

    *** w97 11/15 18 Faith Moves Us to Action! ***
    Wisdom from above is “ready to obey,” promoting obedience to divine teaching and cooperation with Jehovah’s organization.

    *** w91 9/15 17 "Help Me Out Where I Need Faith!" ***
    12 To ensure their salvation, Noah and his family needed to exercise faith. This meant following instructions and the leadings of God’s holy spirit. During the great tribulation, it will be just as imperative that we follow the leadings of the holy spirit and obey Jehovah’s instructions through his organization.

    *** w89 9/15 23 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***
    12 We will be helped to obey and honor those taking the lead if we remember that God himself has provided the elders. (Ephesians 4:7-13) Since these men are spirit appointed and God’s organization occupies a vital place in the lives of Jehovah’s Witnesses, surely we want to demonstrate our gratitude and respect for theocratic arrangements.

    *** w89 9/15 23 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***
    Why Appreciate Their Service?
    13 In the world, there is a tendency to reject leadership. As one lecturer said: “The rising education level has improved the talent pool such that followers have become so critical that they are almost impossible to lead.” But a spirit of independent thinking does not prevail in God’s organization, and we have sound reasons for confidence in the men taking the lead among us.

    *** w89 9/15 20 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***
    Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead
    “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account.”—HEBREWS 13:17.

    *** w85 7/1 22 Jehovah's Goodness in "the Final Part of the Days" ***
    17 These new Witnesses appreciate Jehovah’s goodness in bringing them to the light of truth, and they are earnestly desirous of showing goodness to others. They welcome the instruction that Jehovah provides through his Word and his organization. The Law of Moses contained many ‘must nots,’ and Israel properly had to observe these. (See Exodus 20:3-17.) But the two great commandments for Christians, as stated by Jesus, are positive commands to ‘love Jehovah our God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbor as ourself.’ (Mark 12:29-31) Unitedly, Jehovah’s Witnesses now obey the “law” that God sends forth from the “heavenly Jerusalem,” applying its righteous principles.

    *** w78 11/15 7 Assembling to Promote Victorious Faith ***
    A man who has for nine years been a security guard at a stadium used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in San Juan said: “I find that the organization is fantastic . . . I personally feel much at ease. I have no problems with you. Look, I don’t even carry a club. But it isn’t this way at other religious conventions. You treat me with great respect . . . Even the children obey me! That never happens!”

    *** w78 11/15 7 Assembling to Promote Victorious Faith ***
    A man who has for nine years been a security guard at a stadium used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in San Juan said: “I find that the organization is fantastic . . . I personally feel much at ease. I have no problems with you. Look, I don’t even carry a club. But it isn’t this way at other religious conventions. You treat me with great respect . . . Even the children obey me! That never happens!”

    *** w88 4/1 31 Is Obedience Always Proper? ***
    When our heavenly Father, Jehovah God, speaks, whether through his Word, the Bible, or through his earthly organization, it is all the more important for us to listen and obey, thus proving that we are obedient worshipers who do not ignore the loving reminder: “Did you hear me?”

    *** w89 9/15 23 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***
    Why Appreciate Their Service?
    13 In the world, there is a tendency to reject leadership. As one lecturer said: “The rising education level has improved the talent pool such that followers have become so critical that they are almost impossible to lead.” But a spirit of independent thinking does not prevail in God’s organization, and we have sound reasons for confidence in the men taking the lead among us.

    *** w89 11/15 15 Take a Personal Interest in Others ***
    Then, after we enter the world as independent breathers, or souls, our parents’ attitudes and ways affect us. As we grow up, we may be an only child or be joined by brothers and sisters and have some share in caring for them. Such association or lack of it has a bearing on how we develop. What we read, are taught in school, and watch on television also influence our thinking and actions.

    *** w88 8/15 30 Maintaining Our Christian Oneness ***
    Unity Is Not Uniformity
    Worldwide unity, however, does not mean the stifling of individuality or the crushing of initiative. Where Bible principles apply, we are glad to forsake the independent thinking patterns of this world and to accept the leading of Jehovah’s spirit.

    *** w88 11/1 20 When Marital Peace Is Threatened ***
    2 That ideal marital arrangement was disrupted by independent thinking and sin.

    *** w87 2/1 19 Doing Our Utmost to Declare the Good News ***
    Due to background and upbringing, some may be more given to independent thinking and self-will than others. Perhaps this is an area where we need to discipline ourselves and ‘make our mind over’ so that we can perceive more clearly what the “will of God” is.

    *** w87 11/1 19 Are You Remaining Clean in Every Respect? ***
    True, such smooth talkers may look outwardly clean in a physical and moral way. But inside they are spiritually unclean, having given in to prideful, independent thinking.

    *** w85 11/1 4 Independence From God-Why Not? ***
    The wanting of independence from God is not new. It is almost as old as man. The spirit of independence was introduced by Satan the Devil. He deceived the first woman, Eve, into thinking that she could be happier if she were only free from her Creator’s guidance. Eve believed that such an independent course would open up for her many eye-opening experiences and pleasures withheld from her by God.—Genesis 3:1-5; Revelation 12:9.

    *** w83 1/15 22 Exposing the Devil's Subtle Designs ***
    Avoid Independent Thinking
    20 From the very outset of his rebellion Satan called into question God’s way of doing things. He promoted independent thinking. ‘You can decide for yourself what is good and bad,’ Satan told Eve. ‘You don’t have to listen to God. He is not really telling you the truth.’ (Genesis 3:1-5) To this day, it has been Satan’s subtle design to infect God’s people with this type of thinking.—2 Timothy 3:1, 13.
    21 How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God’s visible organization.

    *** w83 1/15 27 Armed for the Fight Against Wicked Spirits ***
    Fight Against Independent Thinking
    19 As we study the Bible we learn that Jehovah has always guided his servants in an organized way. And just as in the first century there was only one true Christian organization, so today Jehovah is using only one organization. (Ephesians 4:4, 5; Matthew 24:45-47) Yet there are some who point out that the organization has had to make adjustments before, and so they argue: “This shows that we have to make up our own mind on what to believe.” This is independent thinking. Why is it so dangerous?

    *** w82 6/1 17 Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order ***
    Since theocratic order begins with Jehovah himself and extends downward, never would we want to imitate Satan the Devil by becoming independent of theocratic rule. Recall the sorry results that came to Eve when she listened to Satan’s deceptive urging for her not to submit to theocratic order. In effect, he said to her: ‘Be independent of God. Do your own thinking. Decide for yourself what is right and wrong.

    *** w79 2/15 20 Visits from Older Men Benefit God's People ***
    18 In a world where people are tossed about by confusing winds of religious doctrine, Jehovah’s people need to be stable, full-grown Christians. (Eph. 4:13, 14) Their position must be steadfast, not shifting quickly because of independent thinking or emotional pressures.

    *** w77 9/15 552-3 Doing Our Part to Promote a Happy Family Life ***
    14 It may require some changes in her personality, just as the husband may have to make some changes. If the woman tends to be independent, well able to care for herself, she may find that it is not so easy to be in subjection to a husband. She may have to make some adjustments in her thinking, even drastic changes in some cases, so as to do her part in making a happy union.

    *** w72 3/15 170 The Delight of Jehovah Will Succeed ***
    Man possesses a mind and a heart, not controlled automatically by instinct, but capable of independent thinking and reasoning, making plans and decisions, exercising a free will, building up strong desires and motivation. That is why you are capable of exercising the fine qualities of love and loyalty, of devotion and integrity.

    *** w66 6/1 324 Intellectual Freedom or Captivity to the Christ? ***
    Today, too, there are those who, by their independent thinking, question Christ’s ability to have and use on the earth a specially appointed governing body of imperfect humans, to whom he has entrusted all the Kingdom interests or “belongings” on earth. (Matt. 24:45-47) When such independent thinkers receive counsel and direction based on the Bible, they incline to the thought, ‘This is only from fleshly men, so it is up to me to decide whether to accept it or not.’

    *** w64 5/1 277-8 Building a Firm Foundation in Christ ***
    It is through the columns of The Watchtower that Jehovah provides direction and constant Scriptural counsel to his people, and it requires careful study and attention to details in order to apply this information, to get a full understanding of the principles involved, and to assure ourselves of right thinking on these matters. It is in this way that we “are thoroughly able to grasp mentally with all the holy ones” the fullness of our commission and of the preaching responsibility that Jehovah has placed on all Christians as footstep followers of his Son. Any other course would produce independent thinking and cause division.

    *** w62 9/1 524 Pursuing Peace Through Increased Knowledge ***
    Our knowledge must be accurate. (1 Tim. 2:3, 4; Col. 3:2, 9, 10) Faith is developed according to accurate knowledge. (Eph. 4:13; Col. 2:6, 7) The student must express himself as he understands the truth. (Gal. 6:6) He cannot have independent thinking.

    *** w61 2/1 93 Safeguard Thinking Ability for the Ministry ***
    The first essential for developing our thinking ability is to take in knowledge from God’s Word. “When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you, to deliver you from the bad way.” (Prov. 2:10-12; 1:7) The world, in its independent thinking, ignores God and his purposes for man as though he were not the Creator. That is as unrealistic as for an aviator to ignore the law of gravity. It simply “does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.”—Jer. 10:23.

    *** w61 3/1 141 The Congregation's Place in True Worship ***
    17 Not only did the congregation serve to build up those in love, but it unified their thinking and understanding of the Scriptures. Some of the Ephesians may have complained that this arrangement stifled individual and independent thinking and forced them to accept only the apostles’ ideas instead of being free and independent to develop their own philosophy on things.

    *** w60 2/15 106 Safeguard Your Thinking Ability ***
    5 Today the trend of this world is to seek independent thinking as the ideal goal, but even as the unrealistic thinking of a scientist who tries to ignore the law of gravity is doomed to failure, so also is the unrealistic thinking of those who try to ignore the fact of man’s dependence on God.

    *** w58 8/1 460 Dawns a New Era for the Irish ***
    To ask a sound religious question is a demonstration of lack of faith in God and the church, according to the clergy. As a result, the Irish people do very little independent thinking. They are victims of the clergy and fear; but freedom is in sight.

    *** w57 8/1 469 Will You Get to Live on Earth Forever? ***
    Moreover, people today are developing an aversion to thinking. They fear being alone with their own thoughts. If other people are not around, they fill the void with television, movies, light reading matter, or if they go to the beach or park the portable radio goes too so they will not have to be with their own thoughts. Their thinking must be channeled for them, ready-made by propagandists. This suits Satan’s purpose. He deluges the mass mind with anything and everything but God’s truth. To keep minds from doing godly thinking Satan keeps them busy with thoughts that are either trivial or ungodly. It is tailor-made thinking, and the tailor of it is the Devil. Minds work, but in the way that a horse is led. Independent thinking is difficult, unpopular and even suspect. Thought conformity is the order of our day. To seek solitude for meditation is frowned upon as antisocial and neurotic.—Rev. 16:13, 14.

    *** g89 9/8 26 Part 17: 1530 onward-Protestantism-A Reformation? ***
    In promoting religious pluralism, Protestantism seems to imply that God has no set guidelines according to which he is to be worshiped. Is such organized confusion consistent with a God of truth, who the Bible says “is a God, not of disorder, but of peace”? Is the often heard Protestant go-to-the-church-of-your-choice mentality any different from the independent thinking that led Adam and Eve into erroneous belief and subsequent trouble?—1 Corinthians 14:33; see Genesis 2:9; 3:17-19.

    *** uw 10 1 Unity in Worship-What Should It Mean for You? ***
    We are living in a world that is saturated with that independent spirit, so it should not surprise us if we need to curb that spirit in ourselves. Lovingly Jehovah helps us to do so by counsel through his organization.

  • Amazing

    Hi Tina: Loyalty and Unity are major Watchtower mantras. And, I have absolutely no doubt that the recent events with lawsuits over shielding pedophiles and the eventual NBC Dateline story is causing the Watch Tower Society to circle the wagons. - Amazing

  • Pete

    Hi DB:

    I can understand your response, even though I'm an agnostic. Your wrote:

    I think the comment in the WT was accurate, in that God does provide the earth and
    its bounty for man's use. Much of the problem with poverty in third world countries in
    attributable to man's own short-sightedness and inadequacy in dealing with such

    Yes, humankind, especially those who have power, can be selfish and cruel. But I think it's a non sequitur to say that "god provides for the physical needs of all humankind" -- when it is obvious that s/he doesn't. Even if humankind's greed is to blame -- still, lots of folks are dying from hunger. So, how is god providing?

    One more thought on this loyalty thing. The WTBTS has to be one of the most disloyal groups around. People can spend their life slaving for the Org., yet if they question, become depressed, grow old without family, etc. the Society kicks 'em to the curb. Individuals are not important to the Society -- the WORK is what is important.

    OK, enough from me.

  • expatbrit

    Thanks everyone for the quotes and comments. This thread is a keeper for future use with jw family members.


  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    I found myself reading one particular point in that article over and over again just to see if I was reading it right...

    page 22

    'Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organisation. Necessarily, over the years there have been corrections and adjustments to our understanding of certain scriptures. The fact is that no one is as spiritually well fed as we are'.

    Mmmmm, interesting, corrections and adjustments, could this be a veiled admittance that they have made mistakes or is this just wishful thinking on my part.... And why were these corrections and adjustments necessary anyway? Why were we misled in believing what was not true to begin with??!! New light? Bah!

    Mmmmm, interesting, no one is 'AS' spiritually well fed as we are, does that mean that they acknowledge that there are others spiritually well fed, just not as much??

    Is'nt it strange... when I was a JW I lapped up words like these, now I look at them with a clear head and can see how cleverly wording something can mislead you.

  • waiting
    One more thought on this loyalty thing. The WTBTS has to be one of the most disloyal groups around. People can spend their life slaving for the Org., yet if they question, become depressed, grow old without family, etc. the Society kicks 'em to the curb. Individuals are not important to the Society -- the WORK is what is important. - PeterStride

    That is such a good point! However, any loyal jw will say "Ahhhhh, but the important thing is that the Society is loyal to Jehovah." So, it doesn't matter if they're loyal to followers within their own ranks. Those followers are supposed to follow.

    And you're right The WORK is what is important. I think we were all taught that - we, as individuals - were not important. The important thing was to accomplish the WORK of Jehovah's Kingdom Message.

    We keep trying to compare the WTBTS to an organization which cares about it members - or has safeguard groups to make sure that the corporation doesn't run over it's members (like many corporations have). The WTBTS has always given the message that "Jehovah's message is the important thing." We - and our children - are not important to them.

    TINA & NORM.....

    Sooooo many quotes on loyalty to God and His Organization! No wonder we are so screwed up sometimes.

    And now we're to be loyal to believing family members only. Does seem we're getting ready for The Big Divide.


  • Tina

    Hi waiting!
    "The Big Divide". That's it! Boy if that paragraph isn't going to cause more family pain and disruption.
    Can you picture a Mom or a son/daughter being shown that paragraph,when the individual says,"It's in black and white,I don't have to listen to you . What you say or think is meaningless because I owe you no loyalty !'........(we know how black and white their thinking is),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,poor families! hugs,T
    Norm Thank you for the great quotes! hugs,T

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