Two Atheists Went to Mass Last Night

by Seeker4 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    My girlfriend Lori and I were driving home from dinner out with her daughter last night, when she asked to see some of the Christmas lights on the houses. This is a small Vermont village, and there was snow and streets lit only by candles in paperbags. Very pretty.

    We also have in this town a remarkably beautiful stone church with vaulted ceilings,exposed beamwork, etc. Quite beautiful, and often the site of concerts I've attended. She asked me to find it. She's lived in the area for 20 years, but didn't know any of the back streets. Being a former JW pioneer, I knew every street and every house, and quickly drove to the church. I was thinking they would be having Christmas Eve Mass (Episcopalian), so I said, "Let's go in and see it."

    Having been raised Catholic, Lori recognized everything. Being a lifelong JW, this was my first experience of the sort. There was a moment, when everyone held a lit candle, there was a harp and cello playing, and the church lights were all turned out, when it was quite nice. The congregation reading back to the priests and others during this scripted ceremony felt a lot cultic.

    Anyway, Lori hates religion more than I do, and said she hoped I wasn't going to suddenly become religious again. No danger there, just an interesting experience for a former lifelong JW.

    How did you spend Christmas Eve?


  • Kaylen

    We put the Carols by Candlelight on the tv and had a dinner party then helped santa but thekids presents out went to bed for about 2 minutes (well thats what it seemed like) and then waited for the kids to come in and the mayhem to start

  • startingover


    What I wouldn't give to be able to say that my wife was a athiest and hated religion more than I do. Normally she would avoid it like the plague, but last night she was stuck watching, or at least hearing a show poking holes in the flood story. I asked her what she thought about it when it was over. Well that eventually developed into an argument.

    I am envious of your situation. I know you were in mu situation for many years after you left the dubs. If the situation arose I can see how easy it would be to do what you did.

  • Seeker4

    Hmmm.. interesting that you know my situation. Didn't think anyone was paying much attention.

    Yeah, Lori has been terrific for me. After a 33 year marriage, that is not easy to say, but it's the truth.


  • jstalin
  • Apostanator

    Hey Seeker4.......Merry Christmas to you and Lori.

    All the best from Lia and I.

  • startingover


    I pm'd you some time ago and you told me what happened in your life. It was about the time the elders came chasing you.

  • willyloman
    How did you spend Christmas Eve?

    Exactly the way you did!

    Went to the 10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service at the local Episcopalian Church; sounds like it was nearly identical to yours. We went not because we believe everything they teach there. But because we are free to go if we want.

    Freedom's a wonderful thing.

  • Seeker4

    Startingover: I remember now!

    Apostanator: Hope all is well with you and Lia. Happy New Year!

  • SixofNine

    Episcopalians are at least 30% less irritating than the average church-goer :-D. They are like Catholics but w/o the latent fascist tendencies. My Episcopalian friends joke that their motto is "wherever two or more are gathered, there shall be a fifth".

    This agnostic could enjoy an Episcopalian Christmass mass. In fact, the first time I was in a church, after leaving the witnesses, was to film a childrens choir singing christmas songs in an Episcopalian church. It was so beautiful and inspiring it made me cry, though having the freedom of thought to enjoy it w/o fear might have contributed to my weepiness. Not inspiring enough to make me believe crap for which there is no logical support, or go to church to listen to some self-important god-talker yak on endlessly about said crap, but inspiring nonetheless.

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