Current elders help please

by IP_SEC 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • IP_SEC

    Here is a thread about a letter that was recieved telling elders to give the blood talk early this year.

    "Special Talk" being given next week about blood

    Did all congos get this? Did this come before the news on this board? Is anyone willing to do recon and get us a scan if it is significant?



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Interesting timing if it is coincidental, huh?

    I would assume that if some well connected apostates were aware that this essay was about to show up on the scene, that the WTS lawyers probably were too. I doubt this talk to be coincidental. Theocratic War Stategy has kicked in I suppose.

    A scan of the talk would be of tremendous value no doubt.


  • serendipity
  • AuldSoul

    Sir82? Any wind of this, as yet?


  • Cognitive_Dissident
  • sir82
    Sir82? Any wind of this, as yet?

    I've been out on vacation for a couple of weeks, and have not been to a meeting since my return....

    I will update y'all on anything interesting I find out.

  • blondie

    Historically, the WTS has had talks on "blood" in December at least back to 2002. Last year they had 2 one on a video, the one emphasizing the DPA rather than the medical directive card.

  • blakky

    IP-Sec and anybody who can help,

    The title is Current Elders help please, how many if any elders would be posting on this website?

    I find it hard to believe that active and curent Elders or MS would be posting on this site..

  • kwintestal
    I find it hard to believe that active and curent Elders or MS would be posting on this site..

    How else do you think we get all the dirt on the org? There's quite a few current elders and MSs that post on here, unfortunately trapped in their JW life.


  • IP_SEC
    how many if any elders would be posting on this website?

    I for one did blakky

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