Another experience story about leaving the society

by enderby 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

  • jgnat

    First, LOL about the epic poem bit.

    Second, Congratulations of leading your entire family out!!! Share me your top tips sometime. I have an enduring interest in this area.

    Third, I just HAD to google Enderby. John Le Carre fan?

  • jgnat

    P.S. It was the selective misquotes that led AlanF out of the witnesses. Here he was, an earnest college student, confident he could defend his religion against all comers. And it turns out the WT scholarship he relied on would not past muster for first-year students.

  • seattleniceguy

    Wow - welcome to the board, enderby!

  • enderby

    "John Le Carre fan?" No, I'm an Anthony Burgess fan.

  • YoursChelbie

    Thanks for sharing your story.

    You make some observations that people older than you who are still loyal to the "tower" would do well to listen to:

    one's position does not matter so much as how it is supported or proved.

    leave no premise or inference unexamined,

    For anyone with doubts about the Watchtower Corporation,

    BE TRUE to yourself is the best way to go:

    I could no longer in good conscience honestly say that I believe in "the Truth."

    Congratulations on finding the Truth about the "truth" and WELCOME!


  • delilah
    WELCOME, Enderby...I enjoyed your post, and I'm grateful that you have your family out with you. As someone else mentioned, your story is a classic example, why the society frowns upon anyone attending college, and/or university. Good for you, that you went anyways, and found real freedom. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. So, does your family plan to celebrate the holidays once more?
  • serendipity

    Welcome. Interesting story! Thanks for sharing.

  • MuadDib

    Great story, man - well presented and actually very similar to my own. For me it wasn't the methodological shortcomings of the literature so much as the sheer factual inaccuracy presented therein that prompted me to leave. I've always loved history and was of course taught that the Bible is history, word-for-word, so of course I was shocked when I took ancient history courses and discovered that there is no archaeological evidence for the Exodus or the establishment of Israel as outlined in the Bible, that there is no evidence whatsoever for a worldwide Deluge, that most of Genesis betrays heavy cultural influence from ancient near eastern mythologies, that the Prophetic books of the Bible are dated much, much later than the Witnesses say they are, that humanity is eons older than six thousand years, the 607/586 thing, and so on. I spoke to my dad about it - never let on how much I was learning, though - and he pointed me to the Aid to Bible Understanding, which is of course chock-full of crap that nobody could buy into if they knew the other side. So there it was.

    I would like to know more about the reaction you got from the Elders when you showed them your information. I have plenty to give them if they want to see it, but others on this board have warned me that presenting them with such evidence is likely to get me DFd and I don't want that, for the sake of my family.

  • anewme

    Good writing skills Enderby! Yes, definitely you should write some kind of book!

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