by Blueblades 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    When was the last time that the Watchtower Society wrote anything substanial or had a substanial Watchtower study ANNOUNCING JEHOVAH'S KINGDOM? The title is on every cover of the magazine. Usually in passing they will have a lead-in article that tells everyone that God will soon replace this wicked system of things, however, am I right that it's been a long long time since we have seen an in-depth study article explaining Jehovah's Kingdom.

    It seems that all the recent study articles lately have been to spank the rank and file, also the Elders and to warn about apostates.

    Besides the small lead-in articles, where is the public getting information Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom? It seems to me that the Watchtower Society is guilty of not doing what their slogan once said to do, "ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! The KINGDOM!

    Is it because they are so busy covering their backsides? I remember the days when we had three study articles on the Kingdom alone. When was the last time you studied Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom in-depth?


  • garybuss

    It's now called, The Watchtower, Retaining Don Adam's Kingdom.

  • TopHat

    It should be called "Announcing the Kingdom of the Watchtower"

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    It seems that all the recent study articles lately have been to spank the rank and file, also the Elders and to warn about apostates.

    Speaking as a non-JW reader of the magazines, I agree, it does appear to me that recently a lot of the articles seem to be more focussed on 'members' behaviour/beliefs/attitudes than for anyone else who might read them.

  • carla

    Maybe I'm just don't get it, I still am not exactly clear on what 'jehovah's kingdom' actually means to a jw. Just what is it? the soon to be paradise earth? is that the 'message'? Ok, if that's their main message, what about today? From what I get everybody should go around saying the kingdom is right around the corner, that is the most important thing you can do as a jw. What about your fellow man? the hungry, poor, etc.... The hungry can't eat the wt's.

  • garybuss

    *** w85 4/1 30 ***
    "Jehovah's Witnesses have never believed that the Kingdom of God will be on earth."

  • lime05
    Maybe I'm just don't get it, I still am not exactly clear on what 'jehovah's kingdom' actually means to a jw. Just what is it? the soon to be paradise earth? is that the 'message'? Ok, if that's their main message, what about today? ; From what I get everybody should go around saying the kingdom is right around the corner, that is the most important thing you can do as a jw. What about your fellow man? the hungry, poor, etc.... The hungry can't eat the wt's.

    The kingdom is the heavenly government. The king is Jesus Christ. The co-rulers are 144,000 faithfull people who have died on earth and gone to heaven.

  • PopeOfEruke

    The kingdom always struck me as kind of kooky.

    For example, what position does Jehovah hold in it? Jesus is already the King - is Jehovah the Emperor? or what? What sort of King has someone higher to answer to? Is Jehovah "Executive King"?

    I always thought the Kingdom was like a little toy or present (A Christmas present!!) that Jehovah gives Jesus as a reward for letting himself get nailed up. Jesus gets to play King with his little buddies for a day (remember good JW's, a day with Jehovah is as 1,000 years). Then when the day is up, Jesus is no longer King, what does he do then?

    "Go away little Jonnie, I mean, little Jesus, play being a King for a day, then when you are finished playing with your little friends give Daddy back his crown..."

    Pretty crap reward if you ask me.

    And if Jesus has been king now for almost 100 years, how can there still be a "millenium" left? There's only 900 left isn't there?? What the hell has he been doing for 10% of his reign so far?

    What a stupid - how can anyone believe this crap?


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