A fun discussion to have

by 2112 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 2112

    Hi all,
    This is the first thread I am starting, hope it works.
    I remember being told over and over again "If you are in a religion that teaches everything about God 100% correct with the exception of one thing, no matter how small it may seem. You must reject that religion as being poison. After all would you drink a glass of water if it only had one drop of poison in it?" I try to bring that up at the beginning of some conversations and they will quickly agree, until their teachings are shown to by questionable. If they will agree to that ahead of time, I will continue. Next I will show them just one teaching of theirs that has changed ask the logical question - "If your organization taught such and such and now teaches the opposite, should not all of those who were taught the previous have left the organization?" It's sometimes funny to hear the responses, depending on the issue. And then take them to an issue that the WT has gone back and forth on, like the resurrection of the sodomites, that’s a fun one. I point out there flip flopping on this subject. Then ask "Are you being poisoned now or were you being poisoned then, or will you be poisoned later?" I say this is fun when you let them try and defend this then I end up showing them the in June 1988 they taught both, the Sodomites will be resurrected (Insight on The Scriptures) and they won’t be resurrected (WT June 1st 1988). I know that these are not the kinds of discussions that win hearts, but when JW co-workers try and throw their theocratic weight around, this is one way to show them for who they are in front of non witnesses.
    Am I too harsh?

  • Finally-Free

    Good thought there. I might try this approach with my mother.


  • Honesty
    Am I too harsh?

    No, you are not too harsh. However (JW buzzword), you are getting them to think which is something they are not accustomed to doing. tehehehe

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi 2112, and welcome

    I have heard jws apply that reasoning many times, and probably applied it myself, it must be very satisfying to use it on them.

    You are not being harsh at all

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