Does God care for people in India and China?

by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • doofdaddy

    Maybe god realises that the sub continent may be closer to the truth.

    Oh he cares if they wear a suit and tie and use hokey terms like "the friends" ha ha

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    It appears that God, and Jesus don't care about them hearing the message there and also Bithynia- Acts 16:6-7 : 6Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. So I guess what Jesus really said was to preach in all the inhabited world except for these two places, go figure.


  • Poztate
    If only witnesses have the truth and only them will be saved, I guess that God doesn't care much for people in India and China (who represent together about half of the world's population).

    Out of the 2.5 billion people in both countries combined, how many witnesses can there be?

    Yeah...They yapped years ago about"community responsiblity" I would not matter if there was no one to preach to you.If you were raised in and you did not reform or change the system so the dubs were welcome and could convert you then you were guilty of causing your own destruction.

  • Jake99

    Blondie, You understand how the end times will come and it will be soon. The conversion from this world into the next is done in minutes, expect nothing less. Jesus was said to have performed many miracles and prophesies while here on earth prior to and after he stepped forward and revealed himself. To come in any other way would be to change the way of God. All men are born of a woman and that includes the messiah. He has to be targeted as a madman to prove he is not and tried and treated like a criminal for actions that are not illegal. I assure you that 150,000 reported work place deaths and 30 times as many lost time injuries in China per year and the poverty in India is of great concern to God. And the Mey Cong delta being overfished and polluted is of huge concern along with the selling of skin and weapons of mass destruction they possess and have aimed at thier neighbors. And that is why God sent me because he and I care and we would like to convert the planet to the simple operating system outlined in the bible. That system takes under an hour to explain and a few days to get running and it provides for the needs and desires of all without need ofchange for the rest of time on earth and beyond.

  • onesong

    " and will prove all men liars" is that including you slave1111 ?

  • blondie

    Jake99, I hope you realize that I am only reporting the WTS position not supporting. BTW, the WTS does not believe in a last minute world conversion. They even teach that only a small minority will listen and survive.


  • stillajwexelder

    small and cramped is the road leading off too life - broada nd spacios the road leading to destruction

  • eyeslice

    I lived and served as an elder in India for a while.
    The only people we really witnessed to were upper and middle class Indians. The society (either the Indian Bethel or New York) does nothing to support or help the poor. Like other religions, we could have setup feeding centres, schools or hospital facilities but that is outside the only remit of the society, the preaching work. What a waste of time and effort!
    Another angle, I am sure that between China and India, each year more than 6 million babies are born. Given the Armageddon doctrine, this means that for every year that God holds back Armagedon to save a few more people by means of the preaching work, million more Indian and Chinese babies are born to be destroyed.

  • Jake99

    God is not holding back in fact quite the opposite mankind is just not waking up to the presence of Christ. Just before and after Y2K a man stepped forward with a bow and eluded to being the Christ. As a result he was put on trial and was proven not to be, a liar, a lunatic, a criminal or an imposter. At the same time the prosecution proved him to be the Christ by way of facts and evidence and the jury convicted him of crimes that were not crimes.The judges who had claimed to be the victims of this crime, had no choice but to set aside the guilty verdict and set him free after 15 months of legal actions against him and more abuse and illegal proceedures than you can shake a stick at.

    I am sorry to hear that India seems hopeless but the only way this world can be saved is through following the messiah and then all is done very quickly. If you follow the man who leaves, peace, prosperity and long life in his wake, the world operating systems will dramatically change for the better in a few minutes and never change again. Its the same demonstration he performed every day for decades all over the US, before and after the bow incident.

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