Encouraged to read old light?

by Mysterious 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    MJ said

    but if you read both versions side-by-side, it would be hard NOT to suspect the WTS is just pulling stuff out of thin air.

    No, I think they are pulling stuff out of a darker, moister place...

  • willyloman

    About three years ago, the elders hereabouts were called in to an area assembly hall for another of those famous "elder schools" and Ted "the Boss" Jaracz delivered a talk toward the end of the day. He got into a rant about entertainment and said too many JWs were obsessed with entertainment, including the elders assembled before him. He chastised us for the attitude that we felt the need to be entertained every weekend, not only on Friday nights but AGAIN on Saturday night! He suggested a better way to spend our free time was to catch up on our bible study and our theocratic reading program. And then, I swear, he said this: "I make it a practice to go back and read the society's literature. You should go back and read the literature all the way back to 1919. That way you know your history."

    The room was stone silent. In that moment when you could have heard a pin drop, I am certain many of us shared a collective thought: Hell, if we all did that, we'd be gone. At least, that's what I was thinking.

    This was cognitive dissonance on display for those who could, or would, see it. Cog Dis permeates the Society at the highest levels. They simply cannot conceive that someone might take a look at this crap and recognize it for what it is.

  • zeroday

    Watchtower August 1, 1974 pp. 467,471,472


    As to disfellowshiped family members (not minor sons or daughters) living outside the home, each family must decide to what extent they will have association with such ones. This is not something that the congregational elders can decide for them. What the elders are concerned with is that "leaven" is not reintroduced into the congregation through spiritual fellowshiping with those who had to be removed as such "leaven." Thus, if a disfellowshiped parent goes to visit a son or daughter or to see grandchildren and is allowed to enter the Christian home, this is not the concern of the elders. Such a one has a natural right to visit his blood

    Reading old WT liturature as instructed.

  • Finally-Free
    "I make it a practice to go back and read the society's literature. You should go back and read the literature all the way back to 1919. That way you know your history."

    We can only hope everyone acts upon this fine counsel.


  • Mysterious

    I wonder if your average gung ho newbie elder even realizes all the trouble in those older publications. Especially if they came in the truth when there was newer light available.

  • Poztate

    Watchtower August 1, 1974 pp. 467,471,472


    As to disfellowshiped family members (not minor sons or daughters) living outside the home, each family must decide to what extent they will have association with such ones. This is not something that the congregational elders can decide for them. What the elders are concerned with is that "leaven" is not reintroduced into the congregation through spiritual fellowshiping with those who had to be removed as such "leaven." Thus, if a disfellowshiped parent goes to visit a son or daughter or to see grandchildren and is allowed to enter the Christian home, this is not the concern of the elders. Such a one has a natural right to visit his blood

    Hey Zero...That is the exact thing that caused me to leave the "truth"..They flip floped and lied about their beliefs.When I confronted one of the CO's on this he only told me that we had to do as we were told and "jehovah" would figure it out in the end.

  • zeroday

    Amazing isn't it. Do as you are told. And yet, if in 1995 you refused to accept the "NEW LIGHT" about 1914 and this generation, you would be disfellowshipped as an apostate. Even though you were told to believe it for over 70 years.

  • M.J.

    Here's a quote from the 1959 WT with the "old light" (completely wrong) meaning of the 2,300 day prophecy of Daniel 8:


    w59 10/1 pp. 601-602 Part 23: "Your Will Be Done on Earth" ***
    The announcement in the Watchtower magazine of October 15, 1932, at the end of 2,300 evenings and mornings was the official notification made by Jehovah through his visible channel of communication that his sanctuary of anointed "living stones" had been cleansed, vindicated and justified.
  • Poztate

    Here's a quote from the 1959 WT with the "old light" (completely wrong) meaning of the 2,300 day prophecy of Daniel 8:


    w59 10/1 pp. 601-602 Part 23: "Your Will Be Done on Earth" ***
    The announcement in the Watchtower magazine of October 15, 1932, at the end of 2,300 evenings and mornings was the official notification made by Jehovah through his visible channel of communication that his sanctuary of anointed "living stones" had been cleansed, vindicated and justified.

    M.J. .....I looked up the whole article on the WT CD rom...What a piece of S*H*I*T* The boy at head office was really spinning a tall tale with this one. Little freddy franz was the author of most if not all of the WT's wild claims from this period.The boys at WT legal and service are still trying to do damage control with all that he said. Between the B.S. from franz and rutherford I am suprised that this religion?? survived at all.

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