Knowingly marrying a pedofile

by Billygoat 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Billygoat

    This is a story that I heard today...

    My boss has some friends, we'll call them Tom and Beverly. My boss actually knew Tom years before he met Beverly. He was going through a divorce and my boss had a crush on him. It never became more than a friendship, because my boss found out that he was getting a divorce because he left his wife (of 10 years) for his mistress (of 8 years) who was quite a bit younger than he was. At that discovery, my boss never looked at him the same, although she remained his friend and coworker for years.

    Flash forward 4 or 5 years later, my boss finds out that Tom has left his mistress and has met Beverly and they were living together. They seemed like such a sweet couple, handsome, pretty, educated, high up in the corporate ranks...the perfect Ken and Barbie couple. About two years after the start of this relationship, my boss walks into a local grocery store and sees Beverly. Who has lost weight, her hair was messy and she just didn't look like her normal beautiful self. When my boss asked her what was wrong, Beverly mentions she's depressed because her and Tom broke up. She thought they'd get married, but she found out that Tom was looking at child porn on the internet and having several online affairs. With two 15 year old girls. Not only that, but that he'd attempted to meet the first one (but she got spooked and didn't show up) and had secretly purchased tickets to New Jersey to meet the second. When Beverly discovered this, she abruptly broke it off and kicked him out of the house. Remembering how Tom had had an affair on his first wife, my boss nodded and listened politely. She consoled Beverly by telling her she did the right thing. They hugged and parted. That was about 2 years ago.

    Last month, my boss gets a call from Tom. It had been the first time they'd spoken in quite a few years. He mentions that he wants my boss to come over and do some interior design work at the house. In fact, he says, Beverly has been bugging him about calling my boss to do it personally. My boss is a little confused. Last she knew, Tom and Beverly were broken up. She laughs and says, "So how is Beverly doing?" Fine, fine, fine. We're getting married yanno? My boss pauses mid-smile. Yes, they were getting married on a Wednesday, before his Hewlett Packard health benefits closed down. You see, he was taking an early retirement that Friday, and would need to get Beverly listed on his retirement health plan. "Of course", my boss said and keeps smiling into the phone. They chat some more and schedule a time for her to arrive at the house for the design installation.

    Last week, on installation day, my boss arrives to Tom and Beverly's beautiful Flower Mound home. Beverly still does not look like her "normal" beautiful self. She's never gained her weight back from the break up over two years ago. Instead of looking like Barbie, she looks more like Kate Moss, but with dark circles under her sunken eyes, brittle hair pulled back into a short ponytail, clothes wrinkled and no makeup. My boss is more than a little worried. Before she begins doing any design work around the home, Beverly pulls her aside into the east wing hallway.

    "I know you understand that Tom and I have been through a lot these past couple years. You saw me at the worst I've ever been, but things have changed. Tom has changed. He's not the same man anymore. We've been through counseling and are going to a couple's recovery group. He's very devoted and asked me to marry him for a fresh start. I decided that the best thing was to give him another chance. Really, we're very happy."

    My boss played along and told Beverly she was happy for her and really hoped things did work out. After a few more minutes of chat, Beverly left to run errands, leaving my boss alone to work. She prayed and cried the whole afternoon, while in the quiet of this huge, cold, empty multi-million dollar home.

    My boss told me this story today. I couldn't not cry while she told me. I cry for those little girls Tom tried to meet. The second of whom I have no idea if he ever met up with. I cry for Beverly myself. I want to shake her, scream at her, tell her to run. But Tom makes way too much money and provides way too much physical comfort for her to say no. I know someday, once again, she'll come face to face with the fact that her husband likes to hunt down little girls on the internet with the hopes of having sex with them. I hope her new big house, Mercedes, and country club membership are worth it. And I hope he burns in hell.

    You have access to this man's name, number, address. You have no proof he does anything illegal with little girls. What do you do? What can you do?

  • sinis

    Call the FBI or local PD (kiddy porn task force) and relay your suspicions. They can go back through the provider and see where he has been. He might also be currently looking at kiddy porn and or soliciting young girls unbeknownst to his wife - once a pedaphile always a pedaphile. I would make the call and put your mind at ease - leave it up to them to pursue - who knows you might be saving the mental, physical, and spiritual life of a young child as well as there innocense. HTH

  • sinis

    Oh, and I should mention that you should be able to inform them anonymously. Normally what they do is a "knock and talk" or basically visit the residence and ask "questions" without naming a source. You would be amazed at how many times people "confess" to there "bad habit".

  • Confession

    From your story, Billy, Tom would certainly appear to be a piece of work. But, please understand that his wanting to have sex with 15 year old girls (while illegal, unethical and troubling) does not make him a pedophile. Pedophilia has to do with making pre-pubescent children the object of ones sexual gratification. The law would refer to it as statutory rape.

    I don't expect that this will lessen any outrage. I certainly hope he will be a good husband, but his track record suggests he won't.

  • sinis

    In the strictist sense of the word a pedophile is: an adult who is sexually attracted to children. Legally speaking the mere fact that he has solicited a child, more than likely for sex (or the need for traveling would not have come up), would violate federal law. That and child pornography if he may possess. See 18 USC 2251 & 18 USC 2252.

  • Finally-Free
    Call the FBI or local PD (kiddy porn task force) and relay your suspicions. They can go back through the provider and see where he has been.

    This is definitely the correct course of action. They can determine if there is cause to seize his computer and forensically examine his hard drive. Even if he deleted his child porn they can still recover it and use it as evidence.


  • MegaDude

    Don't do anything. You have no proof that any of this really happened. It's a second-hand story.

  • sinis
    Don't do anything. You have no proof that any of this really happened. It's a second-hand story.

    Your right, my mistake. I completely forgot about the "2 witness rule".

  • Trace

    I think I have to agree with megadude.

    Dstraught p a rtners h a ve been known to "embellish" a fact or two against their soon-to-be ex.

    With no evidence, they probably won't even do anything ...politely nod and write "notes" and secretly wonder what vendetta you have against the "accused."

    Most of us have left the "thought police."

    There really isn't anything here to report.

    Not a popular view but ....

  • Confession
    In the strictist sense of the word a pedophile is: an adult who is sexually attracted to children.

    What follows is the medical definition of Pedophilia, as found on WebMD...

    Pedophilia: A disorder in which a person has fantasies, urges or behaviors that involve sexual activity with a pre-pubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).

    Also from Wikipedia

    In the United States and some other countries, the term is also sometimes used (incorrectly) to describe people attracted to adolescents, and usually reflects the age at which a minor becomes an adult legally — especially in regards to sexual activies. In cultures or countries where love relationships or dates between adults and adolescents are socially or legally accepted (at least with parental consent) or are viewed with tolerance, such as France or Brazil, the word pedophilia is almost never used in this sense, either formally or informally.

    The difference has to do with the youth's development. If he/she has not reached puberty--and thus does not possess the traits and qualities considered as normal in adult sexual attraction, the adult who is attracted to him/her has an abnormal desire. If the youth has reached puberty, the affected adult is reacting to the same qualities a normal adult finds attractive in another adult. Strictly speaking, the latter adult does not have abnormal desires--he or she is only acting out of harmony with societal standards--and obviously placing their own desires ahead of the best interests of the inexperienced and vulnerable adolescent.

    Please understand, I'm only providing this for clarity. This in no way suggests that this Tom guy isn't a troubling character. But this information is common to any discussion of pedophilia.

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