What Did You Learn At The Meetings? Anything???

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The Society constantly stresses the value and importance of meetings. Did you ever recieve any enlightenment while at the Kingdom Hall?

  • luna2

    Did you hit your limit, mini?

  • minimus

    All they give you is regurgitated food. UCK!

  • serendipity

    I still attend Sunday meetings, and I have to say that most of the time I do hear at least one new thought and or a mention of a scripture I haven't heard in quite some time. There's little in most public talks that I find objectionable. The WT studies are a bit more problematic, especially since I started reading Blondie's reviews.

  • dedpoet

    I haven't been in years, so I don't know what they hear now, but I'd bet its the same old recycled bullshit they "fed" us on when I was an active jw.

  • Finally-Free
    What Did You Learn At The Meetings? Anything???

    I learned how to find answers to questions in the paragraph and read them out, changing only one or two words to make it sound like I was giving the answer in my own words.


  • minimus

    They prefer that you read the pablum right from the paragraph. Just read it with good diction and emphasis. Do not be creative or put things in your own words. When explaining why JWs do this or that, use the Reasoning book and have the householder read directly from the book. The same with directing the brothers to the Index. Let them read Jehovah's words themselves.

  • Finally-Free
    The same with directing the brothers to the Index. Let them read Jehovah's words themselves.

    If the index referred to only God's words in the bible it would probably only have 5 pages in it.


  • blondie

    I never learned anything AT the meetings. I did share a new point or two or a new slant from time to time. The speakers were pretty slack in the last 15 years. There was a time a public talk could be quite exciting because some brothers had some interesting personal sidepoints. But those days are gone.


  • minimus

    What you read from the "Slave" is what you read coming from Jehovah. Dumbass.

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