need information

by Alwayshere 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Alwayshere

    Hope someone has the april 15, 1928 pg.126 watchtower they can print on here. I know if "Elsewhere" sees this he can. But not sure he is still around. Thought maybe someone else might could help. Thanks.

  • gumby

    Can you give us a hint what it relates to?


  • Alwayshere

    Yeah Gumby, The Watchtower made the statement about mistakes being in the Bible. I was wondering what they thought the mistakes were. I left the cult about 3 years ago.

  • gumby

    Here you go, sorry for the late response

    The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126

    Sometimes a member of a class will refuse to engage in the canvassing for the books because there are some mistakes in the books, and says his conscience will not permit him to put books in which there are mistakes into the hands of the people. Of course this is another method that the enemy adopts to confuse the minds and furnish an excuse for not being faithful to the Lord. As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible and there has never been a book written yet that is perfect that has been written by any human hand.


  • Alwayshere

    Thanks Gumby. Sounds like they are saying their books have wrong information in them and blames the publishers for not wanting to place them in the hands of people. That is one sorry organization. thanks again.

  • HappyDad
    Sometimes a member of a class will refuse to engage in the canvassing for the books because there are some mistakes in the books, and says his conscience will not permit him to put books in which there are mistakes into the hands of the people. Of course this is another method that the enemy adopts to confuse the minds and furnish an excuse for not being faithful to the Lord. As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible and there has never been a book written yet that is perfect that has been written by any human hand.

    My sincere thanks to everyone who has done research into the "old light". Writings such as this just confirms in my heart and mind that I made the right choice of leavig the JW's. I am so happy that I was finally able to see through it all with the help of the internet.

    The WTBTS always has and always will use the IFS method of binding the blind believers........INTIMIDATION.........FEAR............SARCASM


  • belbab

    When I went to Gilead, Brudder Kkknorr, in a talk told us that we did not need to read publications older than eight years ago. That is don't read older publications. Stupid me, I packed around trunk loads of bound volumes for years.

    I assumed the reason he told us that was because the changes and errors came so fast we didn't need to go way back before eight years.


  • jgnat

    Then why in the heck do they hold Christendom to account for perceived error committed over 1800 years ago?

  • Alwayshere
    Then why the heck do they hold Christendom to account for perceived error committed over 1800 years ago?

    Because they think they are the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" and NO ONE but them can be forgivin.

  • rebel8
    Sometimes a member of a class will refuse to engage in the canvassing for the books because there are some mistakes in the books, and says his conscience will not permit him to put books in which there are mistakes into the hands of the people. Of course this is another method that the enemy adopts to confuse the minds and furnish an excuse for not being faithful to the Lord

    It strikes me the quote discussed above conflicts directly with the following:

    Watchtower March 1, 1894 p.1629 ***

    [This is a summary, not a quote.]

    [If you get a tract or paper from us that is not in harmony with the Scriptures, let us know and do not circulate it.]

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