Why did Jesus have to die?

by ghostbuster 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    Hellrider....don't feel bad. I STILL smoke. I tried the patches and made it 3 months...then started again. It sucks bigtime. I tried gum, pills, even hypnotism(didn't even work). I'm a weak sinful worthless apostate sumbitch


  • ghostbuster

    Hi Navigator,

    I Agree with your points except he didn't have to kill himself to demonstrate the resurrection, if that is what you meant, because he did that using lazarus. And Another thing why did Lazarus get to be resurrected? Was that nepotism?

  • serendipity

    Hi Ghostbuster,

    Welcome to the forum!

  • ghostbuster

    Thanks for the welcome serendipity!!

  • startingover

    The whole ransom thing never made sense to me. I just put it aside and believed one day it would be answered for me. But it never was. I always thought it was not a equal exchange because Jesus was supposedly privy to what was going on and knew he would go back to that position after this little game was played. As Runningman said it so aptly, Jesus did no more than have a bad weekend for man. The thing that makes death so bad is it's permanence.

    My question about it is this: Who was holding mankind captive and who did the ransom price get paid to? And once it was paid nothing changed. Why?

  • ghostbuster

    "My question about it is this: Who was holding mankind captive and who did the ransom price get paid to? And once it was paid nothing changed. Why?"

    Good point. He paid with his life and nothing happens for 2000 years. That's a bad ransom deal if you ask me.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Chapter Twelve, Section Eight, Subsection Twelve, Page Seven, Paragraph Six Six Six of the Unified Penal Code and Big Book of Uncle Nero's Safety Tips mandates that:

    "All demigods in the Roman Provinces, whether imaginary or real, must be put to death in a manner befitting their station in life. To wit, stoning, flogging, flossing and crossing. In the event said execution results in a resurrection, all Rules, Regulations and Stuff become null and void, and all Roman plebes are hereby ordered to capitulate to said demigod and pass legislation making worship of said demigod the only legal religion in the Empire and all it's provinces, including and especially Byzantium. Make it so!"


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Welcome aboard! Its' good to 'meet' you.

    Looking forward to more intelligent observations and questions.

    I too simply don't get the "dying for my sins" gabble. Jesus Christ is in actuality the (Oh no! Nate's at it AGAIN! AAAAAAHHHHH!) perennial Myth of the dying and rising Godman. Every event in his "life" can be found in these Myths, including his teaching, all the way back to Osiris in Egypt. -Nate

    To be sung to "Those Daring Young Men In Their Flying Machines":

    He died for our sins
    and he rose from the tomb
    The flew thru the sky
    like a hot-air ballon
    His movements so jerky
    his words so bizarre
    Let's name this dead dude
    Jesus Christ Superstar!

  • Leolaia
    Every event in his "life" can be found in these Myths, including his teaching, all the way back to Osiris in Egypt.

    A bit overstated? I would rather look to the OT and intertestamental parallels for the likely source of most narrative elements...especially as far as the evidence of verbal dependence on the Greek OT is concerned....The myths of Hellenistic mystery cults may provide a rough outline, but are less impressive in the details...

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hey Narkissos

    I always wondered who the "ransom" was paid to. The obvious answer is Satan, but I cannot recall if that is the JW teaching.


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