Just an Idea....

by RichieRich 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    So, every Thursday morning, my congregation does Phone Witnessing from about 9:30 til noon.

    Its actually quite enjoyable, sitting around a table, drinking coffee, eating doughnuts, and laughing.

    Well, when a "householder" isn't home, a message is left including the phone number to the Kingdom Hall.

    Often, people call back, either irate, or inquisitive.

    So, I was thinking,

    What if a couple of you guys called, and perhaps "informed" that little group about a few things. I don't want my name drug into this, so I'm going to ask anyone interested to PM me, so I can send them the info.

    I think this will be informative to them, and highly entertaining for me.

    I look forward to tons of PMs.

  • Cellist

    Hi Richie,

    Hilarious idea. I'm not home in the mornings, though. But I was wondering if they have caller ID ?


  • jwfacts

    What a great idea, educate some witnesses and take up their witnessing time. Some Christian religions use the same tactic of talking to the JWs at their doors to waste their time and prevent them talking to and trying to convert others

  • tetrapod.sapien

    dude, that would be freaking hilarious. but do you mean call the hall, or actually call the group like i was a householder that just missed the call? either would be sweet! i could give them the atheist and evolution lambasting. lol.

    k, i'll PM you.

    he he he, next thrusday!


  • AuldSoul

    I'M IN!

    I'll PM you.


  • YoursChelbie


    --"Kingdom Hall" (in Carolina, Texas, West Virginia, etc.)

    "Hi, I'm out of town right now, but in checking my message at home I found out you all called me offering a free home Bible study. Is that right?"


    "Well, I won't be returning back to (Carolina, Texas, West Virginia, etc.) for a couple of weeks, but I'd like to ask you some questions and maybe you can provide me with some Bible-based answers. Can I call this number when you will have time to answer my questions?"

    --Of Course!

    <<<Then when a time has been scheduled, you call the Kingdom Hall>>>

    Ask about the shocking things you heard on "Dateline" regarding the failure of elders to listen to just ONE child who was the victim a crime, when this crime was commited by one of their adult members.

    Or you could say that your cousin or nephew etc. was baptized before the age of 18. Why are the Witnesses allowing young people to make a decision of this importance while they are minors? Why are they allowed and actually encouraged to abide by all the implications of baptism if they are not old enough to even get married?


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