Creation Ex-Nihilo - Did God Create Everything Out of Nothing?

by Ianone 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe

    Ya mean we're not all home-spun out of god-stuff?

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    If you're going to go by the Bible rather than Creedal Christianity, no. There's a verse in Romans (I think its in Romans. Not gonna get up and check) that says clearly in Greek.

    "For all is OUT (ek) of him and through him and for him." Most translations muddy up "ek" with something else to hide this fact.

    Something cannot be made out of nothing. "Nonsense is still nonsense even when we speak it of God." -CS Lewis

    Yours NOT in Joe Hovah,
    Charley Atlas
    "You too can have a body like mine!"

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