Are you a creature of habit?

by findingmyway 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • findingmyway

    I just realized that I am a creature of habit and routine. I almost cannot function unless somethings in my life are consistently the same from one day to the next. I have been known to eat the same thing for breakfast an lunch every day of the week. I function so much better when:

    • I rise at the same time every day...
    • Arrive at work at the same time every day...
    • Shut my computer down at the same time every day...
    • Take the same route home every day (I walk, so I can always take an alternate route)...
    • Arrive at home at the same time every day...
    • And go through the same evening routine every day.

    After contemplating this phenomenon (or perfect wierdness) about myself, I started to wonder why I can't adapt to change very well. Here's my theory:

    I was raised a JW and after more than 20 years of Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday worship; evening witnessing on Wednesdays; and door-to-door witnessing every Saturday and Sunday one is used to following a prescribed program of doing specific things at specific times. Also, I think I've adopted obsessive compulsive behavior traits because of this conditioning.

    It's a hard habit to break, but I'm consciously working on it.

    Any other theories?

  • Lilycurly

    Might be....and maybe it's the reason I'm like that too. But perhaps some people are just born that way...

    I really need a routine and to know what will happen. Makes me feel secure when I know I'm going grocery shopping on Monday, take a coffe with my mother on Friday, go to the movies on Saturday, watch mostly the same shows everyday. I need that, and I feel safe with that.... I don't really like surprises that mess with my Some people might find me kind of boring, actually!

  • Satanus

    I think you guys are naturally like that. Some people naturally can't stand routine. They are unhappy when locked into routines and generally find ways to destroy them.


  • Golf

    findingmyway, I make it a point to take different routes. One elderly lady once said, "When I can't find my way, I'm not lost, I just discover new things."

    There's no question I do many things routinely, I could park my car in my driveway or in the carport. I have a large driveway area so I can park in many spots. If I could park on my roof, I would.

    I sleep with the same wife, and if your married, there is no one set position in deep breathing.

    One of the things you learn when doing steel-work, and that is, there's not one way of doing things. Enough said.


  • FairMind

    I believe we are all creatures of habit, I know i am. There are good habits and bad habits and if we can replaced the bad ones with good ones it helps our chances of having a happy successful life.

    If we know that we are prone to compulsive behavior then we will avoid doing things that as a habit would be bad for us. Compulsion can also be used in a positive way, exercise for example is IMO an extremely good habit to have.

  • Soledad


    I eat the same breakfast almost everyday

    I watch the same TV shows over and over and over

    I go to the gym at the same time and do the same exercises for the exact same time intervals

    I wake up everyday at exactly 4:59am. I don't necessairily get up at that time, but my eyes pop open at that exact time

    My preferences in work have been the same for the past 10 years

  • Carmel

    I frequent the same damn ExJW forum almost every day!


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