It's an invasion....

by caligirl 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • caligirl

    of seldom worked territory! We have been here more than a year, and this is only the 2nd time that anyone has ever rung the bell.

    Six weeks ago when they rang the bell, I engaged in a 15 minute conversation outlining the reasons I no longer go. I debated not answering the door, but was no pretending I wasn't home, because the 2 year old yells "DOOR MUM" at the top of his lungs and runs to play with the knob every time the bell rings. Plus, my older son was out playing in the driveway.

    So, I come out of the bedroom upstairs, and I can see from the balcony through the window by the door who it is, and actually even without seeing, I knew who it was going to be.

    So I take the towel out of my hair, and answer the door. (If only they came 10 minutes earlier, I would have still been in the shower and not had to answer.)

    The woman had a girl with her, probably about 14 from the looks, and she really didn't look thrilled. Didn't utter a peep, or smile at all. The woman starts off with "Good Morning. We are christian ministers (and I'm you are not) and we are here to offer you a home bible study from this publication (What Does God Require of Us or something like that) and it is conducted at your convenience for whatever length of time that you wish. Is that something that you are interested in?" I said " No, thanks. Actually I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness." And she says " And your not interested in getting back into the organization?" I just said " No, I have strong disagreements with the interpretation of the bible." And she says, " Ok, you have a nice day." The last ladies that came by asked me what I didn't agree with. This one I could tell was not the talking type, unless she was the one doing it!

    Even if I had the time to get into a discussion, I don't think I would have tried it with her. I just felt bad for the poor young girl standing there in a dress that looked straight out of Little House on the Prairie on a gorgeous Saturday morning!

  • mouthy

    (and I'm you are not)

    Pity you didnt SAY it!!! yes I guess you felt sorry for the Little one (((hugs) I know I used to drag my daughter with me. She didnt want to go... Now she is dead!!!! She was never going to Kindergarten according to the WT... She was 42 when she died.

  • unbeliever

    I remember when you first posted about dubs showing up at your door I figured the elders would be dropping by.

    I recently moved and if the right dub comes a long I will start a bible study with them. And when I say bible we will only use the bible. I know it won't last long but hopefully I might be able to plant some doubts. If it's a dubby like you came across today I will send them on their way.

  • caligirl

    mouthy - I wanted to say it, that's for sure! But I read her as someone that wouldn't listen anyways.

    unbeliever, I thought the same thing. I'm surprised they haven't. Maybe because I made it clear that I originated a long way from here and don't know anyone that I'm not a threat?

  • Purza
    I just felt bad for the poor young girl standing there in a dress that looked straight out of Little House on the Prairie on a gorgeous Saturday morning!

    At least I didn't wear those gunny sax dresses out in service -- I saved those for the assemblies. LOL

    Poor kid.


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