Choosing a life of misery instead of divorce

by pennycandy 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pennycandy

    Divorce is a bad thing. God hates it. I get that and I agree. But even as a witness, I thought the divorce-only-by-adultry rule was misused. Here is how I came to disagree:

    My parents have been miserable ever since I can remember. My dad is a closed book, clueless, emotionless, inactive for about 30 years. My mom is a talker, social and fun, but resentful and bitter at my dad. I can't imagine two people more ill-suited to fulfill each other's needs. She's kicked him out a few times, but always takes him back because everyone says she has to, not because she thinks they stand a chance at being happy together. I grew up watching my mother waste her life away being unhappy.

    So I was very careful picking my JW husband. I made him promise he wouldn't "drift away from the truth" after we married because I would NOT live my mother's life. Funny, maybe if he had "drifted away" we might still be married. Anyway, through the years as things got worse, every time my mother would say, "He's so much like your daddy," I would die a little inside. I knew I was trapped, just like she was.

    It's not that I was looking for an easy way out. I never took my marriage lightly and planned to lie in the bed I had made forever. But my mom . . . she was a good person in a loveless marriage and they were both MISERABLE.

    Her two options were . . .

    1. Obey God's "rules" and spend the rest of her life in this system angry, hopeless, desperate for love and affection, and terribly unhappy, bestowing upon her children all the detrimental consequences of growing up in an unhappy home and never learning what love is supposed to be. Crying herself to sleep and dragging her unthankful children to the meetings and in service with no familial support and no encouragement.


    2. Cut her losses, climb the emotional mountain of recovery, teach her children they cannot let someone else take away their happiness, maybe fall in love again and have the marriage she always dreamed of.

    She choose #1, the "right" choice, for a witness. I wished many times they'd just sign the papers and get it over with. It may be a sin but God can forgive sins.

    I began to see the divorce-only-by-adultry scriptures in a different light. Shouldn't it be viewed as a common sense principle instead of a hard and fast rule? You know, like don't be lazy, drink moderately, women should wear a head covering, don't divorce on a whim.

    Did the Bible writers really mean to imply such a hard and fast rule that one should live their entire lives in misery instead of break it?

    What about cases of abuse? Sure, you can leave him, but you must either go back to him or live celibate the rest of your life or until he has sex with someone else. How is that fair?

    Would God really want someone miserable and unloved instead of divorcing? Especially since the majority of marriages take place at the beginning of adult life, when one still has so much changing and growing to do.

    I think if God can forgive murder then he can understand the need for a second chance.

    What do you think?

  • pennycandy

    That being said, I do think most marriages can be saved with a lot of effort. But some are just not saveable.

  • Pistoff

    I think that early christians would be amused that Christians take everything so literally in the Bible; after all, the existing canon was not around when the apostles were.

    The bible is a guide; it is not a law book. Jesus said not to judge, but what do the elders do? They judge, and toss out any who have not figured out how to work the system.

    Many who divorce never get DF'd; they figured it out. One corrupt brother in a nearby state, caught after years of affairs, is now reinstated after 10 months!! I know a young man who was out for 18 months for his indiscretion.

    It is silly to look at what the NT says as hard and fast laws; I don't think the early christians did.

  • LittleToe

    For another view, have you ever researched "Pauline privilege", based on 1Cor.7:15?

  • jeanniebeanz
    What do you think?

    I could not agree more, Penny. Been there, got the scars to prove it, won't ever do that again.


  • pennycandy


    Do tell.

    "Only, as Jehovah has given each one a portion, let each one so walk as God has called him. And thus I ordain in all the congregations." (NWT)

  • LittleToe

    Wrong verse:

    1Co 7:15 (NWT) But if the unbelieving one proceeds to depart, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not in servitude under such circumstances, but God has called YOU to peace.
  • pennycandy

    Well that makes a whole lot more sense!

    Does this verse contradict the "he who divorces except on the grounds of adultry commits adultry"?

  • FlyingHighNow
    I began to see the divorce-only-by-adultry scriptures in a different light. Shouldn't it be viewed as a common sense principle instead of a hard and fast rule? You know, like don't be lazy, drink moderately, women should wear a head covering, don't divorce on a whim.

    Before I got to the point I am now in my spiritual journey, I had decided that the Bible held up ideals to strive for, rather than do or die/fry rules.

    Ideally we would all pick the ideal mate and not grow apart over the years of the marriage. Realistically, most of us don't find it the first time around or even the second or third time around.

  • Gordy

    I will have been separated from my wife for 9 years next month. The lasy 4 years had no contact at all due to fact I disassociated.

    Have recently been thinking about divorce, which would be pretty easy after so long a separation and no young children involved.

    But neither of us has committed adultery. So have always been reluctant to sue for divorce.

    I could on "irreconcilible grounds" but still would feel wrong doing it.

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