JW response to latest hard line anti-education WT article?

by watch the tower 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • GoingGoingGone
    husband says they are not discouraging higher ed. just that you should be 'careful'

    That's what my husband said, too. That it's good that we are made aware of all the dangers of kids moving away from home and living on a university campus. Other people think it's ok to go to college, as long as you're living at home and have 'spiritual goals' in mind.

    My mother said that she would be willing to pay for me to go to a tech school.. But if I insisted on going to a university, it would certainly be the demise of my Service to Jehovah, and as the system is a few years around the corner, its not a "good investment"

    Richie - You better be going to a university, kiddo....!!!


  • 95stormfront
    But if I insisted on going to a university, it would certainly be the demise of my Service to Jehovah, and as the system is a few years around the corner, its not a "good investment" to teach a "dead man walking" how to make money.

    Yeah...but will she still feel that way a couple of decades from now when you're the only one with enough resources and time to support her in her old age all because of the fact that you went to college?

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