I got a nice surprise yesterday...

by Mastodon 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mastodon

    My wife and I started fading about 2 1/2 years ago, but for different reasons. She had noticed the lack of love and justice in the congregations, even experienced some firsthand and the abusive conduct of elders against the R&F.
    On the other side, I was starting my research on the WT and had pretty much decided I didn't want any part in the bOrg. We never really talked about it, we kinda left it as a "i guess we're not going to meetings anymore" and such. Well, earlier this year I sat down with her and, with hands and voice shaking, told her of all the research I was doing and all the stuff I found out. Luckily, she took it all very well and actually agreed that knowing all that made her understand all the stuff she had realized about the bOrg. As it stands now, neither of us want anything to do with the cult.
    The surprise came yesterday when, out of nowhere, she said she wanted a christmas tree in the house this year. So we went and bought all the ornaments and all that. To me this is a huge step and it shows me that she truly understands the nature of the JW cult. She has never, ever had a christmas tree in her house growing up... this will be her first and I am actually proud of myself, knowing that somehow I made her confortable enough to take this step.

  • Finally-Free

    I love to hear stories about people gaining their freedom!


  • Simon

    Good news !

    I think ex-JWs probably have the most traditional christmas because we didn't do it growing up it all comes right out of a book !

  • forsharry

    I think this is really good news. This is a chance for the both of you to make a step together, versus 'united' but separate. I'm sure it took a lot of courage to tell her what you had been looking into, but I hope this makes your relationship even stronger...imagine that, honesty and straightforwardness in a marriage. Who would have thought?! Yet another 'great' thing brought down from the WTS...fear of an open an honest relationship. Gestaptower!

    Go buy your wifie the biggest, most piney-fresh scent tree ever! Have a great time. My personal fav is to sit there in the darkness with a glass of wine and watch the lights twinkle in the tree...it's peaceful. More peace than I ever got at the meetings, that's for sure.

  • GoingGoingGone

    Oh how cool!! I'm so happy for you!

    I want Christmas!


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia


    That is wonderful news! It's wonderful your wife was so open to your research when you decided to leave the WTS.

    I hope you all have fun preparing for your Christmas celebration!


  • Legolas

    That is good news!


  • luna2

    Awww, that's great Mastodon! Hope you guys have lots of fun with the holidays this year.

  • Quentin

    Have a Merry Christmas...in fact, hope you enjoy all the holidays...there great!

  • jgnat

    That's awesome! It's cool when you have your partner at your side. Post us a picture when it's up, eh?

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