Why is Jehovah organization or Jehova's Witness so critizise?

by toer5777 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stress Free
    Stress Free

    toer5777, It's good to see that you have taken the first step to becoming a free thinker by joining us on this forum. If you stick around you will learn the "REAL TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUTH".

    As for being critical of JW'S, it's more about exposing the organisation for what it is, manipulative and controlling, resulting in so many peoples lives been ruined.

    Honestly, you must have your head in the sand if you truly believe that the WTS never criticizes any other person or organisation.

  • theinfamousone
    Why not the catholic church or others religions? I dont understand that how a religion that douesn't go to war, don't buy guns, they preach for free they dont get paid,there not rasist, they love there neighbors they treat others well, they dont bother you if you dont want them to pass by your house they wont. Why so much hate, if they go strictly by what the bible says. Yes there has been thing that maybe you have seen in the congregacion that they were not right but there inperfect. I dont know. But I think that people should'nt judge others so harshly

    god dammit, maybe cuz they spell as well as you... maybe cuz theyre a bunch of morons who try to push, or force others to do their will.... maybe cuz they split up families that dont love their god... maybe cuz theyre a bunch of brainwashers... maybe cuz they told me that i cannot think for myself, thats wrong... maybe cuz they love to talk about everyone and others... maybe cuz they do bother you when you tell them you want them to get lost... maybe cuz they are harsh... maybe cuz they are so arrogant it hurts.... maybe cuz they promote disfunction... maybe cuz they hate everything but their people... maybe cuz they even hate their own people... maybe cuz they waste so much paper with their bullshit magazines... maybe cuz i hate them.... the infamoud one

  • heathen
    I wouldn't call it hate, maybe mistrust and resentment

    No, I'm quite sure it's hate alright .I gave them every chance and all they could do was take a crap on me every chance they get . They are involved with some kind of conspiracy that has yet to come to my understanding . They lie, cheat and steal , I was related to some and man are they a complete waste of space . They love to convince themselves they are better than most people and don't deserve mistrut or treatment . It's all a facade .

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