HAHAHA! New "Organized" book.

by Odrade 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ingenuous

    How did the GB miss the fact that, by their own definition in the Organized book, their association with the UN "disassociates" them from "true religion"?

    Organized To Do Jehovah's Will, pp. 155-156

    The term "disassociation" applies to the action taken by a person who, although a baptized member of the congregation, deliberately repudiates his Christian standing, rejecting the congregation by his actions or by stating that he no longer wants to be recognized as or known as one of Jehovah's Witnesses....

    Concerning those who renounced their Christian faith in his day, the apostle John wrote: "They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us." (1 John 2:19) For example, a person might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as by becoming part of a secular organization that has objectives contrary to the Bible and, hence, is under judgment by Jehovah God. (Isa. 2:4: Rev. 19:17-21) If a person who is a Christian chooses to join those who are disapproved by God , a brief announcement is made to the congregation, stating: "[Name of person] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Such a person is treated in the same way as a disfellowshipped person.

    I guess they assumed no one would actually read the Organized book?

  • Odrade

    LOL! Does ANYONE, (other than us bad apostates,) actually read the Organized book?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Can anyone tell me how you can 'cut and paste' from a PDF document like this?

    Computer semi-illiteracy speaking here.


  • Ingenuous

    Jeff - Click the button for the "text" tool - it looks like a giant uppercase "i". Then highlight and copy whatever bit of text you want.

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