Interview with God (Let's write one!)

by AlmostAtheist 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    God's been pretty quiet lately, and frankly, I think people have largely forgotten about him. It's time that he took center stage again and reminded people he's there. Unlike in the past though when he might have killed somebody, floated an axe head, or caused some sort of atmospheric anomaly, today he'd be much more likely to simply show up on the Today show for an interview.

    Let us assume that's what happened. There's God, expressing a corporeal presence into a chair, sipping a latte, and bringing the world up to speed on the happenings in heaven. Please contribute a question or two from the interviewer and answer the question for God, staying within the bounds of the following assumptions:

    The Bible really was inspired by God, but it isn't necessarily 100% accurate. Any untruth was intentionally inserted by God. (Scribal errors may also have occurred.) God's true nature is unknown, he may or may not be all powerful, all knowing, loving, etc.

    Hopefully this interview will clear up the ambiguity.

    Interviewer: "Good morning! I'm very excited to introduce my next guest. You might remember him from such films as 'The Ten Commandments' and 'The Passion'. He holds a starring role in such books as the Bible, the Koran, and the Book of Mormon. With more than four billion admirers and adherents earthwide, he has managed to parlay a single act of creation into a multi-trillion dollar industry. Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk to God!"

    [light applause sign. Cue 'Hallelujah' music. Glowing figure forms in front of chair, then sits. Extinguish applause sign.]

    Interviewer: "God, welcome. Thank you for coming."

    God: "Thank you for having me, my Child."

    Interviewer: "Please, call me Elaine. And what should I call you?"

    God: "Thank you Elaine. Why don't we go with 'God'? Universal, inclusive, descriptive. I've always liked it."

    Interviewer: "I think everyone wants to know why you've been out of the public eye for so long. The Bible shows miracles every so often, but now we don't see it. What gives?"

    God: "Miracles are a nightmare to pull off. The more spectacular you make them, the more people start looking for 'explanations'. Pretty soon you get marginalized. It's not worth the effort. Either it's so spectacular that people simply don't believe it, or it's so mundane that they don't care. No win."

    Interviewer: "I see. Well, that makes sense. I know many people through the years have wondered about natural disasters, and why you allow them. So many people killed or injured, and you don't step in. Why is that?"

    God: "Thank you, Elaine, for touching on this one. Yes, I get a ton of mail about this and honestly I'm sick to death of it. Look, hurricanes are going to happen. Tornados, earthquakes, that stuff happens. You die, you don't die, I'm not really losing any sleep over it. Rather than cry to me, I suggest you get off your collective asses and figure out how to predict and protect so you can help YOURSELVES start surviving these things better."

    Interviewer: "I see... thank you... um... if I might pursue this a bit more.. you say you're 'not losing any sleep' over natural disasters. The Bible says you love mankind, but you let bad things happen to him and don't lose sleep over it. How do you explain that?"

    God: "Well, I should point out I don't actually sleep! [God laughs] Seriously though, people think they are really something. Entire SPECIES disappear every day and everyone says 'ain't that a shame', but when a few thousand people die, suddenly everybody wants to know 'where's god?' Yes, man is a great creation, collectively. Individually, I'm afraid you're not all that significant. Take that man over there. [God points into the studio audience.] He's going to be hit by a stray bullet next Thursday, linger for a week, and die. Do you think I care? Am I going to do something? Hell no."

    Interviewer: "Well, this has been quite revealing. We're going to take a commercial break. When we return, we'll continue our interview with the Creator. See you soon!"

    [cut to far camera showing entire studio. God whispers to Elaine. Both laugh. Cut to commercial.]

  • googlemagoogle

    interviewer: there are millions of different religions and beliefs. do you have any preference on how you want to be worshipped?

    god: i knew you would ask this question - as you might have expected *giggles*. seriously, i don't remember who started with all that worshipping ideas. what do you want to accomplish by worshipping me or anyone else for that matter. please stop doing it. it's annoying. and it won't do you any good.

    if you'd stop wasting your time with church services or worse, door-to-door preaching, and start focussing on real matters, like environmental and humanitarian issues, you wouln't always need to come complaining and whining about me letting things happen.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Interviewer: "Why was Noah and his family considered righteous?"

    God: "Whoo boy, had I hoped we'd not go there. Ok, look. I'll admit, Noah wasn't my first choice. The first guy I approached with the Ark project was -- unsurprisingly -- a carpenter. He told me to buzz off. I got the same routine from five other guys before I finally found Noah. I actually only wanted him and his wife, but he would only agree if I would let his stupid kids come, too."

    Interviewer: "So why the flood, then?"

    God: "Things weren't going the way I was hoping. I wanted to see more paradise, more parks, maybe some early attempts at flight. And it just wasn't happening. I thought maybe a little 'wrath of God' stuff and a fresh start might perk things up. It didn't work, of course, and probably just made things worse if we're going to be honest about it."

    Interviewer: "And it was after the flood that you gave man the rainbow, as a promise. Do you intend to keep your promise to never destroy the earth again?"

    God: "Technically, I only promised never to destroy the earth with a flood. I knew as soon as I decreed the flood that it was a bad idea. The devil was in the details on that little beauty, what a pain. No, never again. Not by flood. The rainbow was actually a coincidence, but it played well at the time. Everybody looked up at it, all smiling. So I went with it. If you were there, you'd've done the same thing."

  • daystar

    Interviewer: So, Yahweh... What's up?





  • lonelysheep

    Interviewer: Some people claim that you don't answer their prayers. What is your take on this dilemma?

    God: Answer, schmanser!! Look, there are billions of you and only one of me! I've got a waiting list 3 universes long here. The last thing I do with my time is go through each and every one of them. All things in due time....and sometimes, never.

  • kid-A

    Interviewer: "my god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?"

    answer: "The cellular subscriber you are trying to reach is presently unavailable.....please leave your message at the tone or press 1 to page this customer....."

  • daystar
    God: Answer, schmanser!! Look, there are billions of you and only one of me! ; I've got a waiting list 3 universes long here. The last thing I do with my time is go through each and every one of them. All things in due time....and sometimes, never.

    So God is like this bad Customer Service rep? I wonder how long I would keep my job if I told my boss that I simply didn't have time to do my own job.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Interviewer: "Tell me about Job."

    God: "What's there to say? Job was rich, fat and happy, and he fell on hard times. Lucky for him he had some friends that helped him out, and got him back on his feet. I have to point out, though, that it wasn't quite as rosy as the Bible makes it out. He did ok, but it wasn't really 'double' what he had before."

    Interviewer: "Would you say Satan made his point? Or did he fail to make it?"

    God: "Excuse me? Oh, no, I see. Yes. The whole Satan/God thing there didn't happen. That was a silly little story I wound up around the guy because I needed a break between the history stuff and the songs stuff in the Bible. He was a transition, filler material as it were. A good guy, don't get me wrong, but nobody I would have staked it all on, if you know where I'm coming from."

    Interviewer: Speaking of Psalms, why do the some of the psalms repeat the same material?

    God: "When I got psalms done, it was 145 chapters. That was just too close to a nice, round 150 to let it slide. So yeah, I padded it out a bit. Honestly, I didn't know the damn book was going to be such a hit, or I might've spent another coupla hours on it. The repeats got me up to 150, that's all there is to it."


    Interviewer: God, why are you not talking to us these days?

    God: I am, you are just not listening. I have been sending my angels to the good people of the earth...the ones who were here for eons...the Native American Indians. They are listening to my messages and you should be to.

    (See Native American Indians on Warpath thread)


  • gullydwarf

    why are you such a wanker?

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