Love & Affection Shown Between Charles Taze Russell and Judge JF Rutherford

by West70 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • West70

    I am posting this for the consideration of those who "assume" and "rumor" that Charles Taze Russell and J.F. Rutherford were no longer friends in 1916.

    This article by Judge J. F. Rutherford was published in the December 1, 1916 issue of the Watch Towe magazine. I have edited the excerpt to key in on the portions that relate to the love and affection between these two men:


    I cannot pass this moment without paying a personal tribute to Pastor Russell. He was my friend, and a true friend indeed. It is written, "A true friend loves you all the time." I loved him; I know he loved me. Long before I knew Pastor Russell, he had done much for me. While I was engaged in the law practice in the Middle West, there came into my office one day a lady, bearing some books in her arms. ...

    Why should not I love him? I know that he loved me. A little incident illustrates this: Several years ago he requested me to go on a mission of importance. After talking with him I said, "Brother Russell, I feel that I cannot do it." He answered, "Yes you can, by the Lord's grace." I said, "I am willing to try." "Go on," he replied, "and I will pray God to give you the wisdom." "I went"; and having succeeded far beyond my expectations I returned and gave him a report. Seated in his study, as I went over the report in detail, his face lighted up with joy; and like a loving father he rose and put his arms around me, drew me to him and kissed me, saying, "Brother, I love you very much." I have walked with him; I have talked with him; I have eaten with him; I have slept with him; ... I count it the greatest honor that I have known to have had Pastor Russell for my true and loyal friend, and that I have been privileged to be associated with him.

    ... For more than a year prior to his death he suffered a great deal of physical pain, yet never did he murmur. ... A few weeks prior to this last illness, speaking to one whom he loved very dearly and in whom he had great confidence, he said, "I have had such a longing desire to be embraced by the Lord Jesus, to think of myself as the woman, or bride, and to have the Master press me to His bosom. ...

    ... ... ...

    Charles Taze Russell, thou hast, by the Lord, been crowned a king; and through the everlasting ages thy name shall be known amongst the people, and thy enemies shall come and worship at thy feet.

  • greendawn

    Rutherford was such a pathological liar and distorter of the real facts and nothing he says can be taken at face value.

    After Russell's death he violated his will for the organisation took it over and transformed it into his personal fiefdom ruled dictatorially by him.

  • Forscher

    Rutherford would've said anything on that occasion that he though would've ingratiated him to the others.


  • West70

    Greendawn, you wrote:

    "Rutherford was such a pathological liar and distorter of the real facts and nothing he says can be taken at face value. After Russell's death he violated his will for the organisation took it over and transformed it into his personal fiefdom ruled dictatorially by him."

    IMHO, what you say is true. Just read all the positive things Rutherford says about Charles Taze Russell.

    However, Russell also was "such a pathological liar and distorter of the real facts and nothing he says can be taken at face value."

    Rutherford "violated" Russell's Will because the content of Russell's Will was null and void. Russell donated all his assets to the Corporation after the Will was made.

    What Russell attempted to accomplish via his Will proves no less than that Russell considered the Society to be a "personal fiefdom ruled dictatorially by" Russell.

  • theinfamousone

    thats it! im disfellowshipping both their dead asses... all Jehovahs witnesses are to shun the dead men... also, they are not permitted to raise their dead hands to answer a quewstion at the meeting, or to sing with their dead voices at the hall... if their dead bodies are to see another JW in the streets, their dead bodies are to cross the street to avoid them...

    notes from the 2006 Elders Meeting in New York Bethel

    the infamous one

  • ithinkisee

    Aww ... I thought there would be some scandalous hot man-love account in this thread ....


  • Leolaia

    LOL, ithinkisee. That gives me an idea....

    My sex encounter with Pastor Russell, by J. F. Rutherford

    He called me over to his house late one night, saying we needed to go over the quarterly report. I loved to spend time with Charles, but I've never been at his place that late at night. When he opened the door, he had a nightcap in hand for me, and that brightened my eyes. We both sat there in his study, drinking, while discussing business. As I went over the report in detail, his face lighted up with joy; and like a loving father he rose and put his arms around me, drew me to him and kissed me, saying, "Brother, I love you very much."

    (Story to be continued...!)

  • kid-A

    I have walked with him; I have talked with him; I have eaten with him; I have slept with him;

    Ahhhh, isnt that cute!! Just like Bert and Ernie!!!

  • stev

    This quote is very unusual, and it can be interpreted at different levels.

    It can be interpreted in the light of the mixture of religious mysticism and sexuality that can be found in the expressions of Catholic saints of mysticism who practiced celibacy and channeled their sexual energy into their mysticism, or German Pietism, or the interpretations of the Song of Solomon.

    Or it can be interpreted favorably that Russell was a physically affectionate man, who was not afraid to show affection toward other men. I know that in France and Poland it is common for men to kiss each other as a greeting.

    Or it can interpreted in light of the Rose Ball story and Russell's celibate marriage and his seeming lack of affection toward his wife. This raises more questions to this complicated set of events.

    This story is related by Rutherford, and the expressions of love and affection seem quite uncharacteristic of him. Did he ever again express such love toward anyone? If one views him as a liar and plotter, than his words would seem to be calculated toward establishing a personal bond with Russell to stake a claim to succeed him. The geniuneness of his story could be called into question. After all, Russell was died, and Rutherford could say anything.

    Or perhaps, Rutherford himself idolized and adored Russell, defended him in court, and wrote a booklet in his defense. He identified with the man of power, the object of love and hero worship, he perhaps identified with him so much that he wanted to follow him and take his role and succeed him.


  • stev

    This can be interpreted at another level as indicating Russell's relationship with his followers. Rutherford's outpouring of love and affection was not unique, but one expression of many that occurred at Russell's funeral. Russell seemed to have possessed a charismatic personality, piercing eyes, an attractive saintly appearance, was warm and approachable and affectionate, and visionary and inspiring in his oratory. His funeral and the book "The Laodicean Messenger", and the laud and praise he received after his death suggest that there was a "personality cult" dynamics at work here. He was the wise and loving father (guru?) and his followers were his adoring children. He was skilled at drawing people to him, persuading them to willingly do his bidding, and make them appreciate doing it at the same time. I don't understand why he could not convince his own wife, but he told her there were many women that would do his bidding, although she would not.

    This charisma is not necessarily evil, and many great leaders have possessed it. I suspect that Russell was at times motivated by geniune love and concern, and other times was manipulative.


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