Rumors about Russell

by Lady Lee 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals


    Rose is a keyword for the Knights Templar's...strange that he was so drawn to this woman but didn't sleep with his wife. (FACT-both admitted to)

    Was buried in Rosemont Cemetary...did he name that or was that a coincidence also?


  • Ianone

    Daystar said: "hmm.. I think I'm going to put a bunch of Masonic symbolism on my tombstone so everyone will think I was secretly a Mason too..." Criminals love to brag. Only the elightened pick up on it.

  • greendawn

    Strangely enough Rose was at least as from 1894 a member of the board of directors (governing body) of the watchtower. How could a poor girl buy enough shares in the corporation to get into that position? Obviously Russell the president of the corporation for life put her there.

    I heard that her name was not listed with the board members on literature meant for outsiders but only on that meant for the share holders.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    According to Lady Lee's first post she said that the Russellites say that Charley's father was a Mason? Anyone know where that info is documented?

    I am still waiting for a response from him. Hopefully he can provide more info or at least give me a direction to go in.

    • If his father was in reality a Mason then he may have been exposed to some of it. On the other hand considering the secrecy of some of these groups he may not have had any access to it.
    • Does anyone know when Russell's father died?
    • Is there any chance that if his father was alive he might have had a hand in the construction of the monument and the symbols on it?
    • Even if Russell had been exposed to masonic teachings/beliefs is there any reason why he may have come to some of his own beliefs about pyramidology, usurping some of the symbols and giving them new significance?
    • In "Four Presidents" there is a quote that might be relevant:
    Charles T. Russell's father, Joseph, was also "one of the founders of the Tract Society; voluntarily giving $1,000 ... a large donation for his means," according to Charles (Watch Tower Reprints, January 1, 1898, 2239) (Four Presidents p 198)

    Regarding Rose Ball and Russell:

    Maria swore in court that she did not believe that her husband had an affair with Rose. If she really wanted to smear him and take him to the bank I would see no reason for her to say that an affair never happened. Remember too that the US was not the letigious country it is today. Divorce was practically unheard of.

    Also remember that Russell had sworn an oath of celibacy. He and Maria lived together for 18 years and never had sex.

    Russell writes concerning his relationship with his wife: "My wife never charged me with unfaithfulness; not had she any ground for doing so. She stated under oath that she made no such claim, and also under oath stated that she and I had lived celibate lives for eighteen years" The Bible Student Monthly, vol. 4 no. 10 (1912). Reprinted in Harvest Gleanings, vol. 1 by the Chicago Bible Students, n.d, 558 (Four Presidents p 199)
  • gumby
    Also remember that Russell had sworn an oath of celibacy. He and Maria lived together for 18 years and never had sex.

    Jehovah hadn't shed light on the scripture to young brother Russell to pay your wife her due.

    He also prolly hadn't yet shed light on playin with yer monkey.


  • greendawn

    Yet in the court she brought up all these stories about Russell and Rose, revealed to her by a guilt stricken Rose and also claimed that he had admitted that everything Rose said was true, when confronted by her.

  • stev

    This quote is from Rutherford's funeral oration for Russell. In light of the Rose Ball story, I post it to indicate what Russell said about himself. I am not sure what the attacks were. He insisted on his innocence, and I find it to be a frank and yet embarrassing admission for a man to make. Although it was meant to answer questions and clear his name, for some it would raise other questions and reflect poorly on him. It is puzzling.

    Truly it can be said that Pastor Russell's character was and is without blemish. He was the cleanest, purest and best man I ever knew. His enemies sought to make him of no reputation. By insinuation--the most cruel of weapons--they sought to destroy his power and influence, and hence his work. They utterly failed. I feel constrained, under the circumstances, to read to you a paper signed by Pastor Russell.

    In the year 1911 he was starting on a trip around the world. At that time the fiery darts from the enemy were coming thick and fast. He wrote out this instrument, made oath to it, and placed it in my hands, saying, "You may

    ::R6015 : page 376::

    make it as public as your judgment dictates." It reads:

    "In view of my soon departure for a foreign shore, and in view of the increasing virulence and threats of my enemies, and under the assumption that they may await my absence to make a fresh attack, by advice of my counsel I make under oath the following sweeping statement; namely,

    "THAT I never was guilty of immorality toward any person.

    "FURTHERMORE, I never cohabited with any person at any time and,

    "FURTHER, I have never desired so to do.

    "WITNESS my hand and seal to this declaration this Twenty-Eighth day of Sept., 1911, at Brooklyn, N.Y.

    (Signed) CHARLES T. RUSSELL.

    "Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of October, 1911. C.H. MERRITT,

    "Commissioner of deeds for the City of New York."


  • stev

    Posted below is Maria Russell's tract of 1903, concerning her relationship with her husband Charles T. Russell:


    READERS OF "Zion's Watch Tower" ... AND ... "Millennial Dawn"


    "And judgment is turned backward and justice standeth afar off; for truth is fallen in the streets and equity cannot enter.

    Yea, truth faileth and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey. And the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that

    there was no judgment" - Isaiah 59:14, 15


    Without note or comment from some of like precious faith with you who are preparing and sending out this circular

    letter, we invite you to a careful comparison of the following extract from the editorial columns of "Zion's Watch

    Tower" with some other extracts from letters of the editor to his wife against whose Christian character the attack of

    this item is manifestly aimed. The item evidently is intended as an answer to many inquiries of her friends abroad as to

    the reason why she is longer heard from through that journal.

    Read for yourselves and draw your own conclusions.

    "Zion's Watch Tower," Nov. 1, 1902, fourth column of first article:

    "As an illustration of a misguided conscience and its baneful effects in social affairs we

    mention the case of an editor's wife. She at one time took pleasure in assisting him in his

    work. By and by a deluded and misguided conscience told her that God wished her to be

    editor-in-chief and publish what she pleased. When the editor demurred that he dare not

    abandon his stewardship the deluded conscience told its owner that she should no longer

    co-operate; but more, that she should break her marriage covenant in deserting her. husband

    and home, and that she should say all manner of evil against him, falsely, until such time as

    he would yield to her the liberties of the journal-which her conscience told her was God's


    Compare this with the following clear statement of the editor of "Zion's Watch Tower," Mr. Chas. T. Russell, in a letter

    to his wife dated Sept. 26, 1896, he oddly preferring to write rather than speak to her-providentially, we believe, so that

    this testimony can be verified in his own handwriting, which Mrs. Russell has carefully preserved, together with her


    Quotation: - "I understand you to request that instead of being associate editor of the

    'Tower,' you be treated as a contributor to its columns, whose name shall appear with

    each article, and that any article offered not acceptable as a whole shall be treated as the

    article of any other contributor; viz., either published and publicly criticized, or rejected."


    Mrs. Russell states that this was exactly what she requested--nothing more and nothing less. He understood her

    perfectly. But observe that, instead of demanding, either directly or indirectly, that she should be editor-in-chief, she

    had, as his own words show, refused longer to be called even the associate editor, preferring to be merely a contributor

    to the columns of the "Tower," whenever her articles were acceptable as a whole to the editor..The point she sought to guard against by this measure was the mutilation of her articles often to make them express

    sentiments which she could not endorse, and the claim of the editor that he had a right to do this because she was an

    irresponsible associate and had no signature to her articles.

    So much for the testimony of his own hand and pen against himself in the matter of the editorship.

    Now here is more of the same kind of testimony bearing on the other matters--a mere sample of the voluminous

    testimony on hand in his own penmanship.

    July 8, 1896. "I decline a discussion. * * * I am convinced that our difficulty is a

    growing one generally -- that it is a great mistake for strong-minded men and women to

    marry. If they will marry, the strong-minded would far better marry such as are not too

    intellectual and high-spirited; for there never can, in the nature of things, be peace

    under present time conditions where the two are on an equality."

    July 9, 1896. Mrs. Russell's reply to the above: "My dear Husband:-After my request of

    Sunday evening for an interview concerning the difficulties between us and my urging

    the same in view of the Lord's words,--'If thou bring thy gift to the altar and there

    rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before the

    altar and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy

    gift; and again, 'Agree with chine adversary quickly' (and if with thine adversary, then

    certainly with thy friend, thy brother or sister or wife); and 'Let not the sun go down

    upon your wrath,' etc.-I received your letter of Monday evening, and what a revelation

    it is of the real cause of your opposition to me-that it is envy, jealousy.

    "This you freely confess, saying, 'I am convinced that it is a great mistake for strong-minded

    men and


    women to marry. If they will marry, the strong-minded would far better marry such

    as are not too intellectual and high-spirited; for there never can, in the nature of

    things, be peace, under present time conditions, where the two are on an equality.'

    "Is it possible that you are so full of envy and vainglory, so desirous of out-rivaling

    every one else, so full of that spirit of 'which shall be greatest?' which the Lord

    reproved in his early disciples, that you cannot brook being among your peers? Is it

    indeed possible that 'the nature of things' in your heart forbids your living at peace

    with one on an 'equality' with you, even though, as you confess, you never met as

    near your ideal?

    "Then if this later statement be true, and you recognize me as a sister in Christ, you

    must have discerned in me the spirit of Christ, which of course, should be the

    Christian's ideal. Very true, while you have discerned the spirit of Christ, you must

    also have observed the imperfections to which the flesh is heir, and which you must

    also realize in yourself, and against which we must all war a good warfare.

    "You have known my manner of life now for seventeen years. You have observed

    my faithfulness to God,-to his truth, his cause and his righteousness; you have seen

    how faithfully and studiously I have endeavored to know and do his will and to teach

    it by precept and example; you have known my loyalty and devotion to you and my

    efforts to assist and uphold you and to second all your efforts in the good work of the

    Lord by every means in my power.."You must also have noted how I have shunned the world and things pertaining to its

    spirit that I might devote myself entirely to the Lord as, in my imperfect way, I have

    done in all these years. And now what? You have observed that the humble talents

    thus employed have somewhat increased, and you are displeased, envious, because

    the comparison between us does not show a difference sufficiently wide to satisfy

    your ambition to be much the greater. 'There never can, in the nature of things, be

    peace where the two are on an equality.'

    "O my husband, beware of this spirit of pride, of strife and vain glory. I beg of you to

    fight against it or it will ruin you. You seem to be getting into a position


    now where I can do but little for you except to pray, and this I do without ceasing.

    When the disciples came to Jesus, saving, who is the greatest in the kingdom of

    heaven? Jesus called a little child unto him and set him in the mist of them and said,

    'Verily I say unto you (you who have believed on me and have left all and followed

    me, you who are longing for the kingdom of God and who hope to inherit it, verily. I

    say unto you), except ye be converted (from this envious vain-glorying spirit of rivalry)

    and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.'

    "Let me urge you therefore my dear, to resist this spirit and to 'humble yourself under

    the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time.' I want to see you win in

    this battle and Satan vanquished under your feet; for the hosts of sin are pressing hard

    to draw you from the prize. You are a mark for the adversary and you are being

    besieged by the powers of darkness at an unguarded place. Satan hath desired to have

    thee that he might sift thee as wheat; but I have prayed for thee and will continue to do


    "I must add that -I cannot admit the claim of your second note that the barrier between

    us is of my raising, and that therefore it devolves upon me to make all 'the advances in

    the way of social amenities, such as, good morning, good evening, etc., for, though I

    sincerely wish you good mornings and good evenings and every other blessing, you

    have place me in a position where I cannot now tell you so because it would be

    misconstrued as an admission on my part that the barrier is of my raising, which, in my

    estimation, is not true.

    "With many prayers and great anxiety for you Your loving Wife-though 'only in a legal

    sense' you say. Yes, so it seems: in heart you have deserted me because of envy and

    vain glory; but nevertheless, I am still legally - according to the laws of God and man--

    your wife, deserted thus for the simple reason that there is too much of an equality.

    This reminds me of that which was prophetically said of our Lord, 'They hated me

    without a cause;' and also of the words of Solomon, 'Wrath is cruel, and anger is

    outrageous, but who is able to stand before envy' "

    July 9, 1896. Mr. Russell's reply to the above:

    - confidence is the only ground of co-operation, love and


    harmony. You wish me to discuss the matter and to 'prove myself worthy of your

    confidence. I refuse to discuss and will always refuse to discuss and refute the.groundless imaginings and misunderstandings which you and some in whom you

    have confidence delude yourselves with." '

    Replying to this Mrs. Russell wrote to her husband as follows:

    July 10, 1896.

    "Perhaps you do not realize it, but you are actually asking a moral impossibility

    when you demand perfect confidence in all you do and say. That would be almost

    clothing you with infallibility. The fact is that, while I most earnestly desire to have

    perfect confidence in you, there are some thins in your course of conduct which I

    cannot reconcile with the principles of righteousness expressed in the Word of God,

    and therefore, in all honesty and candor and love, I must say that, the round of my

    confidence having been impaired, my confidence in you has been somewhat

    weakened, much to my regret and sorrow. But to repair the foundation and make it

    good and strong again, is your part, not mine.

    "Most gladly will I step out on the planks when you have shown them to be secure, if

    they are so; or if they are 'not, then when you have recognized the fact and made

    them so. This is my reason for requesting an interview and a very lain, candid

    consideration of those difficulties in my mind which at present constitute a barrier

    which I cannot remove."

    Replying to this Mr. Russell wrote:

    July 10, 1896.

    "You have declared yourself a doubter, and that without a cause,-merely some evil

    surmise or suspicion. I take God and Christ for my pattern in deciding that I will

    never be pleased with doubters, nor choose them for my confidants, nor consider

    them my true friends. To the queries of the faithful I am ever attentive, as is the

    Lord, but he that doubts without cause is the waverer who is unstable and

    unreasonable and who is undeserving of confidence or friendship."

    Mrs. Russell understands that lordship of Christ is not to be patterned after and thus assumed by any of his people.

    "One is your master and all ye are brethren."

    But being anxious to bridge over the chasm and thinking perhaps he had dwelt upon this matter of her lack of


    confidence until it had assumed undue proportions in his mind, she wrote him as follows:

    July 12, 1896.

    "Dear Husband, I have been thinking over this matter of confidence in the light in

    which you have put it, and I can say that I have confidence in the integrity of your

    heart and purpose.

    "I am glad to be able to tell you this and to learn that on this basis you are willing to

    consider our difficulties, that, as nearly as possible, we may see eye to eye.

    I greatly desire to fully realize the oneness of spirit in the body of Christ so that there

    may be no schism between even two of its members, all of whom should be knit

    together in Christian love and mutual confidence. I am ready at any time that suits

    you.".To her note to this effect Mr. Russell appended the following reply:

    July 13, 1896.

    "Under all the circumstances this treatment of the subject is not calculated to

    establish my confidence in you. I must wait for some evidence of a true repentance

    in a full and hearty recantation, or else I must hold you at a distance and doubt your

    object and meaning and look for some solution of the meaning and object of your

    attack as I would with any other attacker and traducer.

    "I hope you will express yourself very freely and say just what you mean. I leave no

    one in doubt as to whom I esteem my friends, and wish to know all my enemies,-not

    to hurt them, but to withdraw all my confidence from them. If your pencil has told of

    the full measure of your feelings I reject it with shame, contempt and pain."


    These letters were followed by withdrawal of support, except upon humiliating conditions to which he knew his wife

    would never descend, and when he refused her even her clothing, claiming that it belonged to him, and she took the

    wife's privilege of supplying herself from the stores at his expense, he published the following notice in the Pittsburgh

    daily papers:

    "Notice. - The public is hereby cautioned to give credit to no one in my name except

    upon my specific written order, as I will not be responsible for such debts nor pay


    "CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL, "No. 58 Arch St., Bible House, Allegheny."


    Then, to conceal from the general public the fact that this was aimed at his wife, the following statement appeared in

    the evening papers of the same day. See "Pittsburgh Times," February y, 1898, first page. A copy is on hand here.



    "Charles T. Russell, pastor of the congregation known as Christians, holding services at No. 58 Arch St., Allegheny,

    has been taken advantage of by some of the benefactors of his charitable work. During the recent cold weather, Mr.

    Russell, for the congregation and in a spirit of charity, relieved considerable suffering among the poor of both cities.

    Toward the later part of last week Mr. Russell began to receive bills from grocers, butchers and others. Several persons

    who had been helped, and others who had heard of his distribution of food and clothing, took it upon themselves to

    order goods and have them charged to the account of Mr. Russell. None of the amounts were large and Mr. Russell paid

    them. Hereafter, however, neither the Christian's congregation, nor its pastor, will stand good for anything bought in

    their names unless a written order is presented by the purchaser."

    We know of no such charitable work ever undertaken by either Mr. Russell or the congregation, and they are taught

    that the greatest and all-comprehensive charity is the distribution of his literature. It is quite unlikely that, that winter

    was any exception to all the winters before and since. None of Mrs. Russell's bills were from butchers or grocers, but

    from dry goods merchants only, and in all amounted to less than two hundred dollars..


    Subsequently he wrote to her: -

    "I may explain why I never address you as 'wife' and why I think it strange that you

    should address me as 'husband.' My reason for not calling you 'wife' is that you have

    broken the


    marriage tie. What does the word 'wife' mean? Does it not signify a helpmate? What does

    the word 'husband' mean? Does it not signify a caretaker? Since you have left me, I

    certainly have not taken care of you; you have no husband so far as I am aware. Nor have

    I had a wife for some time. You were certainly not a helpmate to me for quite a while

    before you left.

    "To call you a wife under such circumstances, would be to discredit our English

    language, and for you to call me a husband under the circumstances is equally



    After a deep plot and wide endeavor, by intrigue, insinuation and falsehood, to alienate all the friends which the years

    of her work had gathered, Mr. Russell, not willing to stop there, addressed letters to her intimate friends and relatives

    and even to his own father, warning them, under threat of legal proceedings for alienating his wife's affections, not to

    harbor her in their homes or to have any communication with her by letter or otherwise, and copies of the same were

    given to Mrs. Russell. But neither she nor any of her friends either replied or heeded them.

    These letters were so insulting in their character as to be unfit for publication. They were not sent by mail but were

    delivered' in person by his employees in the office of "Zion's Watch lower," they, in each case, having read the contents

    before delivering.

    So much, briefly, for the testimony of his own hand and pen as to who broke the marriage covenant, as he will have it.

    More might be said here, but Mr. Russell himself is the only witness summoned at this hearing. When Mrs. Russell left

    the house in the fall of 1897 to seek legal counsel of her brother it was with full intent to return in a few days. And this

    was a very necessary prudential measure in view of a report he was causing to be circulated to-the effect that she was of

    unsound mind, and of measures that were manifestly being taken to deal with her on this pretext.

    To this danger she felt she was exposed unprotected. This measure, which she wisely took for self-protection, has

    resulted, unwittingly on her part, in permanent


    separation, with little hope, as the reader may judge, of any peaceable settlement This, however, could never be

    construed as "breaking the marriage covenant." According to the Word of God that covenant can be broken only by one

    thing, viz., unchastity. Mrs. Russell is too well known in the vicinity of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, where she was born

    and reared and has spent all her life, for any such claim to be openly made; and if this remark is intended as a covered

    attack, an insinuation to this effect, there is testimony from his own pen on this line also This was given in reply to a

    letter from a lady then in his congregation to whom Mr. Russell had spoken thus slightingly of his wife- We append

    extracts from both these letters:.PITTSBURG, NOV. 14, 1897, "Dear Brother Russell:

    "My heart condemned me for not replying to you when you said you were sorry to

    say your wife had not been faithful to you.

    "What may seem unfaithfulness to you may prove to be faithfulness to her God. A

    wife can come to that point where, though her husband may be a Christian, she may

    have to choose between him and Christ. For though they are one flesh the

    individuality is not lost, nor can personal responsibility be set aside."

    To this Mr. Russell replied as follows:

    Nov. 17, 1897

    "Dear Sister C-:

    "Your favor of the 14th inst. is at hand and contains one statement which I wish to

    correct as quickly as possible. You say that I said I was sorry to say that my wife had

    not been faithful to me.

    "I beg to say that you must be mistaken, and I trust that you will not circulate such a

    slander upon my wife's fair name- This may have been the shape my words took

    before your mind, but I am confident that I use language too carefully to permit any

    such slip- To speak of unfaithfulness on the part of married people has a special and

    peculiarly evil significance. I am positive that I did not use that language "Moreover,

    If I said anything evil respecting her I request that you consider it retracted and




    After a year and a half of quiet residence with her sister and without support from her husband, Providence pointed

    Mrs. Russell to an open door which she might enter and establish a home of her own. A house of theirs vacated by a

    tenant was lawfully taken possession of by Mrs. Russell, and the dilemma was before her husband, either of quiet

    acquiescence or else prompt legal proceedings, for Mrs. Russell had determined to stand on her legal rights. The former

    measure was preferred, although various efforts were made to intimidate and dispossess her. And since the eyes of the

    public and of his congregation were upon him, some furnishment of the house was seen to be a necessity of the

    situation and was also provided.

    The following is her note to him informing him of this step.

    "April 1, 1899. Husband:--Acting on legal advice from one of the most eminent

    Pittsburgh attorneys I have taken up my abode at No. 79 [ new No. 1004] Cedar Ave.

    "Some furniture has been provided me and I am keeping house here by myself with

    occasional company of Mabel. I have no fears as I have good neighbors on both sides.

    "I have taken down the 'To let' notice and purpose by renting the rooms to secure a

    little income, aside from which, as you know, I have none. If you take this matter

    kindly and feel like co-operating in it I feel sure it will be for your good no less than

    mine.."Your wife, MARIA R. RUSSELL."

    To this she received reply as follows:

    April 3, 1899. "Dear Mrs. Russell:-Your note of the first inst., informing me that you

    had burglarized house No. 79 Cedar Ave. and had taken possession of the same, and

    in end to hold possession of it, and impliedly requesting that I give my assent, came

    duly. This is my earliest opportunity for reply.

    "I regret that you have taken this step, and 'I now give you formal and legal notice to

    immediately remove from the said premises any of your belongings, for I can neither

    rent you the property nor permit you to occupy it. By giving prompt attention to this

    matter you will save both yourself and me trouble.

    "Very Respectfully, C. T. Russell."


    Mrs. Russell still resides at No. 79-new No. 1004 Cedar Ave., Allegheny, supporting herself by her own exertions, not

    receiving a dollar from her- husband, nor from the literary work so largely hers.

    She also still holds in the main the doctrines therein set forth, though some points have been greatly modified by the

    eye-opening experiences through which she has passed. The fact that some hold the truth in unrighteousness does not

    invalidate the truth now any more than of old. Though the scribes and Pharisees whom Jesus described as whited

    sepulchres, full of all manner of uncleanness, held and taught the divine law, that law remains as pure today as if they

    had never touched it. And so it is of all truth that is God's truth.

    No attempt is here made to enter into details of explanation. Space will not permit that, but candid minds will see that

    "truth is fallen in the streets and equity cannot enter."

    If a biased or untruthful rely is made to this through the columns of "Zion's Watch Tower," bear in mind that no such

    medium is open for further explanation and defense. But let us here say in advance that testimony in abundance is on

    hand to meet any form of defense by any person or persons as against the words of the editor of "Zion's Watch Tower"

    herein presented.

    If "Tower" readers are sincere and honest, and if they would guard against being "partakers of other men's sins" (1 Tim.

    5:22) let them take measures to learn the truth and to act accordingly. True, you have no organization and no

    arrangements for calling any one to account. Consequently `you are dominated by one, and that one may be blind to the

    operations of the principles of righteousness, and following such leading together you may fall into the ditch.

    If you would "watch and be sober" here is something to watch against.

    "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."

    "Cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils, for wherein is he to be accounted of?"

    "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help."

    "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is." ..


    We affirm that we have read the original correspondence from Charles T. Russell, 610 Arch St. (old No. 58 Arch St.),

    Allegheny City, and copies of replies thereto Written by Maria F. Russell, 1004 Cedar Ave. (old No. 79), Allegheny

    City, and that the quotations herein are accurate. '

    CHARLES L. CORBETT, 7909 Maderia St., Pittsburg, Pa.

    F. C. SMITH, 610 Wood St., Wilkinsburg, Pa.


    On this 10th day of December, A.D., 1902, before me a Notary Public in and for the said County and State came the

    above named Chas. L. Corbett and R. C. Smith, and acknowledge the foregoing Indenture to be their act and deed and

    desire the same to be recognized as such,.

    Witness my. hand and notary seal the day, year, aforesaid.

    JAS. S. WELDON, CHICAGO Dec. 2, 1902.


    I have seen and read the original letters referred to in the foregoing and hereby affirm the correctness of 'quotations

    from same, as also those from her replies. JNO. H. BROWN, 96 and 98 Lake St.

    The foregoing was signed before me, a Notary Public in and -for the County of Cook and State. of Illinois, on this

    second day of December; A. D., 1902. L. S. DICKSON.



    At the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

    Deuteronomy 19:15

  • stev

    The post above (by Maria Russell) can be found at the link below. It is the zip file.

  • stev

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