Anyone awake at this god forsaken hour??? 1:30am

by dezpbem 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    I drink green tea myself. It's not good to drink at night though. It can keep you awake.

    <.........this is Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time herbal tea.

  • clear2c

    hi dez :) its early here on the westcoast! :)

  • FlyingHighNow

    I think maybe we need extra help tonight.

  • dezpbem

    Hey Bikerchic

    My insomnia is the same. Even if I have to get up the next morning I usually fall asleep

    around 4. It varies though. But my best sleeping hours are the same as yours if I can stay in. Are you really in Aruba?

    Kaylen- so your 16 hour ahead of us. Damn!

    Infamous what are you taking up?

  • luna2

    Yah, I don't drink green tea at night. I forget what this is, but it helps digestion and has something or other in it that helps me sleep. I should look at that list of ingrediants again. LOL

    Hope everybody who has work or school tomorrow...oops, I mean later today...gets some sleep. I'm off to bed again. *yawn*

  • FlyingHighNow

    I like to use Badger Sleep Balm, listen to my thunderstorms cd and take L-theanine and Relaxeze before bed. Clean body and sheets is very nice, too.

  • dezpbem

    Hi clear2c ;-). If I moved to the west coast my insomnia would be cured.

    FHN I could use sleepytime tea!

    Come to think of it I just should have went out somewhere tonight.

  • dezpbem

    Badger sleep balm? What do you do with it? Does it work? I never heard of it.

  • theinfamousone

    you know what this thread needs? some taking over the world talk... oh yewah and you guys calling me creepy... LETS DO IT!!

    oh yeah and the girls have to start saying that me and dez are hot again... LMAO!

    the infamous one

  • clear2c

    smoke some herbs lol youll eat and sleep for hours lol

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