An Old JW friend has just pissed his life away...

by Sam the Man 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Well, a few of you are aware of my situation. For those that are not, basically I more or less admitted to my wife that I no longer believe (after being raised a dub, Bethel 'service' etc) and that led to altercations with her and the elders.

    I had a friend in the congreation who, after also being raised a JW, had done none of the things I had, even not been baptised (thats right, not in 30+ years!!!) He always told me that he was too self conscious to get baptised (this guy has never had a girlfriend, sexual experience, still lives with parents etc). Over the past year or so, I have been discussing my doubts with him, in the hope that I may place doubts in his own mind. All of a sudden contact was lost, and I heard from a third party that he had been warned against speaking with me. All of a sudden, at a recent assembly (not even his district) he has decided to get baptised. Thats right, he has chosen to piss his life away in the WT cult.

    What a waste!

  • AuldSoul

    Sorry for your loss, Sam the Man.

    Still, more are leaving than are coming in. They can't stem the tide of exits/fades. I can't wait to see the numbers for this past service year. Maybe your friend will come out once the waters are proven to be dried up.


  • AlmostAtheist

    AuldSoul's got a good point. It's hard from this side to see just how bad they are. Media reports all sorts of corruption in all sorts of churches, companies, and governments. You get numb to such things. The JW's are nice, loving, agreeable -- when you're new. Give him a few years -- let the baptismal waters evaporate, as it were -- and check in on him again.

    All the same, sorry to hear it. :-(


  • Legolas

    I am sorry to hear that.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Thanks guys. Well, I suppose you cant live people's lifes for them.

  • Cygnus

    You never know. He may be making a decision on a whim, and then later he will regret being baptised and make just as radical a decision to formally cut ties with the religion. Maybe he doesn't quite know it yet, but he's setting himself up to be DF'd and free from Watchtowerism altogether. Crazier things have happened. (edited spelling error)

  • BluesBrother

    Well, it takes courage to face the fact that your life has been lived going in the wrong direction. It takes guts to stand up, turn around and face the real truth. Also if I read this man as being like a few others that I have known, he would have no other available friends or contacts, bar you.Think of the impact on his family . Perhaps he realised he had to go one way or the other so he took the easy course and stayed where he feels safe. Sad but there you go. Perhaps he is happier "Walking orderly in the same routine"

  • plmkrzy

    another one bites the dust hey hey... another one bites the dust

  • Bryan

    Crazy, I say!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Crumpet

    Sam that must make you feel so helpless, but maybe one doubts you expressed will resurface at the right time. What doubts did you express to him? I know what you mean about it being awful that he's in his 30's and never had a loving sexual relationship. I remember thinking when I was in about this 60 year old spinster who was a pioneer who kindly took me under her wing during my short period of reinstatement at 17 as none of the younger ones were allowed to be too friendly with me that it was really sad she'd never had a husband. She was a lovely dear woman. But perhaps at the back of her mind was that she'd give her life to jehovah now and get a hubby in paradise.

    I also worry about my sisters who are in their mid to late twenties and both much more gorgeous than me - that they are staying single for the truth. But I can't do anything!

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