What's WRONG with some people (ranting)?!?!

by FreedomFrog 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    She was doing this more for her, for grandstanding, than for your benefit, it sounds.

    For the record, I have actually known Wiccans to harass Christians just as badly as some Christians do others. The young Wiccans received a tongue-lashing from me and a couple other "elders", believe you me.

    I can understand the desire to not be ashamed, or hide, your religious preference. However, the reality of it is that, in many areas of the world, if you advertise the fact that you are a pagan, be prepared to receive such treatment on occasion. If you act surprised when it happens, you are being less than ingenious.

    Does it suck? Yes. Does it indicate a lack of tolerance on the other party's part? Yes. But face reality. You live (assuming you're in the U.S.) in a primarily Christian country. You are going to have to accept such challenges if you advertise your religion by wearing your pentacle for all to see.

  • luna2

    Talking to people like that is like talking to the wall. I worked with a woman once who was a fundy nutcase. She didn't go to doctors because if her faith was strong enough the big Santa in the sky would cure her. She'd paste pictures of material things that she wanted/needed on her refrigerator and pray to God for them daily, all the while tithing 10% of her income to her fundy church because God would bestow blessings on her based on how much money she gave (??????). She listened to Christmas music all year round because it made her feel happy and able to ignore her multitude of problems. She had less reasoning ability than most (though not all) JWs I've met...it was extremely frustrating trying to have any sort of conversation with her as I think the bats had pretty much taken over the belfry.

  • Billygoat


    What a crappy way to start grocery shopping. I'd have to make a double trip down the cookie aisle just for that! Screw the deli sandwich.

    Seriously, I'm sorry she put you through that. Even though I'm a Christian, I have to say that I'd have half a mind to really jack with her. Next time, just intensely stare at her and let her know you're conjuring up a spell. Maybe even tell her to be careful of not chewing her food thoroughly or not washing her hands after petting the family dog, etc. LOL! I hate fundies that feel it's any of their business that you're a witch or Buddhist to begin with.

    Please trust me hon. Not all Christians are fundies.

    Love ya,


  • JeffT

    Ditto what Andi said. I'm a Christian as well, and people like that annoy me. Robert A. Heinlein put it very well (paraphrased from Time Enough for Love): "the correct punctuation for a sentence that begins 'it may be none of my business, but' is a period after 'but.' The person to whom the remark is directed should feel free to supply one with whatever emphasis seem appropriate."

  • GetBusyLiving

    I read your post and just ordered a Pagan Wiccen protection knot pendant from Amazon. Hopefully I get the same reaction!


  • freedomlover

    I agree with Billygoat! You should have started waving your hands all around and chanting some weird spell and then fall on the floor in convulsions or something! That would have been hysterical!

    Seriously - I think you handled it PERFECTLY! I don't know if I could have kept my cool so well. I'm here clapping in applause for you for a job well done.

  • FreedomFrog
    She was doing this more for her, for grandstanding, than for your benefit, it sounds

    I agree, it was more for a show.

    For the record, I have actually known Wiccans to harass Christians just as badly as some Christians do others. The young Wiccans received a tongue-lashing from me and a couple other "elders", believe you me.

    Yeah, but around here, Pagans tend to be more to themselves. They don't want to start trouble. Now if trouble is started, they have a hard time to end it peacefully.

    I can understand the desire to not be ashamed, or hide, your religious preference. However, the reality of it is that, in many areas of the world, if you advertise the fact that you are a pagan, be prepared to receive such treatment on occasion. If you act surprised when it happens, you are being less than ingenious.

    I'm prepared...but I think it's interesting that THAT same woman goes on to do pagan holidays without REALLY researching and finding out where it all started from. It was rude of her, and her or anyone for that matter "advertising" their religion by wearing a cross doesn't call for this kind of treatment. I wouldn't yell out to her...if I was really genuine with concerns for her, I'd take her aside. Many Christians wear their cross because it means something very special to them, and I respect that. Same with me, it's a very special meaning to me, and I expect them to respect me for that as well.

    You live (assuming you're in the U.S.) in a primarily Christian country. You are going to have to accept such challenges if you advertise your religion by wearing your pentacle for all to see.
    It doesn't matter if I wear a devils skull on my head if I choose to do so. What matters is HOW the situation was handled. It's like if a person is raped or mugged...is it because of the way they are dressed? No, it's the attacker. My first "dirty" look was with my pentacle and it's the size of a dime, I wasn't "advertising" it. Another friend of mine doesn't wear a pentacle...he gets that same treatment. So, why him?
  • FreedomFrog
    Please trust me hon. Not all Christians are fundies.

    Andi, I know that not all Christians are like this...actually, most of my friends are Christians. They respect me. I respect them. Sometimes they ask why I celebrated Christmas, it gives me a chance to share my beliefs...And they get to share why they believe what they believe.

    Thanks for your kind words.

  • avishai
    Her: (Now whispering because I said no) cause you have a pentacle on and that's witchcraft.

    I woulda told her that it's only recently that the pentacle is viewed that way. Heck, many "christian" farmer's used to paint it on their barns as a ward against evil.

  • forsharry

    I've always just wanted to get into a situation like that so I could respond back.

    "By golly you're right! Jesus does Love me!"

    "Hallelujah! Can I get a witness" Hug the wack woman who brought up jesus while you were trying to buy a tasty animal sandwich.

    Rinse, lather, repeat. But then again, I'm evil like that.

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