The Watchtower's Unbalanced View of the Internet

by VM44 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • R6Laser

    So where in that article does the WT forbid using the internet?

  • sir82
    So where in that article does the WT forbid using the internet?

    silly wabbit!

    The WT never forbids anything! They just remind you that "true Christians" will or won't do such and such. "Thinking persons" agree that XYZ is a bad idea. "Could one conclude that a lover of Jehovah would engage in ....?" (Rhetorical question) Etc. Etc. Etc.

  • R6Laser
    silly wabbit!

    The WT never forbids anything! They just remind you that "true Christians" will or won't do such and such. "Thinking persons" agree that XYZ is a bad idea. "Could one conclude that a lover of Jehovah would engage in ....?" (Rhetorical question) Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Ok, so where does it say that "true Christians" will not use the internet.

  • sir82

    You'd never make it as a WT writer!

    The article is filled with all sorts of loaded language that JWs have been conditioned to respond to...

    What are some of the dangers that are of particular concern to Christians? Should they cause you to avoid using the Internet?

    We hope you answer yes!

    the Bible warned of dangers posed by evil men described as “master[s] at evil ideas” and “scheming to do bad.” ( Proverbs 24:8 ) The prophet

    See there? The internet is full of "evil men"! What does the Bible say about "bad asociation?

    Like wicked men in Bible times, pornographers frequently employ deception.

    Wicked, wicked men!

    Internet chat rooms can be time wasters and are increasingly associated with relationship breakdowns.

    Your time is better spent in the ministry! Plus your marriage will fail!

    “But wisdom itself—from where does it come?”

    Certainly not Google!

    selfish and greedy attitudes that can wreck our family and destroy our relationship with .

    The inevitable consequence of spending time on the internet!

    Put on your JW hat...what words are the ones they want you to associate with "the internet"? Evil, selfish, greedy, destroy, wreck, breakdown, deception, evil, danger, ruinous, bad, things God hates, trouble, serious problems, evil desires, frightening, sex offenders, pedophiles, shock, shame, guilt, seduce, addiction.

    And the positive side? Umm....oh yeah! Indian farmers can check the price of soybeans!

  • greendawn

    It's clear that an information restricting cult will view the internet as an arch enemy and in its usual cunning way will go about discouraging its followers from using it without revealing its real motives for doing so.

    They must be saying: why did this internet have to appear and get to be so cheap so that most people can afford it? They know that most dubs that do a minimal research on the WTS will abandon it.

  • R6Laser

    sir82, I guess I won't make it as a WT writer. But all these dangers are also exposed on different articles. Do a search on google and you'll find thousands of articles stating the dangers of internet also. Recently Yahoo shut down their chat rooms because of the dangers that it poses to children. Why is there no outrage because of this? If anything Yahoo received recommendations from most on the media.

    It is stated here very clearly

    In view of these sobering facts, it is wise to take sensible precautions when using the Internet. Talk to your children, and teach them how to protect themselves from danger. Equipped with proper knowledge, you can avoid the dangers of the Internet

    So this article in fact tells us to beware of the dangers of the Internet while using it. I just don't see where specifically it states "Do not use the internet, it is evil."

    If anything here's another quote

    After assessing the dangers, some people have concluded that it is better for them to avoid using the Internet altogether. However, it must be acknowledged that only a small percentage of sites on the Internet pose a danger and that most users have not experienced serious problems.
    All I got from this article is that the internet has dangers in it, which is something that not only the WT warns but a multitude of other news articles do. But if there's any article where they specifically state do not use the internet, I would like to see it. Another point I noticed that after each quotation that you made you answered using your own mind, in other words you assumed the answers and put them in to fit your purpose.
  • atypical

    Actually, I think the internet is really dangerous. You could accidentally end up at and get tricked into charging up your credit card with donations to the society. Then the stress of trying to pay off your credit cards would cause you to lose your job, after which you would end up with a laptop and a pack of cigarettes on the couch. Oh, the horror of it all.

  • R6Laser
    Actually, I think the internet is really dangerous. You could accidentally end up at and get tricked into charging up your credit card with donations to the society. Then the stress of trying to pay off your credit cards would cause you to lose your job, after which you would end up with a laptop and a pack of cigarettes on the couch. Oh, the horror of it all.

    In this case, I will set up an account and you can send me money also. I really need it, and it could be considered a charity. lol

    If your stupid enough to make a donation with your credit card to any website then I guess you deserve what happens next.

  • atypical

    I guess I'm just a sucker for pictures of people in the ministry. Especially when they are wearing native clothing and preaching to someone holding a basket. It just warms my heart. I also like the FAQ page, it answers everything you might need to know about using your credit card to donate.

  • R6Laser
    I guess I'm just a sucker for pictures of people in the ministry. Especially when they are wearing native clothing and preaching to someone holding a basket. It just warms my heart. I also like the FAQ page, it answers everything you might need to know about using your credit card to donate.

    No problem, I can start working on my own webpage and put pictures of myself on my work clothes holding whatever you want me to hold. I can even put up a FAQ page answering all your questions. All I need of course is a small donation made to my account.

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