Effect or Affect???

by misspeaches 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    I never know the answer to this one.... Please help....

    What is the correct word in the following sentence...

    Please allow one hour for the changes to take affect/effect.

  • tetrapod.sapien
  • tetrapod.sapien


    effect: consequence: a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon;
    affect: have an effect upon


  • misspeaches

    Oh and how on earth can I remember it for future use?

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Affect is a transitive verb. - a blister affected his ability to walk - the moon's gravity affects the tides on Earth.

    Effect is a noun. The makeup created the effect of old age. The law goes into effect next month.

    Make sense?

  • AlmostAtheist

    affect = verb ("How will this affect me?")

    effect = noun ("What are the effects on me from this?")

    In your sentence, I think you want the noun:

    Please allow one hour for the changes to take effect.

    It sounds like there is an implied "an" in there, after the "take". If you add it, it gets clearer, though it isn't usually said that way.

    Google says there are 341,000 occurrences of the phrase "changes to take effect", but only 19,000 of the phrase "changes to take affect".

    (Interestingly, there are nearly 1,000 occurrences of the phrase "up too damn late"... )


  • misspeaches

    Aww my friend Tetra


    Okay I am going to look over your answer and try commit it to memory....

  • misspeaches

    Darn it how do you guys know all this stuff?


  • rmt1

    You can't 'take affect', as an affect is something which you create from within and is subject only to your own agency. You affect to be cool, smart, hip, etc. Whether or not your 'affect' has the 'effect' on someone else of them agreeing with your affect / aka affectation, is not within your agency. That being the case, you can 'effect' things that you are actually able to make happen. You can effect a transformation, a change in habits. You can also affect a transformation.

  • greendawn

    Small compilcation: effect is usually used as noun eg special effects used in films, the effects of the war were felt far and wide, but can occasionally be used as a verb meaning to achieve eg through clever campaigning they effected their leader's re election, or he effected the union of his country.

    Affect usually means to influence,touch, but on rare occasions it can mean to pretend eg the GB of the JWs have to affect love for their followers since they really view them as sheep to be milked.

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