Your personal ad, if you were really honest about it...

by DanTheMan 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    Come on down tetramom. We'll crash Dave's place. I'll just stay in the car and listen to music or something while you guys visit Rex. :)

  • Seeker4

    What great posts. So, I'll play. Really honest here.

    I'm 53. Am consistently told I look 10 years younger - am always assumed to be the dad of my grandkids - and was recently stressed tested and told I had the physiology of a 32 year old. I'm 5'9", weight ranges in the 165-175 range. That's the good news.

    I tend to be jealous and, unless I put the crimps on it, manipulative of the woman in my life. I want to be the center of her world, and if I'm not, I struggle with that. Even if it's just in my imagination that I'm not. Can make me hard to live with.

    I was in a religious cult from the time I was 10 until I was into my 40s. I was really, really active in that cult. When I left, I left with a passion. That passion has never left me.

    I have a job that I really enjoy - I write, photograph and edit a weekly newspaper and freelance for magazines - but I would really love to just write about things I'm passionate about on my own - fiction and non-fiction.

    I have an IQ in the low 140's, but nothing close to a photographic memory, which pisses me off to no end. As I said to my co-workers the other day, "If I could just remember everything I've read and studied, I'd be a fucking genius!"

    I love sex. Lots of sex on a regular (daily) basis. As I told my girlfriend yesterday, "I'm usually just about one quick fuck away from a great day."

    I do not believe in a soulmate. I was married for 33 years to a terrific JW woman, and cheated on her a few times during the last few years of our marriage, and I'm just now coming to understand why. A few years ago I met a woman I could just not get out of my mind. A little over a year ago I left my wife to be with this woman. I'm now divorced and living with this woman. She's an artist, writer, poet, music lover, athlete and a dozen other things that I so admire and love. I don't believe in soul mates, but just maybe, I've found someone who is so close to that...

    I love TV and movies. I watch more than is usually considered healthy, but I often find it inspiring and educational and funny and sad.

    I don't watch many professional sports. Loved the Tour de France, watch marathons and extreme races and triatholons. I love to see the extremes of human athleticism.

    I cry easily over emotional events, including movies.

    I love to hunt and fish and hike and be in true wilderness and backcountry.

    I love music - all kinds. I find Johnny Cash as fascinating as Miles Davis or John Coltrane, Kurt Cobain or Jimi Hendrix, Eminem or Mozart, Stevie Ray Vaughn or Yo Yo Ma.

    I love to cook. I love woodworking. I worked as a carpenter for several years.

    All these interests make it hard for me to focus my mind and energy on any one single area...

    If I could change anything in my life, it would be simple - I'd be way more disciplined in my writing and in my exercising. Those two things would be the most important changes in how I've lived my life. It's not too late...

    I drive a 1996 Olds, but I'm paying for a 2003 Honda Element for my ex-wife.

    I love drinking, and am looking for that balance between the three and 10 glasses of wine!

    I had tons of friends as a Witness, and find that I have tons as an ex-JW. In fact, in the last year, my girlfriend and I have had more parties than I had in the last 10 years as a JW, and, she says, more than she's ever had in her life.

    We also love cats. Have two - Iggy (short for Enigma), and Ping. So very much a lot of fun!

    There is more, but that is more than enough for now.


  • lonelysheep

    I'm 26 (27 on thursday ), black and german, raised in the boondocks of NJ.

    I'm 5'3", thick and happy with myself for the most part.

    I love to dress classy, trendy, sexy and grungy. I vary depending on my mood, but love every look.

    I love taking care of what (or who) is mine. I'm a phenomenal woman and probably very different than anyone you've been with before.

    I've heard every racist joke imaginable and am not easily offended. Instead, I bite back with my own and don't give a fig. This goes for any jokes, btw.

    I watch football every week and it'd be cool if you would go to a game with me. I like lounging in pj's all day sometimes.

    When I'm pms'ing, I'm a complete utter bitch who must have popcorn and some form of chocolate at my disposal at all times. Oh yeah, and if you think you're allowed to touch any of it, be prepared for the rath of hormones to come your way.

    I want sex everyday and probably think about it as much as the average guy. I want good sex with someone who loves me and loves sex just as much as me. I'm a closet nympho and really don't care.

    You've got to be able to cope with a free spirit, writer, fine arts lover and a dreamer who is determined to make her dreams reality.

    I love to cuddle. And I'm old fashioned; I appreciate the manly-polite stuff for ladies.

    My music tastes are very diverse, so you've definately got to let me be me. There will be times I switch from bon jovi to sade to guns n roses to sean paul and enjoy them all, equally.

    I love new cars and stay up to date with them. Also enjoy airplanes. Don't know why the fascination has always been there, but it is what it is.

    I hate gossip.

    I used to speak pretty good Spanish, but have lost it. I want to improve in that, and become fluent in Italian as well. The other language I really want to learn, and feel is just beautiful, is Japanese.

    Must be a beach lover like myself! I love to do lay down and do nothing on the sand but listen to the ocean and enjoy soaking in the sun.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    Why is everyone starting to sound so normal? I guess I am the only weird one in the bunch.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I talked briefly about wanting to have sex with injured woman, Smiles. You arent the only strange one in the bunch ;)


  • doofdaddy

    Let's see

    I'm 49 damn it!! Need more time

    Nah not really as I love watching it float by...

    Short balding and bearded, well goateed.

    I wrestle with a mild paunch the result of a passionate relationship with all things culinary and all things fermented. My energy levels swing from sloth to dancing all night. Same with the mind. I need passion to get me motivated, whether work or love. Sex is important to me and I pine without it. I read non fiction mainly and will spend the day in the sun with Saturday's papers, drinking coffee and mildy debating with whoever I can coax onto my verandah.

    I love beautiful things and will go without rather than have second best but I love a bargain and love shopping. This applies to women as well.......

    Music gives me my one doubt about atheism.

    I live in the forest and have a deep connection with my country but also love the rythym of cities, esp niteclubs and loud dance music

    Enigma? Nah, just curious

    Oh if it matters to anyone, I drive an ' 05 Honda 'cause it's lite on the environment and it's beautiful (of course)!

  • AlmostAtheist
    Come on down tetramom. We'll crash Dave's place. I'll just stay in the car and listen to music or something while you guys visit Rex. :)

    Two atheists, a pagan, a "Dan", and a fundie. Sounds like a helluva party, I'm game!

  • Crumpet

    What a fantastic thread and the replies are so darned honest - funny, sad, touching!

    These particularly stood out for me - Dan the Man - I thought I was reading my own ad when I read yours!

    tetrapod - you have some very unusual insights into yourself and your life. I'm sorry to hear about your marriage - is it totally unsalvageable? And thats so strange about your dad disappearing? Do you think he is still alive?

    Coolhandluke - I think I have the kind of thighs you are talking about!

    GBL - I am an injured woman! Interested?

    Lola28 - I love Judge Judy too - it starts in 20 minutes for a triple bill. I love her refreshing no nonsense approach to whingers and fibbers. And Bert her security guy is just so sweet he makes me melt!

    Lonelysheep - happy 27th birthday! I hope this year is better and happier than al the preceding ones!

    Doofdaddy - you are undoubtedly one of the most interesting and well expressed peopel I have been privledged to strike email correspondence up with. I hope you are recovering well and don't feel guilty about lying around resting!

    And now onto my ad - if can be as honest ... hmm - I need to think about it a bit!

  • Crumpet

    30 years old in body, but actually a mix of a 70 year old victorian spinster (a throwback to my strict upbringing) and a vampish mischievous lolita-like teenager (but gradually thinking about trying to grow up a bit).

    I drink too much - over the government recommended limit per week since I was 16 except for two 8 month periods where I was trying to be reinstated.

    I think too much because I speak so little in day to day life - tend to overanalyse people's motives instead of taking them at face value.

    Feel absolutely gutted and embarrassed that I left the cult because I thought I wasn't good enough rather than because I knew it wasn't the truth.

    i love food - I wake up thinking about what I'm going to cook for dinner, but wish I could curb my eating and obsession with food.

    Have self harmed for about 10 years but its been several months since my last cutting transgression so I feel good about that.

    Wonder where the risk taking adventurer in me went and why I stopped wanting to do anything that stretched myself.

    Adore birds - have had an interest in nature, but ornithology in particular since I was a little girl.

    Always wanted to be a writer but have started 3 novels with great enthusiasm and then decided they were crap and abandoned them.

    Love reading and have done a short book review of every book I've ever read since I was 7 which I stil keep. Aim to read at least one book a week and usually do.

    I love long walks in cold weather in the british countryside which I love and adore.

    Hate driving but once my leg is better I have to go back to driving lessons.

    In heavy debt but got a loan to cover it two years ago and am now 3 years away from being debt free.

    Entertain regular lesbionic fantasies, but wouldn't want a long term relationship with a woman - just occassional uninhibited sex.

    Am very choosy about who my friends are - having been burnt so many times. In recent years have pursued rewarding friendships with females whereas I never had time for females until my late twenties. Now my friends are ones I have established slowly and I love helping and being there for girlfriends who have gone through painful breakups. And I don't mind when they drift off a little when they find new partners - I just see it as a job well done! Their happiness matters most.

    I used to adore children but now have a front (like someone else here said) about hating them - mainly because I don't think I'd make a good mother.

    experimented a lot with drugs when I was much younger and am grateful I never got addicted. I don;t do them now because I don't like to lose control. For the same reason although I drink more than is common I take a lot of water with it because I need to be in control. I like to lose some inhibitions but I hate acting stupid.

    Am totally self absorbed - can't you tell!

    (think i should stop there!)

  • Crumpet


    do not make me a threadkiller guys!

    This is such an excellent thread - for everyone else to read and you to write down what your life is about - your job, you loathes, your loves, your sexual preferences, your past times, your strengths and weaknesses - an experience in self realisation. be brave.

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