Chew on this one, my athe...oops, agnostic friends!

by Shining One 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    If the God of Christianity does exist, the evidence for Him must be plain.

    False assumption without grounds nor logic

    And the reason, therefore, why "everybody" does not believe in Him must be that "everybody" is blinded by sin

    Pure garbage—Christians have a tendency to try to force their Belief System {BS} on others and then blame the victim for not seeing what is not there.

    Now if you actually are God's creature, then your present attitude is very unfair to Him. In that case it is even an insult to Him. And having insulted God, His displeasure rests upon you. God and you are not on "speaking terms." And you have very good reasons for trying to prove that He does not exist. If He does exist, He will punish you for your disregard of Him. You are therefore wearing colored glasses

    Psychobabble BS – there is no problem with this god hiding himself from us and making it our fault for honestly not believing in a being that has not shown himself to exist… we have insulted him by not believing him after he went through all that trouble to make himself so unbelievable…. Just the sort of irrational con job I expect from a CONviNcED believer who has no ability to give evidence just more excuses and emotional pleas.

    You have taken the grapes of God's vineyard without paying Him any rent and you have insulted His representatives who asked you for it.

    If such a god exists he is no better than a dead beat dad who left his children in a dangerous tenement house with a bunch of sick and dangerous siblings and did nothing while they beat each other to death.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    HI Farkel,
    I hope you are doing well. Are you watering the lawn at the gravesite of old 'Booze Rutherford'?

    >Just because "Dr." Niebuhr "talks" about original sin, doesn't make it so. Just because "Philosopher" Joad "speaks" about evil being ineradicable from the human mind doesn't prove anything about the existence of God or not. If God made everything then God made evil. If God made "good" then God also made evil. Good is meaningless without its counterpart: evil. In fact, the concept of "good" could not exist without the concept of "evil" because there would be no frame of reference to define "good."
    God made the universe with the potential for evil. This is because each one of us are free moral agents. God didn't want puppets, He wanted people who are in His image and have a chance to love Him for who He is and serve Him as adopted sons and daughters.
    >Your doctors and professors and other intellectual idiots cited in that piece of trash neglect those simple and pesky facts as well as simple common sense.
    Common sense is often lacking from many scholars of different views. This is also the case with those who are not intellectual. In fact, common sense itself is often a simple minded response to those who know no better nor investigate things in depth.
    >I do believe in a Creator or Creators, by the way, but I am by no means theistic, preferring deism as it makes more sense to me. But don't ask me to prove my belief. It's not possible, any more so than it is possible to prove that fifty million invisible purple unicorns are telling me about the Tao. Only fools would attempt to prove such things and your vaunted article was written by a fool and an intellectual idiot.
    Who is attempting to prove anything? Apologetics is about defending a position with evidence, just like in any other debate. Christians regularly triumph over their counterparts in naturalism. Michael Behe is one example of a scientific apologist while C.S. Lewis was an apologist as a philosopher. You have access to a library, right? Go check out Chuck Colson's 'Born Again' and 'How Now Shall We Live', Lee Strobel's 'Case for Faith, Case for Christ and Case for a Creator'.

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