How the Grinch stole innocense

by bboyneko 2 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2

    Found this at

    [quote]My four year old Zach, loves saying the prayer at night. I would have to help him along and he would copy me. About a week ago, he was copying me but then he said he wanted to say his own words. He said, Help me to have good dreams and sorry when we are bad and sorry for watching the grinch movie.. I was very quite because I knew he had not seen that movie.I questioned him and he says he saw it on tv. All I can think of is a commercial about the movie or another show with the grinch on it. I, so called, preached so much about not watching certain things on tv or the movies. He was sorry he had seen it. Both my children ask questions like Can Jehovah see us in our house or Can he hear what you think. It made me feel good they are conscience of their dealings. Zach has said sorry for two weeks now. I am very proud of my children.
    Jody [/qoute]
    Dr. Suess is satan......

  • jayhawk1

    Poor kid, he will make some psychologist [sp?] very rich one day.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • Stephanus

    Contrast this four year old on Rodney Dangerfield's webpage
    ( ):

    Just before the lst of the year, my great niece who is 4 years old wanted to know if The Grinch was going to steal New Years. Since this gave me a laugh, I started wondering what other people's kids ask or say that might have some humor in it. So, I thought maybe you folks would like to write me and tell me about the things your kids say.

    There's one little lady whose life and imagination hadn't been stifled!

  • Shaneliza

    It makes me want to scream how that mother can be so proud of the fact that her 4 year old child has apologized for two weeks. No child should be that worried that they've done something so bad that they have to repent for it over and over. This is child abuse, plain and simple. Bruises will fade but emotional abuse you carry with you for the rest of your life. My heart hurts for that little boy. Some women should not have children.

  • outcast


    Maybe we should call child protective services?

  • Ranchette

    Right on Shaneliza!
    It's also a shame he has not had the great fun of actually getting to watch this movie, but carries the guilt as if he had.
    I liked that movie!

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