questions about resurrection

by joelbear 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    Okay, the men of Sodom won't be resurrected, but what about the women and children who were destroyed at that time? Were they found guilty because of the men?

    Will Pharaoh be resurrected. Certainly he had proof of God's existence and still ignored it?

  • GodRules

    If you die today, will you be resurrected?

  • kes152

    Dear Joelbear,

    ALL will be resurrected. Our Lord said don't marvel... why? Because ALL those in the memorial tombs WILL COME OUT. Whether good or bad, ALL will come out. Hence the resurrection is NOT something to marvel at.

    Now whether they get life or not, is dependent, not upon me, nor upon a "group of men" sitting in Brooklyn, but upon God who has mercy.

    John 5:28, 29


  • AGuest

    Amen... and amen, my dear little brother, kes (peace to you!)

    Indeed, is our Lord not recorded to have said:

    "There will be a resurrection of the righteous...

    as well as...

    "ALL those in the memorial tombs will hear his
    voice... and come OUT... those who did GOOD things
    to a resurrection of life; those who did VILE
    things, to a resurrection... of judgment."

    This will include EVERYONE who didn't take part in the 'first' resurrection... including Adam... Eve... Judas... and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. All these died 'in the flesh'... but have yet to be 'destroyed in the spirit'. Their spirits exist STILL... although imprisoned per se, in the world of the dead. Thus, my Lord is recorded to have said:

    "Do not be in fear of him that can kill the body,
    but fear Him that can destroy the body... AND THE
    SOUL (spirit)... in Gehenna."

    Thus, when the the Prophet said, "The SOUL that is sinning, it itself will die," he was NOT speaking of the FLESH that sinned. The flesh will die, regardless. It is the SOUL... the 'preserving alive of the SOUL'... that is at issue. Satan knew this and while he led Adam and Eve into selling OUR flesh to 'sin and death'... he led THEM... to sell even their souls into it.

    Anyway, peace to you all... and may JAH bless!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • GodRules

    All will be resurrected, except those that are executed by Jehovah himself. This is logical, why would he resurrect you if he judged it necessary to destroy you in the first place?

    So, yes millions and milliones will have an opportunity to serve Jehovah in a perfect environment. What a beautiful hope Jehovah has given us!

    That's why GodRules!

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    What's always puzzled me is how a person acquires points with God simply by dying in ignorance before Armageddon. JW dogma insists that all non-JWS unlucky enough to be alive at Armageddon are done forever, but if they die beforehand, they wine up in Sheol, mankind's common grave and hence are subject to a resurrection.
    Doesn't make any sense.

  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2
    ALL those in the memorial tombs WILL COME OUT.

    Man I am holing myself up in my house with 10,000 cans of Cambell's Tomato Soup and SPAM and a sawed-off shotgun with plenty of ammo in preperation for that day. Those damn zombies aren't gonna eat my brain!
    -Dan the zombie slayer

  • Pete

    Godrules wrote:

    All will be resurrected, except those that are executed by Jehovah himself. This is logical, why would he resurrect you if he judged it necessary to destroy you in the first place?

    Why is this logical? What you're saying is that people who have died -- yet practiced heinous things while living like murder and torture -- will receive a resurrection. Yet Muslims, Buddhists, Humanists, etc., who live compassionate lives at the time of Armageddon will be destroyed without the possibility of a resurrection. Where is the divine love and justice in this? Sounds like a crap shoot to me.


  • SC

    Jehovah has told us what has occurred because of Adam and Eve's eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It would be death. Genesis 3:22. So, we are all imperfect and if He had left it at that there would be no hope. Therefore we are all subjected to first death. Jesus died for us to live in Jehovah's new system where
    we will have the resurrection of all the dead ones then when Satan is back to test us a second time then we will face the second death if we side with Satan. Jehovah and Jesus have provided us with hope if we obey His laws.

  • SixofNine

    So, SC, could you share with us why you believe that story?

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