Black magic victims.

by greendawn 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    The JWs always try to frighten their members by telling them that disobedience can open them up to demonic attack and we know this is nothing but a mind game to keep them in subjection.

    However it is claimed that certain occultists are paid by resentful people to cast spells against those that they hate eg to ruin their families, businesses or make them ill or depressed.

    These occultists are people co operating with demons channelling their destructive energies through black magic against fellow humans.

    Do you know of people who believe that they were victimised in this way?

  • kid-A

    Do you know of people who believe that they were victimised in this way?

    Yes, and most of them are in Mental Hospitals on antipsychotic meds getting the help they need.

  • jstalin
    Do you know of people who believe that they were victimised in this way?

    I know a lot of people who have been victimized, not by demons or god, but by humans, calling themselves the Faithful Discreet Slave.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i "knew" of a few while a JW, but i "know" different now...

    incidentally, lately i have been trying different occult incantations at night in the basement to see if anything comes of it. you can get them all online. this is all part of my deconversion odyssey from magical thinking that also involved ouija boards and haunted house tours. when i left the truth, i was truly curious to know about this stuff.

    anyways, last night i tried some incantations to satan and some legions. north, south, east, west and pit. candles and all.

    i waited. tried again. nothing happened. i wasn't surprised. i awoke this morning as well rested as any morning.

    perhaps i will start a thread on my skeptic adventures.

    TS (of the dumb-ass atheist class)

  • Seeker4


    Yeah, I'm totally a skeptic on all of this. Christ, it's like some people are still living in Bible times, where demons and angels are everywhere! Read the gospels, and note how many people Jesus cured of "demon possession." How many cases of that does modern medicine record?!

    I found that as soon as I stopped believing in gods and demons, they just all disappeared.

    Black magic preys on people with ignorant, gullible minds.


  • Satanus


    Are you the seeker who lives in guam?


  • Sparkplug

    Greendawn- I do not know anyone that has any spells or black magic work on them, but I do have an ex-husband who fell for the whole black magic/warlock ritual stuff, hook line and sinker.

    I am thinking that if his black magic worked, I would be seriously dead or ill by now.

    It is really funny because if I get a headache or if his other ex-wife has a cold, he tries to claim it in inuendos. Silly really.

  • Hellrider

    Whether things like that works or not, depends on whether there is a spirit world, or not. Actually, when I was a kid, I saw, on two occasions, beings that weren`t of this world. LoL, I bet you all think I`m crazy now, and I`ve thought that too, that it could of course have been in my imagination. But it only happened twice, both times at night. I can tell you the whole thing: Both these incidents happened when I was around six or seven years old. I know that, because of where we lived, and things like that. What happened was, one night I woke up, and for some strange reason, something drove me to go out into the hall, between mine and my sisters room, and my parents room. And in the hall, there were some "little people", and I mean that literally, little people, they were about as high as up to my knees, and they were playing with a ball. They said simply "hi", and I said "hi", and the strange thing was that I wasn`t scared or anything, but suddenly I felt really guilty, that I felt I had to have a reason for being there. So I walked into my parents bedroom, and asked what the time was. My mother told me to go straight back to bed, and I did, and then, when I was back in my room, I got really scared, and laid there, shaking, the rest of the night. Then it happened again, another night, and this time there weren`t the little people, but a fairy-like creature, very small, like my hand, flying around in the hall. Again I got scared after I went into my room, but I wasn`t scared when I saw her. That was it, I never saw them again.

    I know this sounds absolutely nuts, but it scared me a lot, and I`ve never forgotten it, I would cringe everytime my mother started talking about demons and stuff like that (which she did constantly) - because I had actually seen something that I would later interpret as "demons". To this day, I only know a couple of things: I was NOT dreaming (my mother asked me the next day why I came to their room in the middle of the night, and she still remembered this when I asked her about it as an adult, because I had acted so weird, and I never used to be like that, and never came to their room at night). And I wasn`t sleepwalking either, I`m sure, I have never done that, never even talked in my sleep. I know I was awake, but it could still, of course, only have been in my mind. But it was so real, that I have never forgotten about it. Maybe I was messed up in the head allready back then, who knows.

  • HappyDad

    Hey TS,

    incidentally, lately i have been trying different occult incantations at night in the basement to see if anything comes of it.

    last night i tried some incantations to satan and some legions. north, south, east, west and pit. candles and all.

    The only reason nothing happened is because dem demonz already have ya! Ya left da troof, didn't ya?


  • lonelysheep

    At my most vulnerable point in life, in the couple months before I started studying, I thought I was a victim. I felt like because of my past mistakes, my west indian mother in law cast something on me. She and I were not on speaking terms. Emotionally, I was not in the right state of mind after what I'd been through.

    (I still wouldn't put it past her to try, though. )

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