FDS says "bury your toilet waste for Jehovah!"

by jstalin 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cygnus

    Jeff, yeah I think it is. AlanF has related this story, told to him by I forget who. Knorr would counsel the Bethel young men on peeing without touching "it" improperly. I'll let others speculate as to the hows, whys and wherefores.

  • Gill

    They must be toilet obssessed, the JW leaders.

    Reminds me of a congregation we used to go to. The CO came round and on Thursday night part of his talk was about leaving the toilet clean. Anyway, he said, and I still cringe at this, that his wife had noticed that when the sisters in our cong had been for a wee some of them left a dribble on the seat. Sisters must always check that they had not dribble on the seat for the sake of the next sister using the toilet.

    Anyway, a pioneer told me that she was waiting to go toilet and who should come out but the CO's wife. When the pioneer got into the cubicle, she noticed that the CO's wife had left a dribble on the seat!!!!!

    And this rubbish was actually discussed on the platform.

    Shows how nuts the bOrg can really be!

    They're all insane!!!!!!!

  • Rabbit


    FDS=Fecal Distribution System. They know their crap. They have been spreading it around for 125 years

    LMAO ! That's the best one I've heard yet. I like the way you think.

    BTW, Welcome !

    I wonder if the GB formed a 'Special Committee on Improper Sexual Stimulation' to discover just 'how' to prevention erections while handling 'it' while urinating ?

    I'd loved to have been 'a fly on the wall' listening to the pros & cons in THAT discussion. *sheesh*

    Bro. Knorr: "Well, I've had a 13.7756781% success rate since I've started using oven mitts..."

    Bro. Jacarz: "With Jah's helping hand, er, help...brothers, I have a 100% success rate ever since I asked him prayerfully for "No natural affections..."

    Can you say "C-o-n-t-r-o-l F-r-e-a-k-s . . ."


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    wow, do we have to start using a BIDET as well???? -Kid-A

    If I had one I'd use it! LOL In all seriousness though, this is just another example that shows the extent in which the WBTS controles the lives of the rank and file Dub.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    LOL stealy!

    A Christian's home should be neat and clean both inside and outside.

    i guess this only means physically and not sexually.


  • seawolf

    Knorr would counsel the Bethel young men on peeing without touching "it" improperly. I'll let others speculate as to the hows, whys and wherefores.

    wow, I wonder how many times they could shake it before it was considered masturbation?

  • Jeffro
    wow, I wonder how many times they could shake it before it was considered masturbation?

    According to in-depth scientific research (specifically, the lyrics from "The Anthem" by Good Charlotte): "Shake it three times, you're playing with yourself again"

  • carla

    Kind of reminds of the Awake (?) that taught people the correct way to brush their teeth!!! I wish they would address keeping the toilet seat down! I don't know what the heck is going on in this house of all females but him, recently he started leaving it up! This is new, after knowing someone close to 25 yrs! Kids want to know what's the deal all of a sudden. Haven't seen any jw male head of house keep the toilet seat up crap, couldn't be that?!

  • Jeffro
    I wish they would address keeping the toilet seat down!

    If only the hardest thing in life was having to put the toilet seat down...

    If someone's neglected to put it down, just put it down yourself. It's really not that hard... it's basically a hinge and really quite simple, and certainly not worth the incredible amount of whinging devoted to it.

    Sometimes guys have to put the toilet seat down too, but you don't hear them complaining endlessly about it.

  • carla

    very funny jeffro! I don't even use that bathroom. And if guys could learn how to aim there would be no squeemishness on the part of females and young girls.

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