Assembly, the aftermath

by Sam the Man 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    A few of you may remember my post concerning the Assembly day, and how I wanted to get out of it in some way. This post catalogues the events after that day – a day which has changed my life.

    I managed to get out of going to the Assembly, using an excuse about my stomach, and the complications which follow. This is a good excuse for me, since my wife knows, along with many in the congregation, that I have a history of stomach pains which have all sprung from my ulcer. My wife, sensing my total lack of enthusiasm for the assembly, took it upon herself to ‘have a word with an elder’ about my spirituality. This is the kind of cult that we are dealing with guys – it’s like something from 1984. A generation of snitchers which are more than prepared to snitch on even their closest family members. Anybody who has seen the film ‘Equalibrium’ will know what I am talking about when you remember the bit where the man’s own child uses mind control against him, and does what big brother tells him to do, rather than looking out for his own father. It’s the same thing as 1984.

    Anyhow this elder called and arranged a meeting with me around my place. I could not get out of it – part of me wanted to attend anyway. It was no kind of judicial meeting, just a ‘friendly chat’.

    Two elders visited. Apparently, my wife told them she was ‘very worried’, although that couldn’t be further from the truth. We have drifted apart so much over such a little time, she no longer cares. The kids are the only thing which keep us together. So anyhow, the elders asked how I viewed things ‘in the truth’ since the feedback they have been getting recently was that of resentment. They brought up the time I challenged the WT study conductor on a Sunday morning full house meeting (CO was visiting = full house). I put up my hand and asked how the WT magazine could write that the Bible is unique and the ‘oldest book in the world’ when any educated person could argue quite clearly against such a claim. I was looked at by everybody as though I come from outer space – not the usual looks that I got when I had just completed Bethel ‘service’ (as a side note to those who PM’d me, sorry I still haven’t got back to you but time is of the essence)

    So these two elders quizzed me to the point of no return. They kept bringing up how wonderful Jehovah is, and how he will protect those wanting protection, etc. I asked where was such protection on 9/11? Where is such protection for the Kids of Beslan, earthquake victims, Tsunami victims, normal everyday people who get killed…. The answers were simple according to them – these people don’t put ‘Jehovah first’. I said that Jehovah’s Witnesses die, and they put ‘Jehovah first’. Then these elders tried forcing me into co-operation. ‘Brother, you are on thin ice, the things you are saying is reminiscent of apostate speech, and not that of a former Bethelite, or good brother’. I got fed up of their shit. Months, if not years, of emotional pain boiled to melting point. I stood up (by this time the two elders were ready to leave) and told them to get out and never come back, since ‘I am taking the kids from your evil hands to re-educate them away from this bullshit’. At this point my wife came in and told me never, and she quickly huddled into the elders and left.

    Since then, I have received no word from anybody. No calls, nothing. I am holding the fort. I expect to be disfellowshipped shortly. Thanks for reading if you have got this far.

  • carla

    How are the kids and what will happen to them? Can't you use the 'I'm head of the house' routine? I'm sorry you are going through this. all the best, carla

  • juni

    Hi Sam,

    Anytime you speak what's on your mind instead of just shutting up and going along w/the flow it rocks the boat. I feel sorry for your children. Are they young? They must be considering your age. Your wife "huddled w/the elders"? Shouldn't she be working this out w/you and talking w/you and then respecting your decision for yourself? Of course, children are involved which makes it hard to keep harmony in the family. This religion tears families up. Divorce does too - including financially - and if your wife is one to be vindictive she'll do everything to keep the kids away from you.

    I guess what I'm saying is that you're caught between the Devil and deep, blue sea. Think hard about how you want to handle this considering your wife's personality. Probably your stomach problems are related to the struggle religiously and what it is and will be doing to your family.

    Most sincerely, Juni

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Ya know you almost have to go through it to believe how bad it can be.

    Sorry you had to go through it though

  • Satanus

    Cool, you standing up to them like that. It might be good to check around for a lawyer. Also, familiarise yourself w the wt child custody cases booklet, just in case, you know.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Damn, Sam. I'm sorry that went so badly. Sounds like they are on a witch-hunt, doesn't it?

    two elders = two witnesses, so anything you said would not be deniable later. Nice trick, they always do that. Sweethearts, these "shepherds".

    Do you WANT to let it escalate like this? Or would you rather let it die down? You could always tell them you were on some medication for your stomach problems, you weren't right in the head, you're very sorry for speaking as you did, etc. This could blow over. Meanwhile, a calm, frank discussion (you will probably be the only calm one) with your wife explaining that your relationship with God is your business alone, and for the good of your family, maybe she wants to let things alone? If she would agree to let you just become "inactive" and not tattle to the elders, maybe she could manage to not have a DF'd hubby.

    I know it sucks to kiss up to a bunch of deluded jerks, but if you remember YOU are actually playing them for fools by doing it, it might make it easier. (Gina and I did that and it was actually sort of fun)

    Good luck!


  • jgnat

    Yes, you will be able to divorce the Watchtower Bible and Tract society very soon. I am worried, though, Sam, that your wife is not on board. You are going to have to work out some kind of reasonable arrangement with her, as you will be working with her in the raising of your children. Right now you have grown fangs and teeth, and she is convinced you are from Satan. See if you can have a meeting of minds at least, reminding her of good memories past, how she KNOWS what kind of person you are, and so forth. Get her, at any cost, to start seeing you as a vulnerable human being again.

    Also, you have rights. She has to have no secrets with you, and you reciprocate as well. She has to tell you EVERYTHING she is advised by the elders. And now that the cat is out of the bag, let her know of your "apostate" activities as well. It's the covert stuff that really damages families, and you certainly don't want covert conversions happening with your children. Get the whole mess out of the closet and deal with it, if you can.

    I put up my hand and asked how the WT magazine could write that the Bible is unique and the ‘oldest book in the world’ when any educated person could argue quite clearly against such a claim.

    Now that was honest, and true. How is that subversive or divisive? Oops, what am I saying? Shining One/Rex says the same about me....

    They kept bringing up how wonderful Jehovah is...protecting...

    They backed themselves in to a logical corner. Even in the WT literature it is clear that Witnesses are not protected from "unforseen circumstance". Funny they couldn't admit their error in front of you.

    Then these elders tried forcing me into co-operation. ‘Brother, you are on thin ice, the things you are saying is reminiscent of apostate speech, and not that of a former Bethelite, or good brother’.

    Yeah, I've recently been witness to the strong-arm tactics of the Elders. Problem is, once they bring out the big guns, they will never again win the hearts of the people. They might get outward obedience, but their hearts are far away.... I say, keep up the bullying, Elders. You will manage to keep your stats up for a year or two. But the final consequence is steadily declining meeting attendance as disheartened members slip out the back door. Make sure you have some good excuses ready when the CO comes calling.

    I'd stop worrying about the guys at the Kingdom Hall at this point. Concentrate on the wife.

  • juni

    Sam, as Satanus said familiarize yourself w/child custody. And alimony and all of the rest. You'll be "paying a price" no matter either way. Not easy in a divided family religiously. juni

  • garybuss

    Too bad there are children involved. Sorry! I hope it all ends well.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Yeah, this is a raw deal. As Dave mentioned you could try to temporarily smooth things over for a while if you think there's any chance of working things out with your old lady. I would hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I wish you luck and hope that you can salvage your relationship with your wife and kids.

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