latest e-mail from JWs doing the rounds

by stillajwexelder 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    5 years ago I would have lapped vomit like this up with a big grin on my face as I was thinking, "Isn't it wuuuunderful that Joe Hoba knows just what we need when we need it."

  • freedom96

    I think it is interesting how they admit that there are not many conversions lately. That being the case, the WTS wants to hang onto what they already have.

  • AuldSoul

    Jehovah's Witnesses can't meditate deeply. It gives them headaches. What they call meditating deeply involves mentally reinforcing the correctness of the propaganda they've been given, even if it directly contradicts the propaganda they were given last year. "Current Truthâ„¢" (a logical impossibility) is always correct even if they can't figure out how.

    The important thing is, never leave the ark. Correct me if I'm wrong: Jesus is supposed to be the means of salvation, right? So, when he says "just as in the days of Noah...," isn't HE the ark?


  • stillajwexelder

    Stilla, you're not letting this get to you, are you? Please say no.

    No - have no fear - I posted for the boards information only

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